version 18.5.1 (2025-01-24)
- Implemented option to set a spell-length for calculating counts and occurrences.
- Updated ENSO data downloads to Extendedv3.
- Minor improvements in efficiency in calculating some scores.
- Implemented function to identify the index of the current variable, and to bin a value.
- Fixed possible fatal error constructing date label when using a persistence component.
- Fixed possible fatal error re-running Actions.
- Fixed problems reading some French and Russian labels.
- Fixed a truncated prompt in the batch version.
- Parameterised some tab settings.
- Modified some accelerator keys.
- Implemented some Protected attributes.
- Supplied some missing Intrinsic declarations.
- Reordered some Use declarations.
- Renamed some variables.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 18.4.4 (2024-11-29)
- Prevented possible fatal error calculating correlation when values are exceedingly high.
- Prevented opening of a monthly, seasonal or annual Y file when the X file is subseasonal.
version 18.4.3 (2024-11-26)
- Replaced GloSea6_GC2_System600 (identifier 122) downloads with GloSea6_GC2_System603 (123).
- Replaced JMA_CPS2 (identifier 151) downloads with JMA_CPS3 (152).
- Updated some download parameters, and enabled access to some unlisted models.
- Enabled opening of sub-seasonal X file after opening a daily Y file.
- Fixed some problems when trying to open a new, or reopen an existing, file for subseasonal analysis.
- Prevented some problems when cancelling the opening of a Y file.
- Restored sub-seasonal settings when after cancellation of opening of an X file.
- Eliminated spurious message when X and Y fields are both temperature but have different cpt:field tags.
- Corrected occasional problem identifying nearest gridpoint.
- Start-at date indicates the first season rather than the first month of the first season, when appropriate.
- Fixed problem with undefined variable in the batch version when exiting immediately after start-up.
- Fixed possible fatal error when calculating seasonal statistics.
- Fixed possible problem selecting a seasonal statistics option in the batch version.
- Fixed possible error showing start-at dates for sub-seasonal data.
- Activated Start-at menu for forecasts when a new forecast file is opened.
- Forecast start-at date is shown after opening a forecast file. I
- mplemented workaround for FTN95 64-bit failure to construct copyright string.
- Simplified initialisation of version.
- Parameterised tabs and output widths.
- Parameterised an output format constant.
- Renamed some variables.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 18.4.2 (2024-10-07)
- Replaced CanSIPS-IC3 downloads with CanSIPS-IC4, and added CanESMS and GEMS5.2-NEMO; removed CanCM4i.
- Fixed problem with undefined Y date labels.
- Fixed problem reading dates with decimals for seconds.
- Corrected output of stations and indices when some are unused because of missing values.
- Replaced some Continue statements.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 18.4.1 (2024-06-25)
- Implemented new option to save EOF and CCA loadings as correlations (option 134).
- Enabled output of SVG maps.
- Restored cursor if an SVG file is unavailable.
- Fixed problem restoring sub-season length from project files,
version 18.3.2 (2024-06-10)
- Corrected indication of the type of principal components used.
- Fixed possible problem changing the type of principal component.
- Rescaled the regression coefficients in output file when using the correlation matrix.
- Fixed possible fatal error when prediction error variance is large.
version 18.3.1 (2024-05-28)
- Added goodness index calculations to Tools ~ Validate (options 417, 4127, and 427).
- Included a goodness index calculation for Tools ~ Validate that sets all negative correlations to zero in the averaging.
- Improved error messaging for reading station and index files.
- Suppressed output of CPT character tag when the tag has zero length.
- Permitted more than three parameters in a parameter output file.
- Simplified opening of goodness index optimisation output file.
- Prevented possible fatal error when calculating Spearman’s correlation.
- Simplified goodness index averaging.
- Simplified calculation of Kendall’s tau-c.
- Fixed problem saving discrete absolute thresholds.
- Fixed possible fatal error running mean and variance bias correction in GCM.
- Corrected ECMWF downloads to SEAS51.
- Reorganised some modules.
- Updated Help pages.
version 18.2.4 (2023-12-29)
- Included persistence component in start-at date.
- Improved identification of appropriate start-at dates.
- Improved date indicators for the X file when the Y file is opened first and aggregation is to be performed.
- Fixed possible problems when daily Y file ends mid-subseason.
- Fixed possible problem with seasonal aggregation.
- Fixed some leap-year-related problems.
- Fixed occasional problem inaccurately estimating number of available data.
- Removed prompt for threshold in batch version when total or average seasonal aggregation is selected.
- Set minimum number of forecasts in batch version to 1.
- Corrected possible problem with missing value replacement when using persistence.
- Changed permit-monthly X-sequencing flag to a logical in some instances.
- Created an internal subroutine to break-up a long function.
- Monthly sequencing permitted in merge by default.
- Added maximum and minimum temperatures to CanSIPS-IC3 downloads.
version 18.2.3 (2023-11-29)
- Aggregation to counts and occurrences recognised as discrete.
- Suppressed units conversion warning message when cpt:field tags are eqiuvalent but not identical.
- Corrected some estimates of length of climatological period for sub-seasonal forecasts.
- Prevented possible fatal error when saving project file with results after setting a skillmask but not running the forecasts.
version 18.2.2 (2023-11-27)
- Improved date-formatting for some periods that span the year-end.
- Corrected dates in some output files.
- Fixed possible spurious kendall’s tau-c result when one of the series has only one value that is not a tie.
version 18.2.1 (2023-11-27)
- Enabled seasonal and sub-seasonal aggregation, including counts and occurrences, from daily data.
- Simplified the temporary setting of the seasonal limits flag.
- Removed month and date prompts from sub-seasonal climatological prompts.
- Corrected some possible problems when climatological period extends beyond the training period.
- Prevented possible error when failing to open a new sub-seasonal X-file when a Y-file is open.
- Prevented possible error message when closing CPT from a project file with results.
- Minor improvement to some date outputs.
- Implemented the Protected attribute.
- Parameterised aggregation options.
- Added COLA-RSMAS-CESM1 to data downloads.
- Update Help pages.
version 18.1.5 (2023-11-24)
- Improved indication of Y start-at date.
- Fixed possible shortening of training period by one year when using persistence.
- Fixed possible problem with failure to identify new discrete thresholds.
- Prevented possible fatal error if data bounds are violated.
- Various improvements in the identification of missing values.
- Improved estimate of available forecasts when Y file is opened first.
- Disabled output of exceedance probabilities in batch version when forecasts have not been calculated.
- Corrected misalignment of Forecast ~ Series output.
- Fixed fatal error when using Kendall’s tau and there is no variance.
- Fixed problem forecasting using skill masks and Kendall’s tau-c.
- Fixed problem making a forecast in MLR and GCM after opening a project file with results but no forecasts.
- Fixed problems saving some sub-seasonal files.
- Fixed possible problems saving interpolated Z files.
- Fixed possible problem identifying Y-file units in the GUI version.
- Fixed problem saving regression coefficients when running GCM.
- Fixed possible problem when saving results using a subdomain of the input data.
- Fixed problem with Tools ~ Forecast ~ Ensembles window.
- Full date printed for Tools ~ Forecast ~ Series prediction intervals.
- Fixed possible fatal error when saving some output files.
- Fixed some possible fatal errors when setting date labels.
- Fixed possible problem with seasonal aggregation prompt in parameter file.
- Corrected climatological label for sub-seasonal data.
- Improved formatting of output for Forecast ~ Series.
- Improved progress meter when reading persistence data for a forecast.
- Simplified code for accessing an input file.
- Simplified code for identifying whether to set a zero-bound.
- Simplified some plotting calls.
- Simplified a date allocation.
- Simplified initialisation of error handling.
- Deleted some redundant variables.
- Removed explicit array indications.
- Improved some translations.
version 18.1.4 (2023-09-02)
- Added tab-adjustment prompt to probabilistic verification scores window.
- Widened probabilistic verification scores window.
- Fixed problem reading GCM project files with results.
- Prevented prompts when only one option is available.
- Activated Close X and Y when opening a project file with results.
- Prevented infinite loop when there is a missing date in a daily station file.
version 18.1.3 (2023-08-15)
- Switched the download-domain and regridding options that were linked to the incorrect buttons.
- Removed normal category on forecast probabilities and odds maps when the category is undefined.
- Prevented discrete setting of probability and odds intervals.
- Set default minimum value as 0 on odds and relative odds maps / graphs.
- Fixed problem with some downloads when compiled with FTN95.
- Replaced some GoTo statements.
- Simplified printing of forecast probabilities.
- Updated Help pages.
version 18.1.2 (2023-05-25)
- Restored missing vertical colour-scale on maps.
- Fixed possible failure to remember modified absolute thresholds.
- Fixed possible problem with some maps and graphs not fitting on the screen.
version 18.1.1 (2023-05-22)
- Selecting poisson or binomial regression forces the predictand to be discrete.
- Discrete predictands identifiable from field units.
- Discrete thresholds forced to be half way between whole numbers.
- Clarified prompts for absolute thresholds for discrete data.
- Probability of exceedance curves for discrete data are shown as steps.
- Added Kendall’s tau-c as a correlation option.
- Added option to allow monthly sequencing (option 548).
- Implemented a progress meter in the batch version, with an option to toggle it on and off (option 574).
- Improved progress-meter calculations.
- Permitted comments (lines starting with #) in batch version when prompting for an option and error-handling is set to stop.
- Activated Russian language option in Windows version.
- Added option to ignore negative skill when calculating the goodness index using correlation (option 5311).
- Added option to set the number of contour intervals on a map or tick marks on a y-axis.
- Enabled access to help pages from batch version (option 712).
- Enabled export in SVG format for most graphs.
- Enabled scatter diagram customisation, export and access to help pages for double cross-validated results.
- Enabled X-axis plotting for monthly data.
- Enabled viewing of goodness index results when using double cross-validation.
- Probability-rounding ignores categories with 0 probability.
- Tools ~ Forecast ~ Series shows only above- and below-normal probabilities when normal is undefined.
- Recognised leap years when days are included in dates for seasonal and monthly forecasts.
- Applied stricter cross-validation to transformation.
- Restored full-sample gamma parameters after cross-validation.
- Restored reference dates after a cancelled Options ~ Tailoring.
- Some text is printed in bold in the batch version, but can be toggled on and off (option 573).
- Some minor improvements in formatting in the batch version.
- New download configuration.
- Added option to use a custom downloads-configuration file (option 515).
- Changed prompts for pressure levels in batch version to be in pressure units rather than indices.
- Removed combined wind components from GCM-output download options in the batch version.
- Retained customised image title when cycling through different forecasts.
- Swapped upper and lower threshold maps.
- Observations that are on a category threshold are now placed into the lower category.
- Changed ‘Evaluating seasonal climate predictability’ to ‘Evaluating climate predictability’ on title page.
- Updated address to reference the Climate School.
- Changed Climatological Period menu to Climatology.
- Moved prompts for seasonal aggregation from Options ~ Climatology to Options Data Seasonal Statistics (option 549).
- Suppressed ‘Done!’ message when recalculation of climatology is nto completed
- Simplified identification of climatological period when using persistence.
- Prevented possible change in precision of printing of CCA goodness index results.
- Prevented unnecessary calculation of CCA homogeneous maps during retroactive forecasting.
- Fixed problem closing title window after cancelling a project-file-opening.
- Fixed problem reading station and index probabilities for PFV.
- Fixed some problems reading old project files with results.
