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Results for 'forecasts'

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Ines, Amor V.M.

Adjunct Research Scientist
Agricultural Modeling, Remote Sensing and Agriculture

Mason, Simon

Senior Research Scientist
Climate, Disasters, International Outreach

Managing Water in a Dry Land

The Elqui River basin in Chile’s Coquimbo region is one of the driest places on Earth. It receives only about 100 millimeters (4 inches) of rain each year, and most of it during one short rainy season. The rainfall isalso highly variable. In some years, the region will get close to zero rainfall, while in […]


Reliable climate information can help countries plan for adverse and beneficial climate events, allocate resources, adapt to climate change and achieve development goals. Advances in climate science, including forecasting on seasonal and sub-seasonal timescales, real-time climate monitoring, creation of decadal-scale and climate change information, and tailoring of climate information to specific user needs, are creating […]

Data Library

A Global Public Good to Eliminate Data Poverty The IRI Data Library is a vital global public good that serves as a springboard for users worldwide to incorporate science-based approaches for climate conscious planning and decision making. The Data Library serves as a point of access and means of understanding vital climate and social science […]


Extreme weather and climate are involved in two-thirds of the deaths and economic losses that result from natural hazards. The impacts of extremes can be severe in all countries, whether because of poor resilience or because of exposure of expensive assets to risk. While the loss of life to weather and climate extremes has been […]


Improving the resilience of water systems worldwide In the midst of ever-growing global demand for fresh water, an increase in climate variability has strained existing water systems. As our climate continues to change, applying science to help manage our vital water resources creatively and sustainably is critically important. Growing populations, shifting land-use patterns, changing lifestyles, […]

What is IRI?

The mission of the IRI is to enhance society’s capability to understand, anticipate and manage the impacts of climate in order to improve human welfare and the environment, especially in developing countries. The IRI conducts this mission through strategic and applied research, education, capacity building, and by providing forecasts and information products with an emphasis […]

Climate and Society Students ‘Develop’ Research for NASA, IRI

Predicting malaria outbreaks before they occur and improving crop yield forecasts from space might sound like science fiction, but they’re projects going on at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI). This spring, Climate and Society students Caitlin Reid and Sunny Ng jumped headlong into them as part of a NASA internship. Reid and Ng worked with […]