Videos: Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum

This May, climatologists, meteorologists, social scientists, and decision-makers from sectors including water resources, agriculture, and health gathered in Kingston, Jamaica for the Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (CariCOF). CariCOF is one of many such forums that are held around the world to produce and disseminate consensus-based regional seasonal climate forecasts. Many of the CariCOF attendees also participated in a two-day workshop in the same week for the International Research Applications Program (IRAP).

Below are a few of our interviews with organizers and participants from CariCOF and IRAP. Find the complete set of interviews in an album on our Vimeo page.

Simon Mason discusses new strategies to make COFs more effective

Elizabeth Johnson provides perspective on forecast use in agriculture

Jim Buizer describes the activities of the IRAP workshop


The CariCOF and IRAP workshop were co-sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Program Office and the World Meteorological Organization.