- Fixed possible project file problem with missing values when there are no open files.
- Fixed occasional problem with re-standardisation of fitted values.
- Fixed possible problem calculating transformed thresholds.
- Minor changes to extrapolation of empirical distribution when threshold is beyond data limits.
- Minor changes to parameter file format.
- Fixed fatal error displaying scatter plots.
- Replaced insertion sort with quick sort algorithm.
- Various minor improvements in run-time.
- Removed regression parameters from cross-validation routines because the output is not useful.
- Renamed Options ~ Show Options to Options ~ Show Settings (option 512).
- Flushed CPT batch prompt.
- Further parameterisation of data categories.
- Parameterised call-back function values.
- Enabled character arguments in set_options.
- Streamlined code to select a training period date.
- Simplified window interfacing.
- Simplified mapping code.
- Removed obsolete project filters.
- New filename parsing routines.
- Moved some calculations to parameter definitions.
- Parameterised some standard sub-seasonal periods.
- Simplification and reorganisation of code in many of the modules.
- Changed some naming conventions.
- Deleted some unused routines.
- Declared some routines as Pure.
- Declared some routines as Elemental and simplified calls to these.
- Changed some pointers to allocatable arrays.
- Fortran 2003 text array initialisation.
- Renamed image derived-type to graphic.
- Replaced find_index and ln_gamma with intrinsic functions.
- Simplified some code for categorisation using intrinsics.
- Implemented a function to check whether optional logical arguments are present and true.
- Created colours, printing, and prompts modules from gui module.
- Created fonts module from screen module.
- Created location and grfiles modules from graphics and fields module.
- Reorganised routines in some modules, and relocated some routines to other modules.
- Parameterised batch menu indents.
- Changed some routine argument intents.
- Deleted some redundant variables.
- Overloaded some printing and prompting routines.
- Replaced some Intrinsic calls with Aint and Anint.
- Implemented some additional translations.
- Improved readability of declarations sections.
- Improved readability of code.
- Modified error-handling code to avoid overwrite of error indicator.
- Applied Doxygen-type comments to public routines in most modules.
- Update to LAPACK 3.11.0.
- Updated some Help pages and redesigned all pages.
version 17.8.8 (2024-11-21)
- Corrected occasional problem identifying nearest gridpoint.
- Fixed problem with undefined variable in the batch version when exiting immediately after start-up.
version 17.8.7 (2024-10-07)
- Fixed problem reading dates with decimals for seconds.
- Corrected output of stations and indices when some are unused because of missing values.
version 17.8.6 (2023-07-08)
- Fixed possible omission of one year downloading data from two datasets.
- Implemented some intrinsic functions in parameter definitions for FTN95.
version 17.8.5 (2023-05-25)
- Fixed possible fatal error running logistic regression.
- Corrected possible sub-seasonal start-at date-label errors.
- Implemented workarounds for possible FTN95 allocate-on-assignment bug.
- Fixed problems changing the climatological period after results are calculated.
- Enabled Options ~ Climatological Period after opening a project file with results.
- Prevented possible fatal error when opening multiple results windows.
- Avoided possible fatal error if axis tick-mark intervals are set to zero.
- Fixed possible exclusion of last date label on x-axis for sub-seasonal data.
- Forced incremented or decremented date to be within the season limits if it is initially outside them.
- Minor improvement in efficiency of calculating prediction-error variance.
- Fixed some formatting issues for author list.
version 17.8.4 (2023-05-09)
- Increased maximum length of directory names.
- Corrected standardised predictions when there is more than one predictand.
- Corrected retroactive period date message when there are missing dates.
- Corrected date of data outside of permitted bounds.
- Simplified identification of retroactive and training period dates.
- Simplified identification of double cross-validation date, and improved message.
- Added units to X-axis label on regression plots.
- Corrected regression labels when multi-fields are used.
- Maintained transformed axes when replotting a regression graph.
- Fixed possible problem viewing goodness index results when using MLR or GCM in retroactive mode.
- Fixed fatal error when bernoulli deviance cannot be calculated.
- Corrected possible incorrect season-selection indicator in batch version.
- Corrected possible date inaccuracies in GrADS station output files when using seasonally-sequenced data.
- Corrected possible minor inaccuracies when adding persistence components including Februaries.
- Implemented workaround for FTN95 memory leak when using a transformation.
- Tools ~ Climatological Maps ~ Forecasts greyed after modifying number of forecasts and/or start-at date.
- Reset climatological period to 0 after closing a project.
- Disabled Options ~ Climatological Period after closing a Y file.
- Fixed some incorrect title-page grey-menu states for GUI version.
- Fixed some possible problems with date prompts.
- Fixed some possible problems with project files.
- Prevented possible double project-file extension.
- Disabled output of coefficient of variation when zero-bound is off.
- Corrected output of standardisation setting in parameter file.
- Avoided possible problem when opening a forecast file.
- Prevented output of seasonal parameters when season is implied from the model T date.
- Fixed possible problem with forecasting after running double cross-validation.
- Restored number of forecasts and the forecast file after a double cross-validation.
- Simplified missing-value routine for forecasts.
- Assumed start and end days of month when calculating date differences in days and the days are undefined.
- Resolved a mixed-precision calculation.
- Fixed some handle kinds for 64-bit version.
- Fixed a latent problem with new lines in output files.
- Added flush after output of hidden CPT prompt.
version 17.8.3 (2023-03-15)
- Minor improvement to batch output of ranked hits.
- Fixed problem saving parameter files using File ~ Save As.
- Fixed problem with Y dates prompt.
- Fixed problem with batch version integer and real prompts if first character of response is ‘/’.
- Fixed possible problems initializing and selecting scores for skill maps
- Corrected some possible confusions between cross-validated and double cross-validated image references.
- Corrected option 133 prompt at start-up.
- Avoided possible problem with transformed forecasts resulting from FTN95 bug.
version 17.8.2 (2023-03-03)
- Fixed possible undefined date when unable to read an input file.
- Fixed problems with grey menus when using MLR.
- Supplied missing initial contour limits on EOF and CCA maps.
- Modified interval calculations for when the number of intervals is fixed.
- Initialised unused contours as zeroes.
- Improved season representation.
- Restored goodness index as option 531.
- Avoided potential problem with multiple regression in Windows version.
- Changed some argument intents.
version 17.8.1 (2023-02-27)
- Updated Meteo-France downloads to version 8 (model option 112).
- Updated OISST downloads to version 2.1.
- Updated GPCC downloads to version 2020.
- Added JMA CPS2 download (model ID 151).
- Removed CFS2 (NMME) download (model ID 11; replaced by model ID 13).
- Replaced CanCM4i download (model ID 33) with CanCM4i-IC3 (model ID 37).
- Replaced ECMWF-SEAS5 download (model ID 101) with ECMWF-SEAS51 (model ID 102).
- Removed GFDL-CM2p1-aer04 download (model ID 54).
- Fixed problem with seasonal aggregation of CHIRTS downloads.
- Fixed problem downloading CanSIPS-IC3 u- and v-components.
- Enabled u- and v-wind component downloads for models with no explicit pressure levels.
- Permitted monthly data to be constant fields when part of a seasonal aggregation.
- Fixed possible fatal error opening some files.
- Fixed some possible problems using monthly Y files in the Windows version.
- Fixed possible problem changing target period.
- Fixed possible fatal error saving project file with results.
- Fixed possible fatal error saving probabilities.
- Prevented possible double compression of binomial denominators.
version 17.7.9 (2023-02-08)
- Fixed accelerator keys.
- Improved error messaging given missing cpt tags in input files.
- Retained Y-axis scaling when replotting bar charts.
- Improved estimation of X-axis tick mark spacing.
- Removed forecast date prompt from Tools ~ Forecast ~ Ensembles.
- Fixed possible undefined output when converting units.
- Fixed possible problem creating some graphics windows.
- Fixed a problem reading old PFV project files with results.
- Fixed some problems running PFV with multiple seasons.
- Fixed problem saving a project file with no selected analysis.
- Fixed problems with persistence.
- Fixed possible problem decreasing dates.
- Corrected a Help page link.
version 17.7.8 (2022-12-23)
- Enabled inaccessible screen plots (option 441) and regression (option 471) menu items in batch version.
- Disabled access to Y-modes when running PCR.
- Fixed problem with performance measures window.
- Prevented fatal error when selecting a location on verification skill maps.
- Prevented project file and parameter files from overwriting each other.
- Fixed failure to show some menu items in foreign languages.
- Fixed occasional problem with accelerator keys.
- Forced GLM models to model the average when convergence is not reached.
- Fixed possible fatal error calculating poisson deviance.
- Corrected poisson deviance.
- Corrected missing-value indicator on options and settings listing.
- Fixed possible problem reading project files with results.
- Fixed fatal error if an input file cannot be read from Actions (i.e., it was opened from a project file).
- Implemented work-around for FTN95 problem with intrinsic Sum when calculating MSE.
- Implemented work-around for FTN95 problem arrays in derived type arrays.
version 17.7.7 (2022-11-24)
- Fixed possible problem with standardization option changing unexpectedly.
- Fixed possible problems with accelerator keys in labels containing accents.
- Fixed problem calculating gamma distribution parameters when only one value is non-zero.
- Fixed possible problem with absolute categories.
- Changed accelerator-key identifiers to letters.
version 17.7.6 (2022-08-05)
- Fixed problem with categorization when using absolute or reference-date thresholds with PFV.
- Fixed problem reading station and index probabilities for PFV.
- Fixed possible omission of first column of data in CSV files.
- Improved probability binning.
- Deleted double call to convert to gaussian in PCR and GCM cross-validation.
- Fixed occasional problem with inverse link.
- Fixed occasional problem with restandardization of fitted values
- Fixed possible leap-year inaccuracy in binomial forecasts.
- Fixed some occasional problems reading project files.
- Fixed possible problem printing settings in batch version.
- Swapped axis-limits when they are entered the wrong way round.
- Improved error trapping when calculating forecasts.
- Enabled entry of blank line as a response to a file-name prompt in the batch version.
- Parameterized data categories.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 17.7.5 (2022-05-19)
- Enabled output of standardized maps in batch version (options 466, 467, and 468).
- Recognised ‘pr’ as a precipitation field identifier, and ‘tref’ and ‘tmp’ as temperature identifiers.
- Improved identification of precipitation and temperature.
- Added conversions for mm per period.
- Corrected some conversions from cm/day.
- Fixed memory problem with double cross-validation in some versions.
- Corrected application of units conversions during double cross-validation.
- Fixed problem accessing project results when opening project from CPT title window.
- Fixed possible problem identifying units.
- Fixed possible fatal error when switching on skill mask after results have been calculated.
- Fixed problem displaying some climatological maps.
- Fixed some problems with standardized climatological maps.
- Fixed possible problem with download configuration.
- Changed seasonal length calculation to accept parsed period.
- Edited some Help pages.
version 17.7.4 (2021-05-11)
- Restored missing Tools ~ Validation ~ Retroactive and Double Cross-Validation menu items in GUI version.
- Renamed Tools ~ Modes to Tools ~ Models.
- Moved Tools ~ Regression to Tools ~ Models.
- Fixed problem with categorization given more than one Y variable.
- Corrected display of regression output for PCR.
- Removed GEM-NEMO model from data download options (model ID 35).
- Added an alternative CFS2 (NMME) download (model ID 13).
- Minor edits in output comments.
- Fixed occasional problem reading results in project files.
- Fixed fatal error showing scree plots.
