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Results for 'forecasts'

Found 522 results.

Forecasts of near-global sea surface temperatures using canonical correlation analysis

  • Journal: Journal of Climate
  • Vol. 14
  • Published: 2001
  • Categories:


Landman, W.A.
Mason, S.J.

97-99 El Nino/La Nina Episode in Sri Lanka: Forecasts, Communication, Responses and Impacts in an Indebted and Peripheral Country

  • Published: 2001
  • Categories:


Zubair, L.

Current and Potential Use of Climate Forecasts for Resource-poor Farmers in Zimbabwe

  • Publisher: American Society of Agronomy
  • Published: 2001
  • Categories:


Phillips, J.G.
Makaudze, E.
Unganai, S.L.

Seasonal forecasts of the dengue vector

  • Journal: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop
  • Publisher: National Technical Information Service, US Dept of Commerce
  • Published: October 2000
  • Categories:


Hopp, M.J.

Statistical downscaling of monthly forecasts.

  • Journal: International Journal of Climatology
  • Vol. 20
  • Published: 2000
  • Categories:


Landman, W.A.
Tennant, W.J.

Who benefits from climate forecasts?

  • Journal: Nature
  • Vol. 397
  • Issue: Feb 25, 1999
  • Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
  • Published: February 1999
  • Categories:


Pfaff, A.
Broad, K.
Glantz, M.

July 2024 Quick Look

As of mid-July 2024, ENSO-neutral conditions persist in the western equatorial Pacific, and oceanic and atmospheric indicators also align with ENSO-neutral state. The IRI ENSO prediction plume forecast ENSO-neutral for Jul-Sep, and Aug-Oct, 2024. La Niña becomes the most probable category in Sep-Nov, 2024 through Dec-Feb, 2025, while for Jan-Mar, 2025 ENSO-neutral conditions become dominant (50% chance), and remain so during Feb-Apr, and Mar-May, 2025.
Similar to the most recent official CPC ENSO Outlook (issued on July 11, 2024), the objective IRI model-based ENSO outlook forecasts indicate ENSO-neutral conditions for Jul-Sep 2024. However, there is a notable difference between the probability numbers in the early-month CPC and mid-month IRI ENSO forecasts. The CPC ENSO forecasts predict a 70% chance of La Niña onset in Aug-Oct 2024, which then persists with increasing probabilities reaching into the range from 66% to 81% during the boreal fall and winter seasons. In contrast, the objective IRI ENSO forecasts show a late onset of La Niña conditions in the equatorial Pacific (49% chance in Sep-Nov 2024), with persistence into the fall and early winter, though with very low probabilities ranging from 52% to 48%. The forecasts then show a return to ENSO-neutral conditions in Jan-Mar 2025, and remain dominant for the rest of the forecasts period. The low probability numbers reflect a high level of uncertainty in the forecasts, due to the relatively low skill of seasonal forecast models at this time of year. Therefore, these ENSO forecasts should be interpreted with caution.