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2018 June Quick Look

In mid-June 2018, the east-central tropical Pacific waters reflected ENSO-neutral conditions, as did all key atmospheric variables. The subsurface water temperature continued to be above-average, and this strengthened further during May. The official CPC/IRI outlook calls for neutral conditions through northern summer season, with a 50% chance of El Niño development during fall, rising to 65% during winter 2018-19. An El Niño watch has been issued. The latest forecasts of statistical and dynamical models collectively favor weak El Niño development during late summer, growing to possibly moderate strength during fall and winter; forecasters are largely buying into this scenario as the spring barrier is now mostly passed.

­”We need climate information.” – Bangladesh’s agriculture community drives creation of new climate services

A series of three recent training workshops has improved the forecasting capabilities of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD), while also helping to deepen the relationship between BMD and Bangladesh’s Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE). The activities pave the way for new climate information products developed especially for DAE’s needs, and ultimately to help the farmers […]

Ethiopia Establishes National Framework for Climate Services

Ethiopia’s economy and the well-being of its people varies, in part, with the climate. Natural climate variability and long-term climate trends both contribute to fluctuations in weather that affect operations in water resources, agriculture, energy, health and more. Periodic droughts continue to cause hunger. Rising temperatures are exposing more people to malaria. But our ability […]

May Climate Briefing: ENSO Neutral, but Other Climate Impacts in Forecast

Read our ENSO Essentials & Impacts pages for more about El Niño and La Niña. Tony Barnston provides an overview of the briefing: What’s New Sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the equatorial Pacific Ocean have continued to warm since last month’s briefing. Weekly SST anomalies in the area of the Pacific that helps define El Niño and La Niña events, called […]

2018 May Quick Look

In mid-May 2018, the east-central tropical Pacific waters reflected ENSO-neutral conditions. Most key atmospheric variables also indicated neutral conditions, although the upper level wind anomalies show remnants of La Niña. The subsurface water temperature continued to be above-average. The official CPC/IRI outlook calls for neutral conditions through the September-Novemeber season, with a nearly 50% chance of El Niño development by year’s end. The latest forecasts of statistical and dynamical models collectively favor weak El Niño development by year’s end, but forecasters hedge on this due to low confidence at this time of year.

April Climate Briefing: La Niña Transitions Out, Neutral Next

Read our ENSO Essentials & Impacts pages for more about El Niño and La Niña. Tony Barnston provides an overview of the briefing What’s New Sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the equatorial Pacific Ocean have continued to warm since last month’s briefing, crossing from La Niña to neutral territory over the last few weeks. Weekly SST anomalies in the area of […]

Simon Mason Wins WMO Award for Outstanding Service

The World Meteorological Organization’s Commission on Climatology (CCL) honored Simon Mason, IRI’s chief climate scientist, with its 2018 Award for Outstanding Service. The award was presented in Geneva on April 10 by Thomas C. Peterson, the outgoing President of CCL. In a letter, Elena Manaenkova, the Deputy Secretary-General of WMO, wrote the award was, “in […]

2018 April Quick Look

In mid-April 2018, the east-central tropical Pacific waters were at warm-neutral to borderline La Niña levels, while many key atmospheric variables continued to indicate weak La Niña. Importantly, the east Pacific subsurface water temperature has become moderately above average. The official CPC/IRI outlook calls for a transition from La Niña to neutral conditions during the March-May season, with a further warming tendency later in the year. The latest forecasts of statistical and dynamical models support this scenario.


The IRAP Caribbean team conducted 6 training events for ~9 communities. There were a total of 195 participants. Five groups provided key contribution to both context and logistics: IRAP, IICA, CIB, UWI, and MSJ.  The objectives of these workshops were: (1) develop an understanding of the available climate information tools and (2) co-develop an understanding of the connection between […]

Partnership for a Resilient and Secure Food System in Vietnam

This is an an abbreviated version of a piece originally posted on the website of a partner organization, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Read the full piece here. With a coastline spanning 3,260 kilometers, Vietnam is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise, […]