- Removed spurious error when aborting during missing-value replacement.
- New function for mssing value replacement error checking.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 17.7.3 (2021-05-05)
- Fixed problem with some ganged radio buttons in the windows version.
version 17.7.2 (2021-05-04)
- Recognised cpt:units=counts (monthly data will be summed).
- Fixed occasional problem with undefined variable when saving parameter file.
- Resolved some issues saving parameter file when a project file is open.
- Fixed possible problem with seasonal aggregation prompt.
version 17.7.1 (2021-04-16)
- Implemented option to run double cross-validation (generates hindcasts of probabilistic predictions; option 314).
- Added option to use double cross-validated error variance as prediction error variance.
- Added option to save additional retroactive results.
- Added option to save gamma distribution parameters.
- Enabled output of regression results when running GCM in batch mode, and disabled some invalid file options in both versions.
- Missing persistence data for forecasts are replaced before calculating seasonal total of persistence season.
- Updated NMME dataset to CanSIPS-IC3.
- Implemented check for inconsistent sub-seasons in the X and forecast files.
- Excluded values are now excluded rather than being replaced by missing values.
- Minor changes to identification of which variables to omit based on number of missing values.
- Permitted all values in persistence season to be equal.
- Fixed some occasional problems replacing missing values.
- Mean and variance of predictors are now calculated when running MLR.
- Corrected inaccuracy in calculating gamma parameters using method of moments.
- Corrected possible failure to update masking.
- Output blank line in batch version of win_prompt to distinguish from an invalid entry.
- Fixed some menu greying issues in batch version.
- Fixed possible problem returning incorrect ganged radio button index.
- Fixed occasional truncation of training period when using monthly Y data.
- Fixed switching off beginner and expert mode in validation results.
- Fixed some issues with undefined memory when there are missing values.
- Prevented possible fatal error displaying options when a GLM is selected.
- Prevented possible fatal error when using reference years.
- Prevented possible loss of season limits information when opening a forecast file.
- Fixed occasional problem with retroactive contingency tables when there are missing values.
- Fixed some occasional problems reading project files.
- Fixed incorrect dates in some verification results files.
- Changed output unit numbers for retroactive results files.
- Added missing dates to weather roulette ouput files.
- Modified some confusing descriptions of persisted and predicted components of forecasts.
- Fixed problem when requesting below-normal at the batch version category prompt.
- Allowed for multiple additional cpt tags.
- Minor improvements in checks for invalid output file numbers in batch version.
- Option back-ups and checks now work with ganged lists.
- Time setting option is restored after cancel.
- Improved efficiency of categorization.
- Modified some output routines.
- Implemented routine for a radio button.
- Simplified handling of prompts for submenus.
- Reorganized options prompts.
- Reorganized some modules and created new opts_prompts module.
- Fixed problem with possibly uninitalized variable.
- Adjustments for 64-bit compatibility.
- Renamed some variables.
- Fixed broken link to a Help page.
- Updated Help pages.
version 17.6.1 (2021-01-04)
- Implemented option to exclude specific dates from the training period (for use in double cross-validation, for example; option 547).
- Implemented option to save a parameters file (option 145).
- Implemented option to select numbers of modes using the Mutual Information Criterion (option 531, 7).
- Implemented check for consistency of X and Y variables and a prompt to invert the goodness index orientation if appropriate.
- Activated options to export X, Y and Z values maps, and to access respective Help pages.
- Updated CRU dataset to version 4.05.
- Updated Copernicus datasets to DWD GCFS2p1 and CMCC SPSv3p5.
- Enabled beginner mode in batch version.
- Enabled reading of sub-seasonal station and index data.
- Goodness index is calculated using transformed data when there is no optimization in CCA.
- Recognised ‘Celsius’ for units conversion.
- Activated some inaccessible Tools items in the batch version.
- Deactivated some menu items in the batch version that were greyed.
- Activated Tools ~ Forecasts when restoring results from project file.
- Simplified and increased maximum number of modes when running in beginner mode.
- Modified printing of season limits in options settings.
- Corrected start-at dates for sub-seasonal data.
- Enabled opening of forecast file when Y file is unopened.
- Prevented fatal error when opening a monthly X file – error message is issued.
- Changes to p-value and confidence interval calculation check boxes can be cancelled.
- Some options that were not recording a change in project settings are now recognised.
- Fixed problems with sub-seasonal date prompt in batch version.
- Fixed problems with eigenvalues output-file format.
- Fixed possible problem when climatological period is shorter than retroactive period.
- Fixed possible problem calculating season length for binomial regression when there are seasonal limits.
- Fixed problem when climatological period extends beyond training period, and persistence is used.
- Fixed problem running binomial regression from GCM.
- Fixed possible overflow when calculating deviance for binomial regression.
- Fixed possible overflow when calculating ignorance score.
- Prevented fatal error when there are too few events in a binomial regression.
- Fixed problem displaying program options when using binomial regression.
- Fixed problem with advanced CCA Options possibly not working.
- Fixed problems showing regression results with GCM.
- Fixed problem restoring results for binomial regression from a project file.
- Fixed occasional problem displaying ROC probabilistic skill maps.
- Fixed occasional problem with corrupted drop down menus.
- Changed category prompt on verification skill maps to drop-down list.
- Supplied missing hidden prompt for yes-no responses.
- Disabled CCA and Modes Options when results are calculated rather than issuing warning message.
- Redesigned menu construction.
- Implemented menu activation counters.
- Reordered some menu items.
- Disabled batch option 213 (superceded by 231).
- Removed batch options 4 – 6 from menu, although they can still be activated (superceded by 221 – 223).
- Fixed problem with greyed View ~ Verification menu item in beginners version.
- Simplified code to read input files from a project file.
- Created new module for updating cpt settings, and reorganised existing modules.
- Created routine to check for units conversion.
- Created function to determine whether a data structure implies a spatial component.
- Conversion to lower-case to simplify identification of variables.
- Simplified code to calculate maximum number of modes.
- Minor simplification of expert-level switch.
- Changed ieof_to_istd and istd_to_ieof to functions.
- Deleted near-redundant options_eof.
- Renamed psave to write_project.
- Renamed some variables.
- Adjusted compilation order.
- Deleted some unused batch version code.
- Edits to the output module.
- Implemented some additional, and corrected some, translations.
- Update to LAPACK 3.10.0.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 17.5.2 (2021-06-09)
- Some missing data situations identified in daily input files.
- Implemented work-around for ClearWin+ problem with drop-down lists.
- Fixed possible problem with filename prompt in batch version.
- Fixed possible problem running Data ~ Update when there is a gap.
- Fixed possible problem running Data ~ Update in batch version.
- Fixed problem when Z file contains daily data for only one season.
- Fixed possible problems running GCM.
- Fixed possible problem with undefined forecast probabilities.
- Modified handling of old output file IDs for easier reading.
- Simplified PFV check.
- Applied square brackets for array initialisations.
- Deleted some redundant Use declarations.
version 17.5.1 (2021-05-21)
- Added options to set and apply a dry-mask and or a skill mask (options 5372 and 5371, respectively, or 537 for both).
- Set a default climatological period of 1991 – 2020.
- Goodness index is shown in File ~ Output Results ~ View when running MLR and GCM.
- Replaced GloSea5 (model 121) with GloSea6 (122) data download.
- Removed NASA-GMAO-062012 (model 71) from data download.
- Deleted some duplicate CanGEM-NEMO records.
- Fixed possible failure to open forecast probabilistic map.
- Avoided possible printing of wrong option in options list.
- Implemented additional translations.
- Implemented a hidden CPT prompt in the batch version.
- Replaced filename prompt with prompt_cvalue.
- Simplified creation of missing values menu items in batch version.
- Moved moments subroutine from arrays module to distribs.
- Minor modification to memory management.
- Tab defined as a parameter.
- Deleted some resolved bug indicators.
- Updated Help pages.
version 17.4.5 (2021-05-04)
- Forced goodness index output file to be formatted text.
- Removed duplicated model download options.
- Fixed possible fatal error when selecting from a list in batch version.
version 17.4.4 (2021-04-08)
- Fixed possible problem with identifying output precision for latitudes and longitudes.
version 17.4.3 (2021-04-01)
- Fixed possible problem running retroactive option with empirical transformation.
- Fixed possible problems saving retroactive results in batch version.
- Simplified passing of lopt.
- Implemented additional translations.
version 17.4.2 (2021-03-25)
- Fixed problem running retroactive option with no transformation.
version 17.4.1 (2021-03-13)
- Added options to save persisted and predicted components of forecasts and corresponding observations (files 5111, 5112, 103, and 104).
- Enabled domain selection in batch version data downloads (option 821).
- Added prompt for regridding in data downloads (option 822 in the batch version).
- Added accelerator key for “Select sub-domain”.
- Enabled prediction intervals on retroactive performance measures graph.
- Hindcasts plotted against year of first month of persistence.
- Fixed problem plotting binomial regression.
- Fixed problem reading sub-seasonal data.
- Fixed occasional problem with greyed Edit ~ Data Domain menu option.
- Fixed possible problem downloading data in some batch versions.
- Fixed possible problem with greyed Tools ~ Forecast.
- Fixed some problems with persistence in retroactive forecasts.
- Fixed memory problem with rerunning retroactive option.
- Fixed possible problem running retroactive option when not calculating fitted error variance.
- Fixed inaccuracy in calculating retroactive error variance for MLR and GCM.
- Odds shown with additional precision.
- Prevented some possible fatal errors when stations with too many missing values are omitted in the batch version.
- Improved handling of gamma distribution parameters.
- Redesigned handling of persistence component.
- Redesigned setting seasonal labels.
- Adjusted handling of memory of used-dates arrays.
- Assigned possible missing first date, and simplified setting.
- Minor modification to project file prompt.
- Minor edits to some error and warning messages.
- Parameterized transformation options.
- Parameterized date output formats.
- Extended list of encoded URL characters.
- Fixed truncation of cg_uvars_l.
- Implemented additional translations.
version 17.3.3 (2021-03-02)
- Implemented warning message for windows batch version when download file is not defined with full path.
- Improved readability of file opening code.
version 17.3.2 (2021-02-21)
- Added CHIRPS NMME and CHIRTS datasets to download options.
- Added GEM-NEMO model to data download options (model ID 35).
- Replaced GFDL_FLOR models with GFDL-SPEAR (model ID 55).
- Disabled greying of File ~ Save (option 143) in batch version.
- Fixed problem plotting binomial regression.
- Fixed problem with theoretical climatological probabilities when using a standardization.
- Initialized most machine constants at compile time using intrinsics in declaration statements.
- Implemented additional translations.
version 17.3.1 (2020-12-10)
- Added options to plot X, Y and Z values standardized according to the EOF calculation option.
- Supplied missing functions for extra_prompt calls.
- Fixed problem restoring CCA results from project files from title window.
- Fixed problem forecasting after restoring results from project files.
- Fixed problem with EOF settings in project files.
- Fixed problem with persistence component for seasonally averaged data.
- Fixed occasional problem setting appropriate seasonal averaging or totals.
- Changed ForAll to Do Concurrent.
- Updated and renamed some Help pages.
version 17.2.2 (2020-09-10)
- Output theoretical climatological probabilities and odds whenever gamma distribution fit is used.
- Added spatial domain to options listing.
- Added text orientation option for box titles.
- Parameterized threshold options.
- Minor modifications to options listing format.
- Fixed some possible problems reading labels file in non_english languages.
