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Results for 'forecasts'

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June Climate Briefing: Neutral, For Now

Read our ENSO Essentials & Impacts pages for more about El Niño. Tony Barnston provides an overview of the briefing The El Niño event that began in spring 2015 has come to an end. Sea-surface temperatures in the equatorial region of the Pacific Ocean that define El Niño and La Niña events, called the Nino3.4 region, have been in the neutral category […]

Forecasting Climate, with Help from the Baobab Tree

In El Niño retrospective, lessons from Senegal In a three-part series for the International Research Institute for Climate and Society, graduate student Catherine Pomposi relates her experience in Senegal during the 2015 El Niño. She explains the 2015 El Niño forecast and its climate impacts in Senegal, as well as current efforts to better understand climate in […]

Climate Predictability Tool Trainings

Seasonal Forecast Training with the Climate Predictability Tool Course Description  This training builds on IRI’s 15+ years experience in seasonal climate prediction and capacity building in best practices to train seasonal forecasters in provision of high quality, seasonal forecast information tailored to various climate-sensitive sectors, such as public health, agriculture, and disasters. Specifically we offer […]

What are General Circulation Models: Q&A on Climate Models

Author: Andrew Robertson In this presentation Andrew Robertson explains general circulation models and how they are used to make climate forecasts and climate projections. Erica Allis will summarize the GCM webinar and present a case study in which decision makers use GCM outputs to enhance the effectiveness of their development resources. This webinar series on […]

Climate Concepts for Development

The IRI and the US Agency for International Development’s Global Climate Change Office have jointly launched a webinar series on climate resilient development. The webinar topics address some of the IRI’s and USAID’s most frequently encountered questions from development professionals. In each of the following webinars, the scientists introduce themselves, the concepts behind their work, and demonstrate how climate […]

Poster Abstracts

Vector–virus-microclimate surveillance and research platform for dengue control in Machala, Ecuador. Mercy J. Borbor-Cordovaa, Efraín Beltrán Ayalab,c, Washington B. Cardenasa, Timothy Endyd, Julia L. Finkelsteine, Christine A. Kingd, Renato Leoni,  Ángel G. Muñozf, Raúl Mejíag, Mark E. Polhemusd, G. Cristina Recalde-Coronela, Sadie J. Ryand,h, Anna M. Stewart-Ibarrad a Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Guayaquil, […]


Adugna Woyessa Dr. Adugna Woyessa is currently working for Ethiopian Public Health Institute, which is the research arm of the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia, as Research Director of diseases and epidemiologist. Dr. Adugna focuses on malaria epidemiology with an emphasis on climate. His postgraduate study addressed on ways to fill the knowledge gap between malaria in the […]

May Climate Briefing: Signs Point to La Niña

Read our ENSO Essentials & Impacts pages for more about El Niño. Tony Barnston provides an overview of the briefing The El Niño event declared over a year ago is in its last weeks, with odds for at least a weak La Niña to develop by late summer are pegged at more than 50%. Sea-surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean are […]

Heightened Fire Activity Predicted for Amazon in 2016

The IRI has developed a forecast maproom that characterizes the expected fire activity in the Amazon based on climate conditions for the upcoming dry season. Kátia Fernandes, along with Walter Baethgen and Lisa Goddard, have been researching how the Amazon fires are influenced by large-scale ocean phenomena and how sea surface temperature (SST) forecasts can […]


The Value of Seasonal Forecasts in the Caribbean (Presentation)