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Results for 'forecasts'

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2020 November Quick Look

In mid-November, SSTs in the east-central Pacific are roughly 1 degree C below average, and all key atmospheric variables are consistent with La Niña conditions. A large majority of the model forecasts exceeds the threshold of La Niña SST conditions through the winter, dissipating during spring. The new official CPC/IRI outlook issued earlier this month is similar to these model forecasts, calling for a 95% chance of La Niña for winter. A La Niña advisory is in effect.

ENACTS Climate Services Initiative Ripples Across East Africa with WISER Support

Somalia, South Sudan and a number of other East African countries are now developing their own powerful climate analysis and visualization tools for decision making, using the Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) approach. These efforts were made possible through a partnership with the Kenya-based IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Center (ICPAC) and with funding from […]

October Climate Briefing: La Niña Comes Knocking

Read our ENSO Essentials & Impacts pages for more about El Niño and La Niña. In mid-October, the tropical Pacific sea-surface temperatures were well below average and into the moderate strength La Niña range. All atmospheric parameters also indicated La Niña conditions. A new set of model runs predicts moderate or possibly strong La Niña conditions through 2020 and most […]

2020 October Quick Look

In mid-October, SSTs in the east-central Pacific are roughly 1 degree C below average, and all key atmospheric variables are consistent with La Niña conditions. A large majority of the model forecasts exceeds the threshold of La Niña SST conditions through the winter, dissipating during spring. The new official CPC/IRI outlook is similar to these model forecasts, calling for a 85% chance of La Niña for winter. A La Niña advisory is in effect.

New data and tools bring a deeper understanding of El Niño

Updated maps document expected impacts of ENSO conditions for decision makers across the globe. In 2001, the International Research Institute for Climate and Society’s Simon Mason and Lisa Goddard published an important analysis of how El Niño and La Niña events historically have influenced rainfall around the world. Out of that analysis they produced a […]

Student Spotlight: Finding ways for climate services to improve nutrition in Vietnam

By Joseph Conway During the summer of 2019, Pranav Singh, a graduate student at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, interned in Hanoi, Vietnam for the Adapting Agriculture to Climate Today, for Tomorrow (ACToday) Columbia World Project. Singh’s work focused on understanding where climate services–weather forecasts, early-warning systems, climate predictions and other resources–could […]

September Climate Briefing: La Niña Eminent

Read our ENSO Essentials & Impacts pages for more about El Niño and La Niña. In mid-September, the tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures were below average and into the weak/moderate La Niña range. Most atmospheric indicators also suggested La Niña conditions. A new set of model runs predicts likely weak or moderate La Nina through fall and most of winter, […]

2020 September Quick Look

In mid-September, SSTs in the east-central Pacific are below average, and most of the atmospheric variables are consistent with La Niña conditions. The majority of the model forecasts exceeds the threshold of La Niña SST conditions for fall and winter and implies about an 80% chance for La Niña for fall, 70% for winter. The official CPC/IRI outlook is similar to these model forecasts, calling for a 75% chance of La Niña for fall and winter. A La Niña advisory is posted.