- Improved handling and output of Cyrillic characters.
- Prevented possible error when entering 0 at language prompt in batch version.
- Implemented additional translations.
- Changed compilation order of data_version.
version 17.2.1 (2020-09-02)
- Implemented additional link functions.
- Added option to view program settings.
- Added option to save fitted values (file 205).
- Fixed calculation of GLM error-variance.
- Enabled selection of retroactive error-variance before running.
- Changed ordering of error-variance options.
- Link functions only applied if a skill correction is used in GCM.
- Prevented fatal error when opening an invalid file while using ignore errors in batch mode.
- Prevented possible fatal error when changing to OLS regression if a non-identity link is selected.
- Fixed possible problems arising after canceled selection of SPI standardization.
- Fixed possible problems opening project files when input files no longer exist.
- Added project file version to error output.
- Version 14 and 15 project files are not supported.
- Improved messaging when restandardizing.
- Fitted values always calculated.
- Hindcast error-variance always calculated.
- Reorganised calculation of predictions.
- Implemented additional translations.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 17.1.4 (2020-08-13)
- Added some additional identifiers for ‘temperature’.
- Fixed problem running GCM with multi-models for Y station data.
- Implemented work around for FTN95 failure to output F0.0.
- Fixed automatic download for batch version on Windows.
- Fixed occasional fatal error message when labels cannot be read.
- Avoided possible error when using merge or update from the title window.
- Implemented additional translations.
version 17.1.3 (2020-08-10)
- Corrected GCM forecast error variance for number of models.
- Fixed possible problem forecasting with multi-model GCM.
- Added greying to Options ~ Zero-bound and Options ~ Transofrm Y if GLMs are used.
- Renamed some grey menu items, and implemented routines to set some.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 17.1.2 (2020-08-09)
- Activated link function options.
- Added option to adjust the tab space on Tools ~ Validation ~ Performance measures.
- Project file directory is remembered and default is used on start-up.
- Project filename does is shown in windows title when loading from title screen, and is retained when view is changed.
- Simplified setting of some backups when opening a project file.
- Fixed problem using the open file dialogue box as windows explorer.
- Activated binomial data bounds check.
- Fixed some problems using binomial regression.
- Fixed possible problem when there are missing years.
- Backed up regression and link options when changing to CCA.
- Implemented some additional translations.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 17.1.1 (2020-08-02)
- Added options for poisson, gamma, and binomial generalized linear models.
- Added Akaike, Bayesian and Hannan-Quinn information criteria as goodness index options.
- Added option to correct combined model for skill.
- Improved estimates of prediction error variance for GCM options.
- Added climatological mean and standard deviation to Tools ~ Forecast ~ Series output.
- Added option to save transformed Y data (file 121).
- Added options to change only X or Y missing value settings in batch version.
- Added option (140) to display input file information in batch version.
- Output goodness index values in full precision.
- Implemented dynamic setting of goodness index output precision.
- Precision for latitude-longitude output is set automatically.
- Y-variable names added to regression equations.
- X- and Y-variable names and units added to axes on regression plots.
- Imposed limits on climatological period when results have been calculated.
- Zero-bound not applied until after calculation of probabilities.
- Fixed occasional inconsistencies when using persistence with transformation and standardization.
- Model recalibration and combination options now saved in project file.
- Combined model no longer saved in output file (the hindcast/forecast is the combined model).
- Dropped support for version 14 project files.
- Made some variables in cpt.ini redundant.
- Prevented fatal error if console size is negative.
- Simplified project file code.
- Reduced memory requirements for PCR.
- Eliminated some redundant calculations for PCR.
- Created a subroutine for principal components.
- Added a module for regression and one for prediction.
- Simplified construction of regression character string.
- Modularized code for forecasting and retroactive forecasting.
- Generalized routine for zero-bound checking to allow for specified lower and upper bounds.
- Created internal function for data bounds checking.
- Added routine to convert PC to regular regression coefficients.
- Simplified calculation of prediction error variance.
- Simplified calls to prediction routines.
- Renamed some modules and routines for consistency with menu names.
- Parameterized error-variance, standardization and EOF options, and data structure identifiers.
- Removed spurious warnings on some batch version prompts.
- Removed duplicate Target Season prompt in batch version.
- Improved start-at date for Z files when there is a persistence component.
- Implemented additional translations.
- Converted cpt_lapack module to free format.
- Supplied missing intrinsic declarations.
- Changed order of some function and subroutine arguments and declarations.
- Changed some module dependencies.
- Corrected some optional argument calls.
- Increased indent.
- Improved some program comments.
- Update to LAPACK 3.9.0.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 16.5.9 (2020-12-10)
- Fixed occasional problem setting appropriate seasonal averaging or totals.
- Corrected possible occasional leap-year inaccuracy for persistence component.
- Fixed problem displaying results for multiple-lagged fields.
- Resolved duplicate routine name conflict.
version 16.5.8 (2020-08-02)
- Improved initial estimate of appropriate climatological period when using persistence.
version 16.5.7 (2020-07-26)
- Enabled unit conversions for multiple fields with differing units.
- Fixed problem saving multimodel interpolated X data.
- Fixed possible problem saving interpolated updated X data.
- Modified GCM cross-validation to avoid reference to uninitalised data.
version 16.5.6 (2020-07-08)
- Fixed problem plotting probabilistic skill scores.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 16.5.5 (2020-06-11)
- Fixed problems with some GCM data downloads.
- Updated GloSea downloads to version 15.
- Improved default length of training period when using persistence.
- Improved formatting of Tools ~ Forecast ~ Series output.
- Fixed occasional offset of X-axis labels.
- Fixed problem restoring prediction-error variance as option in project files without results.
- Fixed occasional problems saving project file with results.
- Fixed problem restoring GCM results for station Y data.
- Fixed possible problem with default output precision in batch version.
- Greyed inactive File ~ Save after reset.
- Forced relative odds to be unspecified when odds are unspecified.
- Corrected occasional error calculating gamma parameters.
- Modified some error messages.
- Deleted some redundant Use variables.
version 16.5.4 (2020-04-29)
- Suppressed error message when end download date is in the future.
- Fixed incorrect start-at for X and Z files when there is a persistence component and Y file is opened first.
- Fixed occasional problem reading persistence data for forecasts.
- Corrected occasional incorrect number of forecasts when persistence data are limiting.
- Removed duplicate refresh of number of forecasts.
- Parameterized sizes of default trajectory and filename strings.
- Parameterized file identifiers.
- Moved graphics file definition and identifier to graphics module.
version 16.5.3 (2020-04-24)
- Fixed problem reading non-gridded files with unequal date lengths.
- Prevented fatal errors when number of forecasts is 0.
- Implemented limits checks on forecast start-at date when persistence data are limiting.
- Corrected number of forecasts limits when persistence data are limiting.
version 16.5.2 (2020-03-31)
- Fixed some problems with grey menu items.
- Deleted redundant set_view function.
version 16.5.1 (2020-03-18)
- Added options to shade the land and/or sea grey.
- Added option to set the contour limits on Tools ~ Climatological Maps ~ Correlations.
- Enabled output of climatological standard deviations and coefficients of variation.
- Updated GPCC downloads to version 2018.
- Added Copernicus C3S models to download options.
- Replaced CMC1-CanCM3 and CMC2-CanCM4 downloads with CanCM4i and CanSIPSv2.
- Replaced NASA GMAO downloads with NASA GEOSS2S.
- Removed ECHAM4.5 and NCAR-CESM1 downloads (no longer updated).
- Corrected some CFS2 download issues.
- Simplified download file and module.
- Inhibited some menu items when results have been calculated.
- Prevented crash when CPT is unable to initialise a new user.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 16.4.1 (2020-02-17)
- Added options to plot climatological standard deviations and coefficients of variation.
- Reversed default colour ordering for climatolgoical averages and thresholds maps.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 16.3.4 (2020-02-14)
- Fixed some problems with skill-weighted averaging in GCM option.
- Reduced memory requirements for GCM.
- Changed “Skill-weighted average” GCM option to “Multi-model average”.
version 16.3.3 (2020-01-30)
- Removed leading tab mark before latitudes in gridded output files.
- Changed to monochrome colour bar for error scores.
- Fixed occasional problem showing labelbar labels.
- Fixed failure to identify a gap in the input data.
- Fixed occasional problem with data download URLs.
- Modified reference to window_update routine because of changes in FTN95 v8.60.
version 16.3.2 (2020-01-08)
- Prevented test output when using Merge of Update from the title window.
- Fixed occasional problem with backing up seasons information using Merge or Update.
- Fixed possible problem with season indications in multi-field output files.
version 16.3.1 (2019-12-18)
- Added option to map % variance, variance ratio, RMSE and MAE.
- Implemented option to reset contours on skill maps.
- Improved and simplified construction of colourbars.
- Fixed some problems reading results in project files.
- Fixed problem opening new X file when persistence component is on.
version 16.2.4 (2019-11-25)
- Fixed problem plotting tendency diagrams.
- Fixed some problems reading results in project files for PFV.
version 16.2.3 (2019-11-24)
- Fixed occasional problem reading unreferenced files.
version 16.2.2 (2019-11-22)
- Zero-bound option is turned on automatically if cpt:units is ‘count’ or ‘counts’.
- Prevented unnecessary calculation of seasonal values when season length is 1.
- Restored previous settings after cancelled file opening.
- Corrected climatological curve on probability of exceedance plots when using persistence component.
- Improved implementation of flywheel limits on number of forecasts.
- Activated flywheel limits on training period length and number of forecasts when project file is opened from the title window.
- Added indication of persistence component on dates for multiple forecasts.
- Fixed occasional probem showing inappropriate season for forecast file start-at dates.
version 16.2.1 (2019-11-14)
- Added option to show probabilities of exceedance as probabilities of non-exceedance.
- Added option to print output data at a specified precision.
- Added NASA GEOSS2S to download options.
- Simplified code for output of regression coefficients.
- Fixed problems with monthly data in project files.
- Fixed some problems with probability of exceedance.
- Fixed some problems with persistence component.
- Removed some unnecessary values from project files.
- Prevented automatic saving of project file after File ~ New in batch version.
- Moved some variables from settings to pcs module.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 16.1.8 (2019-11-14)
- Corrected probability of exceedance graphs after resetting x-axis limits.
- Fixed alignment of x-axis numerical labels.
- Fixed problems with monthly data in project files.
- Fixed some problems with probability of exceedance.
- Fixed some problems with persistence component.
version 16.1.7 (2019-11-12)
- Fixed occasional problem with incorrect CCA forecasts.
- Fixed problems with persistence component.
- Fixed problem with version 9 forecast files containing a single year.
- Fixed missing error message when there is a problem opening a project file.
- Fixed some problems restoring results in a project file.
- Fixed problems updating number of variables in the forecast file.
- Improved implementation of flywheel limits on training-period length.
- Fixed occasional problems with training period length.
- Fixed problem saving probabilistic verification scores in batch version.
- Restored missing retroactive validation option.
version 16.1.6 (2019-11-05)
- Enabled reading of multifield sub-seasonal files.
- Enabled reading of gridded files with only one longitude.
- Fixed occasional problem reading sub-seasonal data in station and index files.
- Fixed problem with “Apply to all” when selecting domain.
version 16.1.5 (2019-09-27)
- Fixed problem with map coordinate labels.
