To check the outliers for rainfall data, use the menu Quality Control ‣ Outliers Check for rainfall data  . It will display a tabbed widget on the left panel, allows to enter the inputs data and parameters.

The tab   Data     allows to enter the inputs data and set the parameters for the QC.

  1. Select the time step of the station data to be checked.
  2. Select from the drop-down list the file containing the station data to be checked if it is already loaded, or open it from the browse button on the right.
  3. Click on this button to set the parameters to perform the outliers check.

If the elevation data come from DEM (Digital Elevation Model), Select   Elevation from DEM    , you have to provide the DEM file in NetCDF format, select it from the drop-down list if it is already loaded or open it from the browse button . If the elevation data come from the station data select   Elevation from station data    .
- (d) Specify the minimum number of neighbor stations to be used to perform the spatial check.
- (e) Specify the maximum number of neighbor stations to be used to perform the spatial check.
- (f) Specify the radius of search (in kilometers) to select the neighbor stations.
- (g) If using elevation data to select the neighbor stations, specify the maximum altitude difference (in meter) to be used to select the neighbor stations. For example, 800 m means the stations located 400 m above and below the target station will be selected.

  1. Type the full path to the folder to save the results of the outliers check, or use the browse button .
  2. Click the button   Check Outliers   to run the quality control.

This creates a folder named RR.OUTLIERS.CHECK_data under the folder you provided (4) to save the results of the outliers check. Inside this folder 2 directories and 1 file are created:
- CDTDATASET: directory containing all the required files used by CDT
- CDTSTATIONS: directory containing the checked data, when you did a correction on the suspicious values. The name of the file containing the corrected data is the same as the name of the file from the input (2).
- OutliersCheck.rds: an index file, you will need to reload the outputs of QC if you want to view the results or to continue the correction of suspicious values later.

The tab   QC Outputs     allows to view the results of the QC.

  1. If you already performed an outliers check, you do not need to run it again, you can check this box, the input field below will be activated and you can provide the full path to OutliersCheck.rds under the folder RR.OUTLIERS.CHECK_data by browsing it through the button on the right.
  2. The stations with suspicious values are listed here. You can select a station and click on the button       View & Edit Result       to view and edit the result of the QC for this station. You can use the buttons   <<   or   >>   to switch to the previous or next station. It will open a table on the right panel showing the output of the QC for the selected station.

After editing this table, you have to save the changes you made. You can go to the menu File ‣ Save table   or click on the button in the toolbar to save the table. If the table is saved correctly, you should see an output message “Table saved successfully”.

  1. Select here the month to display a chart of the time series for this month and the suspicious values detected from the temporal check. If you select the month from the drop-down list, click on the button   PLOT   to display the chart. You can use the buttons   <<   and   >>   to switch to the previous or next month.

  1. Select here the date corresponding to a suspicious value to plot it on a map for this date. If you select the date from the drop-down list, click on the button   PLOT   to display the map. You can use the buttons   <<   and   >>   to switch to the previous or next date.

  1. After saving the changes you made on the table, click on the button       Replace Outliers       for the changes to take effect.

To replace all the values flagged as suspicious for all stations by missing values, use the following command to the R console:

indexQC <- "/<path_to>/RR.OUTLIERS.CHECK_data/OutliersCheck.rds"
CDT:::QC.RR_replaceAll(indexQC, action = "all")

Change <path_to> with exact path. The corrected data are located under the folder RR.OUTLIERS.CHECK_data/CDTSTATIONS.

The tab   MixedTemp     allows to verify if a temperature values are found inside the rainfall data for some stations.

  1. The stations with suspected temperature values inside the rainfall data are listed here. You can select a station from the drop-down list, or use the buttons   <<   or   >>   to switch to the previous or next station.
  2. Click this button to display a table showing the period when the temperature data are found inside the rainfall.
  3. Click this button to display the time series of the selected station from (1).

The tab   Zoom     allows to zoom the displayed map.

  1. Enter here the bounding box of the area to be displayed on the map.
  2. After setting the bounding box (1), click this button for the change to take effect.
  3. Reset the zoom.
  4. Zoom in
  5. Zoom out
  6. Draw a rectangle on the map to zoom in an area.
  7. Move the displayed map.

Right click on the map to deactivate the active zoom.

The tab   Add Layers     allows to superpose other layers.

  1. Check the box and select the shapefile from the drop-down list or open it from to add boundaries to the active map.
  2. Check the box and select the NetCDF file containing the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) from the drop-down list or open it from to add elevation data as background to the active map.
  3. Check the box and enter or browse the full path to the NetCDF data (from satellite or radar) to display. Do not forget to provide a sample file and change the filename format by clicking on the button   Settings   (see Setting NetCDF data for more details).
  4. Select the type of the map. You can choose between a pixel-based image or a contour map.