Conversion to CPT data format

If you want to convert CDT station data format or a NetCDF dataset into CPT station or gridded data format, use Data Preparation ‣ Data Format Conversion ‣ Conversion to CPT data format  , it will display a dialog box.

  1. Select the input data format to convert. Available data formats are: CDT stations data format, NetCDF gridded data.

  2. If the input data is a CDT station data format, select from the drop-down list the file containing the station data to be converted if it is already loaded, or open it from the browse button on the right. In case of NetCDF gridded data, type the full path to the folder containing the NetCDF files or browse it from the button on the right. Then click on the button   Settings  . A dialog box will be displayed in which you can provide a sample file and change the filename format of the NetCDF file.

  • (a) Provide a NetCDF sample file.
  • (b) Change the filename format to conform with the NetCDF files name. You have to replace the year, month, dekad, pentad or day in the NetCDF file name as follow
    • Year: %Y
    • Month: %M
    • Dekad: %T
    • Pentad: %P
    • Day: %D

If you have a NetCDF dataset with the file name, the format should be like this
If the file name is, the format should be like this

  1. Specify the CPT tags.
    • Field Name: the CPT tag cpt:field representing the abbreviated name of the field variable.
    • Field Units: the CPT tag cpt:units for the units in which the data are stored.
    • Missing Value: the CPT tag cpt:missing for the missing value code.
  2. Type the name of the file to save the converted data or the full path to the file. You can also click on on the right, it opens a file dialog where you can select and/or type the name, the path and the file extension.

Click on the button to start the conversion.

Converting NetCDF/GeoTIFF/ESRI .hdr Labelled

The menu Data Preparation ‣ Data Format Conversion ‣ Converting NetCDF/GeoTIFF/ESRI .hdr Labelledt   allows to convert NetCDF, GeoTIFF, ESRI .hdr Labelled (.bil and .hdr) files to other format.

  1. Select the format of the data to convert and the format in which the data will be converted.
  2. Type the full path to the folder containing the files to convert or browse it from the button on the right.
  3. Type the full path to the folder to save the converted files or browse it using the button .
  4. If the output files are in NetCDF format, all these fields will be activated allow you to define the NetCDF variable. Take a look at the function ncvar_def of the R package ncdf4 for more details.

Click on the button to start the conversion.

Create GrADS Descriptor File from CDT NetCDF files

As CDT can only handle a NetCDF data with a separate file for each time step, you need to create a Data Descriptor File to be able to display CDT output NetCDF in GrADS. You can use the menu Data Preparation ‣ Data Format Conversion ‣ Create GrADS Descriptor File from CDT NetCDF files   to create the data descriptor file.

  1. Select the time step of the NetCDF data.
  2. Set the date range you want to include to the data descriptor file. See Setting date range for more details.
  3. Type the full path to the folder containing the NetCDF files or browse it from the button on the right. Then click on the button   Settings  . A dialog box will be displayed in which you can provide a sample file and change the filename format of the NetCDF file.

  • (a) Provide a NetCDF sample file.
  • (b) Change the filename format to conform with the NetCDF files name. You have to replace the year, month or day in the NetCDF file name as follow
    • Year: %Y
    • Month: %M
    • Day: %D

If you have a NetCDF dataset with the file name, the format should be like this
If the file name is, the format should be like this

  1. Type the name of the file to save the data descriptor file or the full path to the file. You can also click on on the right, it opens a file dialog where you can select and/or type the name, the path and the file extension.

Click on the button to create the data descriptor file.