- Fixed some problems showing subseasonal start-at dates.
version 16.1.4 (2019-08-29)
- Improved default Start-at dates when Y-file is opened first.
version 16.1.3 (2019-08-16)
- Fixed problem restoring domain after cancelled opening of file.
- Fixed problems reading results in project files.
- Corrected prompt for Forecast Input File in batch version.
- Simplified initialization of principal components.
version 16.1.2 (2019-08–7)
- Fixed problem showing incorrect default start-at date for separate forecast file.
- Fixed possible problems reading old input data files.
- Fixed possible problems using separate forecast input files.
- Simplified some outputs by using 0 format edit descriptors.
version 16.1.1 (2019-07-30)
- Enabled reading of sub-seasonal, including bi-weekly, data.
- Implemented seasonal limits for sub-seasonal data.
- Missing values are now replaced before calculation of seasonal data.
- Moved Start-at date prompt to Edit menu.
- Added length of climatological period to the main window.
- Added option to switch off printing of menus in the batch version.
- Implemented option to print sub-menus in batch version.
- Added option to average an ensemble before fitting model.
- Reduced memory requirements when calculating seasonal data from monthly.
- Enabled ensemble sorting for non-gridded data.
- Added minor tick marks to some graphics.
- Improved precision of numerical axis labels.
- Dates on x-axis realigned slightly to avoid starting at y-axis.
- Enabled some file format options from the title window.
- Enabled project file saving from the title window.
- Activated season prompt for GCM with monthly validation data.
- Enabled Data ~ Merge and Data ~ Update after cancelled opening of an input file.
- Enabled Data ~ Merge and Data ~ Update for non-yearly-sequenced data.
- Enabled Data ~ Update when the update file has only one case.
- Seasonal totals calculated if units are mm/month.
- Updated CRU downloads to version 4.01.
- Updated ERSST downloads to version 5.
- A default zero-bound option is now set for multi-field Y input files.
- Implemented file modification date checks for gfortran.
- Increased maximum length of file and directory names.
- Increased maximum length of station names.
- Minor modifications to format of some date outputs, including indication of persistence component in brackets.
- Changed default station markers to circles.
- Implemented option to use the Catholic Gregorian calendar (starting in October 1582 rather than September 1752).
- Allowed for longer period strings.
- Fixed occasional problem with batch menus.
- Fixed occasional problem with batch project files.
- Enabled use of Silverfrost callback ‘SET’ from accelerator keys.
- Simplified modules for examining the structure of input files.
- Implemented a function to check whether a real value is approximately equal to another.
- Combined perform_cca, perform_pcr, and perform_gcm routines.
- Simplified climate_per derived types.
- Created ensembles module.
- Added menus module.
- Ended support for version 13 project files.
- Update to LAPACK 3.8.0.
- Renamed some variables.
version 15.7.11 (2019-07-09)
- Fixed possible problems selecting confidence intervals, p-values, relative odds, and extended cliatological periods.
- Fixed problem saving temporal scores when there are omitted cases.
- Fixed occasional problem identifying incorrect season length.
- Improved batch output of weather roulette results.
- Fixed dates in weather roulette output files.
- Fixed initialiation problem with weather roulette.
- Fixed output file initialiation problem when no name is entered.
- Fixed failure to prompt for output file if verification score is unchanged.
- Fixed problem with cpt:units tag in output files.
- Fixed problems saving averages and thresholds for seasonally sequenced data.
- Fixed occasional problem showing wrong season length.
- Corrected units when seasonal totals are calculated.
version 15.7.10 (2019-04-23)
- Enabled target-season prompt when using GCM.
- Improved error messages for missing values.
version 15.7.9 (2018-10-13)
- Fixed occasional problem running forecasts when new forecast file is opened.
version 15.7.8 (2018-07-30)
- Forced program termination after invalid entry of filename when error handling is set to stop.
version 15.7.7 (2018-07-16)
- Fixed problem with file merging in batch version.
- Fixed problem with File~Update.
version 15.7.6 (2018-05-04)
- Prevented crash at start-up on some machines when trying to identify Windows version.
- Changed mode prompts to pull-down lists to avoid FTN95 bug with spin-wheels.
version 15.7.5 (2018-04-18)
- Fixed problem downloading non-NMME version of CFS2 SST data.
- Fixed additional problem displaying GrADS station data.
version 15.7.4 (2018-03-30)
- Fixed occasional problem displaying some GrADS maps.
- Fixed problem displaying GrADS station data.
version 15.7.3 (2018-02-01)
- Enabled saving of probabilistic skill maps in batch version.
- Corrected score ranges for Brier and Brier skill score maps.
- Fixed problem displaying probabilistic skill maps given index data.
- Enabled scree plots when X file contains index data.
- Fixed occasional failure of forecast file start and end dates to update.
- Improved handling of invalid initial training periods for retroactive analysis in batch version.
- Changed most forecast and field prompts to pull-down lists to avoid FTN95 bug with spin-wheels.
- Corrected some Use declarations.
- Corrected some incorrect Integer kinds.
version 15.7.2 (2017-12-29)
- Fixed problem with multiple forecasts when lead-time by year is greater than zero.
- Replaced invalid X forecast time scores output file with interpolated Z data output file for GCM.
- Fixed problem saving GCM regression coefficients.
- Fixed problems saving GCM option project files with results.
- Corrected some KIND definitions for a forthcoming 64-bit version.
version 15.7.1 (2017-12-19)
- Added NASA and GFDL-FLOR-A06 NMME models, and CFS2 as NMME.
- Indicated NMME models.
version 15.6.4 (2017-12-10)
- Fixed problem with dates in weather roulette output files.
- Fixed occasional problem plotting cumulative profits and effective interest rate.
- Fixed problem with interpolation option.
version 15.6.3 (2017-11-29)
- Improved text size scaling.
- Modified line thickness on exceedance probability plots.
- Fixed problem changing graphics title.
- Corrected Makefile reference to downloads file.
version 15.6.2 (2017-11-18)
- Added CHIRPS v2 to download options.
- Added NCAR CESM1 to download options.
- Removed redundant pressure-level grid selection when only one pressure level is available.
- Updated salflibc.dll from FTN95 v 8.20.
version 15.6.1 (2017-11-10)
- Modified download module to enable reading of customised download configuration files.
- Added OISST2 to SST download options.
- Implemented automatic download using BITSadmin for precompiled Windows batch version.
- Added option to scale CPT window text for improved window formatting.
- Enabled reading of files with cpt:col=’lon’ and cpt:row=’lat’ tags.
- Fixed occasional problem downloading data with incorrect longitudes.
- Renamed analogues to references.
- Converted some ClearWin+ windows handles to be usable in 32- and 64-bit mode.
- Modified ClearWin+ calls to be callable from other compilers.
- Fixed problem with console scrollbars on Windows 10.
- Added headers for mode optimization with PCR.
- Indicated GROC scores.
- Enlarged default size of some forecasts graphics.
- Simplified access of input files.
- Simplified reading of initialization file.
- Simplified construction of Help file paths.
- Simplified creation of new windows by allowing additional optional arguments.
- Added grey option to button function.
- Added function for creating a drawing area.
- Updated some Help pages.
- Update to LAPACK 3.7.0.
- Implemented some additional translations.
- Ended support for version 12 project files and earlier.
- Forced all references to project and program versions to have explicit KIND.
- Introduced Result(check) for checking functions.
- Deleted some redundant USE and INTRINSIC statements.
version 15.5.13 (2017-06-20)
- Improved some error messages for invalid PFV input files.
version 15.5.12 (2017-06-12)
- Enabled single-forecast PFV.
version 15.5.11 (2017-05-30)
- Fixed occasional problem changing climatological period.
- Fixed problem with category shading on exceedance probability curves when x-axis is scaled.
- Fixed occasional fatal problem with exceedance probability curves.
- Fixed occasional problem changing or toggling transformation option.
version 15.5.10 (2017-04-21)
- Fixed possible fatal error if no data are downloaded in batch version.
version 15.5.9 (2017-04-20)
- Fixed occasional problem with new synchronous predictors warning.
- Fixed problem opening new Y file when the curent file is open with a persistence component.
- Fixed duplicate view menu label running beginner mode.
- Colour direction reset to Y-variable dependent direction uponre-opening a project file.
- Prevented normal-category shading from reversing on forecast probabilistic maps.
version 15.5.8 (2017-04-06)
- Introduced warning for synchronous predictors and predictands when synchronous flag is switched off.
- Changed forecast year to that for first month of forecast period when there is a persistence component.
version 15.5.7 (2017-03-23)
- Fixed problem saving PCR project after forecasting.
- Fixed occaional problem saving projects with forecasts.
version 15.5.6 (2017-03-14)
- Improved default start at dates when Y files are monthly and X files are GCM outputs.
- Fixed occasional problem with start-at dates resetting.
version 15.5.5 (2017-02-03)
- Implemented work-around for memory allocation problem in FTN95.
- Fixed problem calculating odds when climatological probabilities are zero.
- Fixed problem rouding probabilities when one or more of the probabilities is zero.
- Initialised unused pointers to prevent problems with strict compilers.
version 15.5.4 (2016-11-08)
- Corrected occasional problem opening performance measures window.
- Fixed problem with truncated .CPT project file extension.
- Fixed occasional problem not showing all forecasts on graphs.
- Corrected intent declaration for parse_files argument.
- Fixed memory problem with GCM.
- Fixed some problems with PFV project files containing results.
- Fixed problem calculating ignorance score when a probability is zero.
- Fixed problem saving retroactive and forecast probabilities for all categories.
version 15.5.3 (2016-10-11)
- Added context-specific help for graphics results.
- Restored default projects file directory.
- Fixed problem with new view prompts in batch version.
- Fixed problem using old output file numbers in batch version.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 15.5.2 (2016-10-09)
- Enabled opening of project files as a command line argument.
- Enabled reading of annually sequenced data for non-calendar months or seasons.
- Fixed new problem with some GCM downloads.
- Fixed new problems with menus in batch version.
- Fixed some occasional problems creating project files in batch version.
- Enabled use of old output file identifiers in batch version.
- Improved positioning of labels and scores on ROC graphs.
- Reactivated OK as the default button.
- Minor modifications to some text output.
- Implemented some additional translations.
- Generalized label definitions.
- Generalized button construction.
- Further simplified menu construction.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 15.5.1 (2016-09-19)
- Added option to save graphics montage.
- Added option to scale graphics.
- Added options to save images in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) or Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF).
- Added option to remove category shading on graphs.
- Added option to restore defaults (in windows version).
- Added updated X PC and X CCA mode scores to graph when forecasts have been activated.
- Added option to rescale forecast probability maps.
- Added option to save X CCA forecast scores.
- Renumbered file output numbers.
- Browse now remembers the previous directory (in Windows version).
- Browse now remembers the default file name when saving an output file or graphic.
- Prevented error message when trying to save graphic after a canceled browse.
- Added missing time options menu to batch version.
- Added option to control how CPT proceeds after an invalid prompt response in the batch version.
- Reorganised menus for batch version for greater compatibility with windows code.
- Minor modification to calculation of quantiles.
- Fixed problem viewing forecast probabilities.
- Fixed problem viewing forecasts on graph when graph has been rescaled.
- Fixed problem with duplicate .tsv file extension on automatic downloads.
- Fixed problem with incorrect label for a PFV results file.
- Fixed problem with missing cpt:ncat tag in some PFV output files.
- Fixed possible incorrect dates in interpolated S data output files.
- Fixed possible problem after saving climatological averages with a persistence component.
