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Results for 'forecasts'

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ICPAC forecast verification workshop; verification analysis performed on 11 years of GHACOF forecasts using meteorological station data from participating countries, with 20 participants from ICPAC, Nairobi University, and the met services of Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda; S. Mason, organizing committee member and lecturer,


9th International Regional Spectral Modeling (RSM) ;included training on the latest RSM version and on seasonal forecasting using RSM, and promote interaction among its users; Liqiang led training courses on seasonal forecasting, which included a demonstration of the use of downscaled forecasts over Northeast Brazil


IRI-WMO Workshop on Tailoring of Seasonal Forecasts: Training Experts in the Climate Predictability Tool; S. Mason, organizing committee member and lecturer


Taller Sobre Productos de Pronosticos a Largo Plazo para CRC-SAS (Workshop on long-term forecasts for CRC -SAS)


Fire Early Warning and Response in Central Kalimantan: Workshop on early warning tool and approaches to incentive systems; organized by IRI and IPB in partnership with CARE Indonesia as part of IRI’s contributions to the Central Kalimantan Peatlands Project, to help relevant stakeholders to use the fire early warning tool developed by IRI, approaches to […]


Climate Risk Management Strategies for the Angat Reservoir: Stakeholder Workshop (IRI in collaboration with the Institute for Strategic Planning and Policy Studies (ISPPS) at the University of the Philippines, Los Baños); participants included all project stakeholders from PAGASA (Philippine met service); National Water Resources Board (NWRB); National Irrigation Administration (NIA) – Bulacan province and national […]

March Climate Briefing: El Niño Impacts Still Likely

Read our ENSO Essentials & Impacts pages for more about El Niño. Tony Barnston provides an overview of the briefing Due to sustained above-average sea surface temperatures in the Nino3.4 region of the central equatorial Pacific Ocean (see first image in gallery), the ongoing El Niño event continues to remain in the strong category.  While the event is expected to quickly […]

February Climate Briefing: Unique El Niño Slowly Weakening

Read our ENSO Essentials & Impacts pages for more about El Niño. The peak of the ongoing El Niño occurred in November 2015, but the event remains in “strong” category, and is likely to stay at moderate strength through April. The El Niño signal is still tipping the odds for certain climate impacts in some regions for the next several months (see seasonal […]

January Climate Briefing: Strong El Niño Will Persist

Read our ENSO Essentials & Impacts pages for more about El Niño. Tony Barnston provides an overview of the briefing El Niño’s peak in tropical Pacific sea surface temperature came in late 2015, but the event is expected to stay strong, with climate impacts likely for the first few months of 2016. Recent wind patterns could lead to more Kelvin […]

IRI@AMS 2016: Schedule of Events

From crowd-sourcing tornado data to teaching Harlem high-school students about climate change and climate justice, IRI scientists will be sharing a number of fascinating projects at the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) next week in New Orleans.  Below is a schedule of their presentations and posters. Presenting authors appear in bold. Crowd-Sourcing the Storm: A New […]