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AICCRA Ethiopia launches agricultural drought monitoring and warning platform

This post originally appeared on the AICCRA / CGIAR blog. In the presence of key stakeholders from federal, regional, public, and private sector institutions, Ethiopia launches a milestone NextGen Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Warning System. “Drought is known to Ethiopians from time immemorial,” declared Minister of Agriculture Oumer Hussien, recalling dramatic images from Ethiopia’s 1972 […]

April 2022 Quick Look

In mid-April, Sea Surface Temperatures remain below-average (strengthening slightly) in the central-eastern equatorial Pacific. The evolution of key oceanic and atmospheric variables is consistent with continued La Niña conditions, and therefore, a La Niña Advisory remained in place for April 2022. A large majority of the models in the plume predict SSTs to remain below-normal at the level of a weak La Niña until May-Jul 2022.
Similar to the most-recent official CPC/IRI ENSO Outlook issued on April 14, 2022, this objective model-based ENSO outlook also forecasts a continuation of the La Niña event with high probability (61% chance) during May-Jul. However, there is some disagreement between the two forecast methods thereafter. The objective mid-April model-based forecast gives near equal odds to the La Niña and ENSO-neutral categories in boreal summer, with La Niña is favored in Sep-Nov, and Oct-Dec 2022 (54% chance), while the early-April subjective consensus indicates a continuation of La Niña with a 50-55% chance throughout both summer and fall.

Crowdsourcing to Build Better Insurance

In order to offer protective insurance to even greater numbers of smallholder farmers, in 2021 ACToday began testing mobile crowdsourcing apps that tap into the experiences and memories of farmers themselves.

Empowering National Meteorological Services

An important part of ACToday’s goal of increasing food security has been to help develop new climate services that lead to better agricultural decision making. National frameworks for climate services serve this strategy in two important ways – by getting national meteorological services the recognition and support they need from national budgets and international donors, and by placing climate services at the center of adaptation efforts.

The Climate-Nutrition Connection in Food Security

In 2021, ACToday’s Senegal team formalized a partnership with the Human Food and Nutrition Research Laboratory at Cheikh Anta Diop University – Senegal’s most prestigious higher education institution and home to the country’s largest graduate training programs. The partnership aims to address one of the most under-researched topics in development – the links between climate and nutrition.

Lisa Goddard: Led Global Efforts to Advance Near-Term Climate Forecasting

Decades of Projects Aimed at Aiding Developing-World Agriculture, Public Health, Energy, Emergency Planning Story by Kevin Krajick for the State of the Planet blog. Over the course of more than 25 years, atmospheric and ocean scientist Lisa Goddard was at the forefront of developing methods to forecast regional climate trends from several weeks to several […]

Forecast Licensing

Free To Use All IRI forecasts are free to use without a license, and can be visually analyzed using our free Data Library. All images derived from these should be cited as described in our citations section below. Operational Forecast Data Information Seasonal forecast data older than 6 months (delayed) can be downloaded for free. […]

S2S Water Workshop 2022

Virtual Workshop on Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Climate Forecasting for Water Management in the Western U.S. Date March 15-17, 2022 Venue Virtual (Zoom), three 3-hour online sessions, 2:00-5:10pm EDT (18:00-21:10 UTC) Agenda Link to Agenda Target Audience Cimate researchers and forecasters, hydrologists, water managers Organizing Committee A.W. Robertson and B. Singh/IRI, X. Zeng/U.Az, M. DeFlorio/CW3E/Scripps, D.Waliser/JPL, A. Lam-Wright/IRI […]

IRI at COP26 – Mélody Braun on Why COP Matters

The United Nations’ twenty-sixth Conference of the Parties, or COP26, is taking place in Glasgow, Scotland from October 30 to November 12. The COP is the largest and most important international meeting on climate change. The countries involved come together to make a number of crucial decisions to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions in order to […]