- Fixed some occasional problems with default output filenames.
- Fixed some minor formatting problems with property sheets for output files.
- Removed ROC area from unformatted ROC output files.
- Reordered property sheets for output files.
- Simplified coding of property sheets for output files.
- Simplified coding of data output.
- Simplified menus coding.
- Simplifications to code for formatting results windows.
- Generalized coding for setting of axis limits.
- Reformatted code for greater legibility.
- Implemented additional translations.
- Added some missing Intrinsic declarations.
- Updated Help pages.
version 15.4.1 (2016-08-11)
- Implemented ignorance score and its decomposition.
- Implemented Brier score decomposition.
- Added option to calculate verification scores using binned forecast probabilities.
- Enabled colour reversals on skill maps and mode maps.
- Simplified setting of default contour intervals.
- Removed conditional access to Options ~ Verification Settings.
- Changed some radio buttons to check boxes.
- Added option to select integer from a list of values.
- Simplified some ClearWin+ calls.
- Renamed some variables and routines.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 15.3.9 (2016-06-10)
- Added units to GrADS control files.
- Fixed some problems with GrADS control files.
- Added degrees of freedom to prediction error variance output files.
- Fixed problem downloading CMC4 model data if dates only from 2011 onwards are selected.
- Indicated earliest date available when download dataset is changed.
- Fixed occasional problem running retroactive forecasts with persistence component.
- Fixed problem with reversed black-and-white menu flag.
- Fixed problem saving ROC results in batch version.
- Fixed problem saving JPEG files for results windows with multiple images.
- Fixed some problems with automatic downloads for batch version.
- Introduced a colours definition file.
- Introduced a derived type for some grey-menu switches.
version 15.3.8 (2016-02-05)
- Introduced NAG_BIN_DIR environment variable for batch version.
version 15.3.7 (2016-01-28)
- Removed patches for resolved NAGWare bug (NAGWare 6.0 build 1064).
- Corrected precision of a variable when calculating regression parameters.
- Corrected inaccuracy in calculation of gamma parameters when censoring is applied.
- Fixed occasional problem with x-axis limits when customizing regression plots.
- Prevented double calculation of bootstrapping when bootstrap window is opened.
version 15.3.6 (2015-12-16)
- Prevented some fatal errors after setting invalid persistence components.
- Fixed problem displaying CCA graphs for index data.
- Fixed problem with Data ~ Update in Windows version.
- Removed regression line from regression plots when the Y transformation option is on.
- Changed station labels in some output files to index labels when Y file is index.
version 15.3.5 (2015-11-24)
- Updated GPCC downloads to version 7.
- Added GPCC 6 as a precipitation download option.
- Resolved some occasional problems saving CCA results.
- Fixed occasional problem showing PFV results for incorrect seasons.
- Fixed problems with PFV due to NAGWare bug.
- Fixed occasional fatal error saving project after File ~ New.
- Corrected headings on ranked hits table for batch version.
- Updated some Help pages.
- Deleted some redundant USE and INTRINSIC statements.
version 15.3.4 (2015-10-22)
- Fixed occasional problem with gaussian transformation when running retroactive forecasts.
- Fixed problem displaying probabilistic verification scores.
- Fixed memory problem after cancelation of output file during merging.
- Fixed occasional problem with start dates in file merging.
- Fixed problem with file merge when user changes the start-at dates.
version 15.3.3 (2015-10-21)
- Fixed problem merging files containing multiple fields.
- Improved default start-at dates for file merging.
- Fixed inability to change score for skill maps in batch version.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
version 15.3.2 (2015-10-20)
- Enabled opening of weekly and pentadal data files with common start dates each year.
- Improved plotting of sub-seasonal data.
- Modified some Spanish translations.
- Simplified routine for plotting a line on a graph.
version 15.3.1 (2015-10-06)
- Implemented file merge and updated options.
- Enabled duplication of gridded fields to allow for multiple domains of the same field.
- Added GPCC 6 as a precipitation download option.
- Added CMC4, GFDL-FLOR-B01 and COLA-RSMAS-CCSM4 as GCM download options.
- Corrected some download prompts in the batch version.
- Introduced limits on start-at dates consistent with data in file.
- Removed ROC diagram for beginner version Performance Measures.
- Moved Prediction Intervals pop-menu item to Customise.
- Fixed problem restoring dates of forecasts from project files.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 15.2.2 (2015-09-03)
- Modified some Spanish translations.
version 15.2.1 (2015-09-02)
- Added option to plot and view regression equations in MLR.
- Restricted number of validation measures for beginner version.
- Added option to set contour limits for forecast probabilities maps.
- Tools ~ Forecast ~ Series shows odds and relative odds together.
- Improved setting and retention of axis limits and graphics titles.
- Improved setting of CCA time series axes limits.
- Added option to set CCA and PCA Y-axis limits.
- Enabled output of some additional GrADS output files.
- Updated ERRST downloads to version 4.
- Updated CRU downloads to version 3.22.
- Added coversion for mm/month.
- Moved cross-validation window length prompt to Options menu.
- Implemented some additional translations.
- Fixed problem using GCM option with index data.
- Fixed occasional problem printing second line of warning message in batch version.
- Simplified some modules.
- Implemented routine to force a value to be within specified limits.
- Renamed some routines.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
version 15.1.2 (2015-04-19)
- Simplified setting of output unit numbers and handles.
- Renamed some variables.
- Deleted some redundant declarations.
version 15.1.1 (2015-04-03)
- Introduced option for beginner version (windows version only).
- Eliminated prompt for saving of project file when view is changed.
- Renamed some variables.
- Reordered some USE statements.
- Reorganised subdirectories.
version 14.7.13 (2015-10-20)
- Fixed some problems reading wide input files.
- Fixed occasional problem selecting subdomains using version 9 station files.
version 14.7.12 (2015-10-06)
- Fixed occasional problem with persistence component when opening Y file before X file.
- Included missing persistence component in the dates of some output files.
version 14.7.11 (2015-09-09)
- Fixed occasional problem indicating incorrect station name on maps.
- Fixed occasional problem outputting data with vertical level indicators.
- Removed cpt:model tag from output files when model is unknown.
- Removed some partially implemented code intended for version 15.
version 14.7.10 (2015-08-14)
- Fixed additional problem running CPT in Portuguese.
- Fixed problem changing language in batch version.
- Prevented output of some invalid files in batch version.
- Removed spurious output file when running forecasts with persistence.
version 14.7.9 (2015-06-15)
- Fixed problem with Pearson’s skill map.
version 14.7.8 (2015-06-15)
- Enabled output of some additional GrADS output files.
- Added regression constant to output files when using PCR.
- Activated construction of download URLs for batch version.
- Implemented error message to distinguish constant fields from missing values.
- Implemented colour bars with twenty colours, when needed.
- Fixed some problems with persistence component prompt when SPI option is off.
- Fixed occasional problem switching between persistence and no-persistence.
- Fixed occasional problem with forecast dates in batch version.
- Fixed occasional problem opening multi-field files.
- Fixed occasional problem viewing some forecasts with multi-field non-gridded data.
- Fixed occasional problems saving results for multi-field non-gridded data.
- Fixed problem recognising alternative directory markers.
- Simplified changing of modes.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
version 14.7.7 (2015-05-20)
- Permitted common start date in year for pentad and weekly data.
- Recognised alternative directory markers.
- Fixed problem reading Portuguese labels.
version 14.7.6 (2015-05-16)
- Improved efficiency calculating some scores.
- Implemented work-around for backup file initialisation problem with NAGWare.
- Set probabilities to defaults if they are unspecified in the X input file for PFV.
- Fixed occasional fatal error plotting maps when there is only one line of latitude or longitude.
- Fixed occasional problem with some results when number of years is large.
version 14.7.5 (2015-05-12)
- Fixed problem saving Y categories.
- Fixed occasional problem incrementing days for daily sequenced data.
- Fixed problem with logarithmic axes.
- Fixed problem saving Y categories in PFV.
- Prevented PFV from returning error message if all probabilities are negative, but are not equal to the specified missing value, or if the probabilities sum to zero.
- Prevented occasional incorrect warning when trying to download updated GCM data.
version 14.7.4 (2015-04-02)
- Added station indicators to climatological correlations maps.
- Improved data download advisories for invalid dates.
- Improved resetting of download dates after advisory.
- Fixed occasional failure to download latest available data.
- Fixed occasional problem indicating season selection when selecting multiple months.
- Fixed occasional problem indicating spurious initialization date in current seasons selection indicator for data downloads.
- Fixed problem opening help pages.
- Fixed problem with contouring on climatological correlation maps.
- Fixed occasional problem running PFV with version-9 Y files.
- Fixed occasional problem reading multi-lagged index and station files.
version 14.7.3 (2015-03-31)
- Fixed problem downloading CFSv2 U and V components.
version 14.7.2 (2015-03-27)
- Fixed occasional problem reading data with persistence component switched on.
- Fixed occasional problem with working directories.
version 14.7.1 (2015-03-20)
- Allowed download of data at multiple geopotential levels.
- Added option to download U and V components as multiple fields.
- Added options to download GCM outputs of variables by geopotential heights.
- Added option to adjust how lengths of months are handled.
- Added function to set initial colour direction based on the variable name.
- Updated CPT URL.
- Improved initial estimate of climatological period for PFV when using seasonally sequenced data.
- Improved initial estimate of climatological period for PFV when the Y file does not contain an independent period.
- Corrected problem with PFV for non-equiprobable categories.
- Corrected failure to abort when user elects not to continue after changed number of modes.
- Corrected occasional problem running PCR in batch version.
- Corrected occasional erroneous indication of multiple download season selections for GCMs.
- Fixed some downloads that were not working.
- Fixed some occasional problems reopening PFV project files.
- Fixed occasional failure to reverse colours.
- Modified code for constructing menus.
- Changed some accelerator keys.
- Added a root directory variable for development versions of CPT in new repository structure.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
- Deleted some redundant IMPLICIT declarations.
- Added some missing and deleted some redundant INTRINSIC declarations.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 14.6.4 (2015-01-15)
- Corrected version patch number.
- Fixed occasional problem indicating current season selection.
- Fixed problem downloading most recent ECHAM4.5 data.
- Fixed problem downloading GCM data for 0 lead-times.
- Fixed problem downloading realtime CFS2 data for temperature.
- Fixed occasional problem resetting forecast precision and probability rounding.
- Improved y-axis limits for CCA time series graphs.
- Improved output of regression coefficients for index X files.
- Permitted pentad and weekly data to be represented by a date rather than a period.
version 14.6.3 (2015-01-06)
- Prevented occasional problem changing EOF or CCA mode.
- Implemented initialization routine for images.
- Reset some incorrect INTENT declarations.
version 14.6.2 (2014-12-16)
- Improved error messages when reading gridded files.
- Improved speed of reading files that have been saved in a project.
- Fixed problem opening Y file when persistence component is on.
- Fixed occasional problem setting a default climatological period.
- Corrected occasional indication of wrong persistence month when setting SPI period.
- Fixed occasional problem constructing ordinal numbers.
- Allowed for trimming of trailing tabs.
- Updated some Help files.
version 14.6.1 (2014-11-27)
- Added option to round forecast probabilities.
- Prevented forecast probabilities from rounding down to zero.
- Forced forecast probabilities to add to 100.
- Added indicator of current season selection for download and target season.
- Improved default domain settings if single station lies exactly on an integer line of latitude or longitude.
