The menu Data Preparation ‣ Split NetCDF files into CDT NetCDF format   allows to a multidimensional netCDF dataset to a netCDF data format readable by CDT.

  1. Select the number of netCDF files to split. Valid options: One NetCDF file or Multiple NetCDF files.

  2. Click the button   OPEN   to open the netCDF file (for One NetCDF file) or a sample from the netCDF files (for Multiple NetCDF files). It will open a dialog box allowing you to select the variable to be extracted and specify the dimensions.

  1. In the case of Multiple NetCDF files, change the filename format to conform with the netCDF files name. Replace the string linking all netCDF files by %S. For example, if you have a NetCDF files as follows

The format of the filename must be

  1. Type the full path to the folder to save the converted NetCDF files or browse it.

Click on the button to split the data.

The converted NetCDF data are saved in a new folder named CDT_NetCDF_Format under the folder you provided to save the output in (4).