- Modified CFS2 downloads to the new public site for the realtime component.
- Modified season representation for long seasons.
- Prevented occasional unecessary recalculation of forecasts.
- Prevented occasional fatal error when calculating labelbar intervals.
- Project results restored if there is a problem only in reading forecasts.
- Fixed problem reading forecasts from project files.
- Fixed occasional problem with labelbar for maps.
- Generalized increment and decrement of months.
version 14.5.1 (2014-11-24)
- Added option to allow synchronous predictors.
- Added realtime forecasts for CFS2 downloads.
- Added Data menu item to title window.
- Implemented checks on download dates.
- Modified prompts for target season.
- Minor modifications to some default graphics titles.
- Fixed problem with colour bar on odds maps.
- Simplified coding for construction of graphics windows.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 14.4.4 (2014-11-06)
- Reorganised download list by data type rather than source.
- Replaced download parameter settings with text file.
- Fixed problem displaying some of the verification skill maps.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 14.4.3 (2014-10-22)
- Added option to download CDAS-1 data from the IRI Data Library.
- Added option to download ECHAM4.5 asst data from the IRI Data Library.
- Added option to select a domain for downloading ERSST3b data.
- Simplified structured box creation for formatting windows.
- Fixed occasional problem with unset minimum number of cases.
- Fixed occasional problem with unset domain label in batch version.
- Implemented work-around for FTN95 bug when reading station and index files with multiple lagged fields.
version 14.4.2 (2014-10-20)
- Added option to download CFS2 hindcasts from the IRI Data Library.
- Added option to download CRU data from the IRI Data Library.
- Added option to download NINO indices from the IRI Data Library.
- Fixed occasional problem backing up real values.
- Fixed occasional fatal error drawing scree plots.
version 14.4.1 (2014-10-07)
- Added option to download ERSST3b data from the IRI Data Library.
- Implemented option to plot forecast odds and relative odds maps.
- Resolved problem with unassigned variable when all cases have too many missing values.
- Fixed a broken link in Help Page for View ~ PFV.
- Corrected default name for lower thresholds climatological output file.
version 14.3.2 (2014-09-18)
- Added option to save interpolated forecasts under PFV in windows version, and Y categories in batch version.
- Improved graphing of seasonally sequenced data.
- Improved estimation of number length of training period for seasonal data.
- Prevented occasional resetting of climatological period when new input file is opened.
- Fixed some problems outputting results for seasonally sequenced data.
- Set missing values for forecast probabilities to -1 for output files to avoid multiple missing value definitions in one field.
- Fixed occasional problem incrementing seasons.
- Fixed problem allocating memory when gamma transformation is on after a reset.
- Fixed problems opening station files with seasonal sequencing.
- Improved error messaging when there are too many missing values.
- Prevented separate prompts for domain settings for each season when running PFV.
- Eliminated error message after closing CPT when output results has been selected from PFV.
- Fixed occasional problems allocating memory for PFV.
- Fixed some occasional problems running PFV with seasonal Y files.
- Fixed some occasional problems with undeclared variables.
- Fixed some occasional problems opening project files with unset input files.
- Fixed some occasional problems opening PFV project files.
- Fixed problem resetting number of variables when changing domain if time sequencing is seasonal.
- Removed some spurious Windows formatting symbols from error messages in batch version.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 14.3.1 (2014-08-13)
- Added option to save observed and retroactive categories.
- Improved output of thresholds and climatological averages.
- Improved default climatological period for PFV.
- Corrected indication of changed climatological period after a forced reset prompt.
- Relaxed tolerance for rounding errors in probability sums.
- Fixed some problems opening seasonally-overlapping sequenced files.
- Fixed problem reading PFV results in project files.
- Fixed problem with PFV when number of Y stations exceeds number of X stations.
- Fixed some occasional problems setting the season indicator.
- Fixed occasional problem reading gridded forecast probabilities.
- Fixed occasional problem identifying stations in PFV.
- Added markers and screen to batch version to enable compatability of windows and batch project files.
- Implemented subroutine for temporary modification of time-sequencing.
version 14.2.3 (2014-07-16)
- Added probability of zero parameter to gamma distribution to deal with censored values.
- Improved scaling of contours and y-axes.
- Improved initial setting of start-at date when X file is opened second.
- Minor improvements in setting of default contours for forecast values.
- Enabled verification options when running retroactive forecasts.
- Forced closure of any results when a new project is started.
- Fixed occasional problem opening files after a seasonally sequenced file.
- Corrected occasional problem setting default length of training period that was too long for seasonally-overlapping sequenced files.
- Corrected re-setting of minimum length of training period for PFV.
- Corrected occasional mislabeling of standardization on some forecast products.
- Corrected some spelling errors.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 14.2.2 (2014-06-08)
- Zero-bound checking applied before seasonal calculations and missing value replacement.
- Fixed occasional problem with restandardization.
- Fixed some problems reading seasonally sequenced files.
- Fixed some problems reading old project files.
- Fixed indication of climatological seasons when seasonally sequenced data are used.
- Corrected occasional error in incrementing seasonally sequenced dates.
- Re-initialized number of used variables after an abort.
- Corrected some spelling errors in messages.
- Renamed some routines and variables.
version 14.2.1 (2014-05-31)
- Implemented option to mark stations as crosses or circles.
- Implemented option to exclude CPT tags in output files.
- Forced station markers to have equal X- and Y-dimensions.
- Enabled reading of multiple season files.
- Added theoretical climatological probabilities and odds to forecast series window when using SPI.
- Improved identification messages when encountering error reading station and index files.
- Fixed occasional problem when running PFV with multiple seasons.
- Fixed occasional problem with SPI.
- Fixed problem with analogue years when using persistence.
- Fixed minor inaccuracies in cross-validation with gamma transformation when using multiple locations.
- Permitted setting of training period to 0 when one or both input files are unset.
- Provided some missing error messages.
- Changed “Number of lags” prompt to “Number of seasons” for PFV.
- Corrected truncation of “Relative Odds” on forecast series window.
- Modified some accelerator keys.
- Corrected occasional problem indicating incorrect station / index details.
- Corrected occasional problem indicating incorrect number of variables.
- Corrected inconsistent indication of season for climatological period when using persistence.
- Captured any errors reading space settings for Y file.
- Improved error message when an input file is protected while opening a project file.
- Set some undeclared variables to permit saving of project files in batch version.
- Stopped support for CPTv10 project files.
- Update to LAPACK 3.5.0.
- Updated some Help pages, including instructions on how to format probabilistic forecast files for PFV.
version 14.1.11 (2014-04-16)
- Fixed problem reading version 9 gridded version with south-to-north latitudes.
- Fixed occasional fatal problem with forecasting in MLR.
version 14.1.10 (2014-04-16)
- Fixed some occasional problems with reading ungridded version 10+ files.
- Improved efficiency of opening version 9 files.
- Fixed problem changing resampling settings in batch version.
- Improved error messaging for unreferenced v9 files.
version 14.1.9 (2014-04-03)
- Fixed some occasional problems with persistence option.
- Fixed some occasional problems with SPI standardization.
- Fixed occasional problem with restandardization of forecasts.
- Fixed occasional problem changing zero-bound.
- Fixed some occasional problems saving project files with results.
- Fixed problem with ACTIONS menu items in batch version.
- Improved memory of settings when view is changed.
- Improved efficiency of reading nongridded files.
- Removed occasional spurious error message when abort button is selected.
- Disabled transformation option menu item when SPI standardization is selected and for PFV.
version 14.1.8 (2014-03-18)
- Fixed problem reading very wide station and reference files.
- Fixed problem with missing data when forecasting with persistence.
- Project file opens without results if there is a problem reading the results.
- Improved clearance of memory when a project file containing results fails to open.
- Project file change recorded when transformation flag is toggled.
- Fixed occasional problem running retroactive analysis.
- Fixed problem with length of retroactive period prompt in batch version.
version 14.1.7 (2014-02-25)
- Recognised cpt:field=pre as precipitation.
- Improved error handling when invalid numbers of modes are entered.
- Fixed problem opening wide station files in version 9 format.
- Fixed problem saving project files with results if climatological period extends beyond training period.
- Fixed problem running PFV with multiple seasons.
- Missing values recognised on forecast maps for PFV.
- Fixed problem with default Y start date for PFV.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 14.1.6 (2014-01-02)
- Fixed occasional problem using GCM option.
- Fixed problem checking latitudes in batch version.
version 14.1.5 (2013-12-23)
- Activated forecast selection on probabilistic forecasts map.
- Added error message when probabilities in X input file for PFV do not sum correctly.
- Permitted reading of X files for PFV with fewer than 4 years.
- Ficed problm changing tailoring standardization after results are calculated.
- Prevented fatal error creating console window when screen size is very small.
- Resolved problem saving correlation climatologies.
- Resolved occasional fatal problem viewing correlation climatologies after opening a new X file.
- Fixed problem replotting correlation climatologies after changing title.
- Rescaled initial y-axis limits when necessaary.
- Fixed occasional problem opening X files with multiple lags.
- Enabled printing of regression coefficients for multiple fields in X index files.
- Fixed problem reading multiple field index files.
- Fixed failure to identify change in season when opening new GCM X input files.
- Fixed occasional problem with missing value warning after changing Y file.
- Improved check for availability of persistence data for forecasts.
- Fixed fatal error selecting next domain when there are multiple fields.
- Renamed some variables.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 14.1.4 (2013-12-02)
- Â Fixed problem with Y start dates when using GCM X files.
version 14.1.3 (2013-11-29)
- Â Domain prompts are terminated when Apply to all is selected.
- Corrected possible problems if Same as previous domain is selected, but the grid is different.
- Date containing negative values is indicated when zero-nound is switched on.
- Prevented fatal error when fitting gamma distribution with extreme outliers.
- Addressed occasional truncation of station or grid details on results windows.
version 14.1.2 (2013-11-27)
- Resolved fatal problem after a reset and change view.
- Enabled reading of cpt:P tag as an alternative to cpt:Z.
version 14.1.1 (2013-11-25)
- Implemented option to add a persistence component to a forecast (addition to updated forecasts not yet implemented).
- Implemented option to use monthly input Y data so CPT can calculate seasonal totals / averages.
- Implemented option to plot probabilistic forecasts as a single map showing only the probabilities for the most likely category.
- Enabled plotting of climatological thresholds and averages when using PFV.
- Improved initial estimates of start-at dates.
- Implemented option to save formatted output files as tab-, space-, or comma-separated values.
- :Improved messages for saving project files, including eliminating some spurious warning messages.
- Implemented some additional unit conversions.
- Changed headings for missing value boxes when running PFV.
- Fixed problem viewing GCM options after switching to GCM view.
- Fixed some occasional problems with warning messages when project files could not be opend at start-up.
- Reset number of used variables after a file is closed.
- Deactivated Actions menu item when a project that does not have both files set is opened.
- Changed prompts for invalid modes to warning messages that do not abort calculations.
- Corrected climatology when period starts after beginning of training period and endsafter end of training period.
- Remembered climatological period extension option after reset.
- Resolved some occasional problems reading probabilistic station and index files.
- Implemented warning message if X input file is not probabilistic when using PFV.
- Suppressed redundant missing value options for PFV.
- Fixed occasional problem plotting new forecasts in PFV.
- Eliminated some redundant memory allocation for PFV.
- Fixed occasional problems fitting gamma distributions.
- Fixed problem replacing missing values in forecast file by nearest neighbours.
- Fixed problem re-running after selecting new project.
- Fixed occasional problem setting all subsequent field domains.
- Fixed occasional problem displaying forecasts saved in results file.
- Provided missing tagline for upper prediction and confidence limits in output files.
- Included prediction and confidence levels as separate tag in output files.
- Enabled plotting of monthly and seasonally sequenced data.
- Modified procedure for identifying date sequencing.
- Minor improvements in efficiency when sorting.
- Other minor improvements in efficiency by using array assignments, and FORALL.
- Simplified some logical tests by using .EQV. and .NEQV..
- Changed some functions with side-effects to subroutines.
- Simplified some subroutine calls when actual arguments are themselves OPTIONAL dummy arguments.
- Deleted some redundant, and provided some missing, INTRINSIC statements.
- Implemented some additional translations.
version 13.4.2 (2013-10-07)
- Improved handling of zero-bound when transformation flag is switched on.
- Probability of exceedance curves drawn with gamma distribution when appropriate.
- Implemented some additional unit conversions.
- Fixed problem immediately recognising changes to length of training period and number of forecasts when number is not set using fly wheels.
- Improved indication of progress in failed reading of station and unreferenced files.
- Forced cursor-waiting off after abort.
- Fixed occasional problem with truncated text for prompt for number of gridpoints.
- Further simplification of cross-validation coding.
- Updated some help pages.
- Implemented some additional translations.
- Deleted some redundant, and provided some missing, INTRINSIC statements.
- Provided some missing USE statements.
version 13.4.1 (2013-07-31)
- Implemented option to view non-cumulative profits and losses.
- Implemented option to use a gamma distribution for transformation to gaussian.
- Implemented option to convert data to standardized indices.
- Implemented option to apply domain settings to all subsequent domains.
- Minor improvements in efficiency when performing data transformation.
- Fixed occasional problem with some error messages when using languages other than English.
- Fixed problem reading labels file in Portuguese.
- Restored checks for large lags, and corrected spurious checks for daily data.
- Identified last date in file for station data with lagged fields but no additional years.
- Implemented warning message if X input file is not probabilistic when using PFV.
- Resolved some occasional problems reading probabilistic station and index files.
- Fixed occasional problem plotting new forecasts in PFV.
- Provided missing tagline for upper prediction and confidence limits in output files.
- Included prediction and confidence levels as separate tag in output files.
- Enabled plotting of monthly and seasonally sequenced data.
- Simplified output procedure for weather roulette results.
- Simplified cross-validation coding.
- Minor improvements in efficiency of calculating goodness index when transformation option is on.
- Modified some INTENT declarations.
- Deleted some redundant, and provided some missing, USE statements.
- Updated some help pages.
version 13.3.3 (2013-07-15)
- Fixed problem selecting skill score in batch version.
- Re-implemented missing option for skill score output file in batch version.
- Restored pop-up menu on station skill maps.
- Fixed error with PCR cross-validation.
version 13.3.2 (2013-06-25)
- Prevented occasional problem changing forecast year.
version 13.3.3 (2013-07-15)
- Fixed problem selecting skill score in batch version.
- Re-implemented missing option for skill score output file in batch version.
- Restored pop-up menu on station skill maps.
- Fixed error with PCR cross-validation.
version 13.3.2 (2013-06-25)
- Prevented occasional problem changing forecast year.
version 13.3.1 (2013-06-06)
- Added recognition of ensemble data.
- Added GrADS station output.
- Added option to save files as stream / transparent access.
- Permitted reading of seasonally-sequenced files for PFV.
- Added checks for matching X and Y fields for PFV.
- Added check for no matching grids.
- Enabled reading of lagged fields in station and index probability files.
version 13.2.3 (2013-05-02)
- Fixed fatal error after cancellation of climatological period settings
- Fixed occasional problem reading version 9 index and station forecast files with no carriage return at end of last line.
- Fixed occasional problem reading PCR and MLR project files
- Fixed occasional problem with Actions menu after a reset
version 13.2.2 (2013-04-26)
- Fixed problem changing station.
- Modified an incorrect INTENT declaration.
version 13.2.1 (2013-04-18)
- Added resolution slope and ranked hit scores to probabilistic scores and mapping options.
- Added option to plot tendency diagrams.
- Fixed problem changing title of probabilistic score maps.
- Fixed problem changing title of weather roulette diagrams.
version 13.1.3 (2013-04-13)
- Fixed problem with Actions menu after opening a second project file.
- Fixed problems occurring after opening of a second project file is aborted when results have been calculated.
- Fixed problems reading project file containing results when climatological period extends beyond training period.
- Implemented more responsive abort button.
- Further modifications to attributes output file.
version 13.1.2 (2013-03-28)
- Added station name identifier to skill maps.
- Implemented progress meter when calculating confidence intervals for probabilistic verification scores.
- Implemented option to compile batch version in single precision.
version 13.1.1 (2013-03-16)
- Added various procedures for model combination in GCM option.
- Project files can be shared between Windows version and batch version running on Windows.
- Implemented check to see whether X domain is too small for interpolation.
- Added option to save correlation climatologies.
- Added no skill line to attributes output file.
- Output of regression coefficients enabled for all GCM options.
- Adjusted format of bootstrap outputs.
- Eliminated occasional large space in output files between Z-level and units, and prevented truncation of units indicator.
- Blocked file conversion warning message when some different representations of the same units are used.
- Changed progress meter to a pop-up window with an abort option to cancel calculation.
- Some other minor changes in design of interface.
- Implemented additional, and modified some existing, translations.
- Merged Windows and Linux versions, with substantial reorganization of module structures.
- Updated some help pages.
- Deleted some redundant module arrays.
- Deleted some redundant variables.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
version 12.6.1 (2013-03-14)
- Domain map is expanded upon redraw if selected area extends beyond data limits.
- Reliability curve regression fit interpolates across empty probability bins on attributes diagrams and in output file.
- Improved format of attributes output file.
- Fixed ocassional problem displaying scree plots.
- Fixed occasional failure to output data for last station.
- Corrected prediction error variance for GCM.
- Corrected cumulative profits and effective interest rate calculations for cases with occasional missing forecasts.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
version 12.5.3 (2012-10-27)
- Refreshed progress meter bar after reset.
- Fixed problem with time sequencing when switching views.
- Changed default name of ensembles graphics file.
- Simplified coding of graphics output.
- Reordered some modules.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
version 12.5.2 (2012-10-18)
- Fixed problem saving incorrect upper prediction limits.
- Reordered some USE statements.
version 12.4.1 (2012-08-14)
- Partial implementation of option to save files in GrADS format.
- Added option to set number of probability bins to 21 (5% bins) instead of the default 11 (10% bins).
- Added weighted regression line to attributes diagrams and output files.
- Stored maximum percentages of missing variables in project file.
- Switched off redundant standardization for Probabilistic Forecast Verification.
- Set interpolated data to missing when there are no nearby points.
- Fixed occasional problem saving project file after climatological period is adjusted after analysis.
- Fixed problem reading project file with results when transformation flag is on, but retroactive calculations are not performed.
- Fixed occasional problem resetting climatological period.
- Fixed occasional compiler-specific problem reading multi-field files.
- Resolved occasional possible memory leak when calculating goodness index.
- Resolved problem remembering default analogue years.
- Moved some array declarations for improved object orientation.
- Reorganised some modules.
- Deleted some redundant USE and INTRINSIC statements.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 12.3.6 (2012-07-11)
- Fixed problem opening scree plots window.
- Fixed problem opening forecast probabilities window.
- Fixed problem reading stacked multifield forecast probabilities.
- Fixed problem reading index files with lags.
- Adjusted progress meter.
- Applied progress meter separately to missing value replacement and to calculation of climatologies and thresholds.
- Restructured missing values replacement module.
- Updated some Help pages.
version 12.3.5 (2012-06-21)
- Fixed problem reading version 9 station and unreferenced files.
version 12.3.4 (2012-06-20)
- Fixed problem starting CPT with a language other than English.
version 12.3.3 (2012-06-07)
- Fixed problem updating Y Mode maps for multiple fields.
version 12.3.2 (2012-06-07)
- Deleted some redundant USE declarations.
- Deleted some redundant INTRINSIC declarations.
version 12.3.1 (2012-06-04)
- Added options to save graphics in GIF, EMF, and PCX formats.
- Removed JPEG quality scaling prompt when saving BMP files.
- Corrected problem displaying CCA modes when results are read from project files.
- Update to LAPACK 3.4.1.
version 12.0.2 (2012-05-22)
- Renamed the GCM option to GCM Validation.
- Reordered some menu items.
- Improved error messages for incorrectly formatted gridded files.
- Prevented recontouring of forecast values maps after changing of title.
- Fixed problem reading forecast EOF scores saved in CPT.
- Fixed occasional problem displaying X loadings for unreferenced data.
- Fixed some inefficiencies in calculating odds.
- Made all array arguments’ dimensions explicit.
- Implemented a generic graphics window function.
- Changed some PUBLIC declarations to PRIVATE.
version 12.0.1 (2012-05-08)
- Added Probabilistic Forecast Verification (PFV) option – reads forecast probabilities as X input file for verification purposes.
- Project files save and restore results, if available.
- Added option to allow climatological period to extend beyond the range of the training period.
- Made cpt_nfields tag optional if nfields=1.
- Only cpt:T tags (and cpt:S tags if used) need be supplied for lagged fields, and for stack fields (except for the first occurrence).
- In version 9 station files, longitudes can come before latitudes.
- Added climatological probabilities to retroactive and forecast probability output files.
- Changed output of probabilities and odds to indicate the original field, with the units indicating probabilities or odds.
- Added option on title screen to view full date prompts.
- Fixed scaling problem plotting Kendall’s tau station correlations.
- Added South Sudan to maps.
- Enabled handling of pentadal, weekly, and dekadal data.
- Improved plotting of non-annual data, and modified plotting of all time sequences.
- Permitted second time step to be missing (although CPT may struggle to identify sequencing in some cases).
- Fixed occasional problem reading n-day periods.
- Fixed problem with truncated “Kendall’s tau” label.
- Fixed problem calculating p-values when p-values option is switched on without closing existing skill maps window.
- Fixed occasional problem when using multiple near-neighbours and their are no cases when all near-neighbours have non-missing values.
- Fixed occasional problem calculating probabilistic verificaion scores.
- Improved output of longitudes.
- Incorporated climatology calculations into data input progress monitoring.
- Modified handling of progress meter for improved compatibility with Linux version.
- Modified some accelerator keys to avoid duplication.
- Updated to LAPACK 3.4.0.
- Improved compatibility with Windows Vista and Windows 7.
- Introduced some relative date definitions and functions.
- Set default module accessibility to PRIVATE.
- Reorganized USE statements to reflect dependency hierarchy.
version 11.10 (2011-11-11)
- Implemented option to plot correlation maps of predictors.
- Improved handling of unformatted data output.
- Postponed some initializations until after title window to allow fuller translations.
- Implemented additional translations.
- Reduced memory requirements for bootstrapping.
- Modularized some remaining field prompts.
- Modularized data input routines.
- Renamed some variables.
- Reorganized some USE statements.
- Removed some redundant USE statements.
- Supplied some missing IMPLICIT statements.
version 11.09 (2011-08-15)
- Introduced check for invalid number of forecasts.
- Reduced memory requirements and increased efficiency of retroactive calculations.
- Minor improvement in efficiency in checking of climatological period.
- Fixed problem viewing forecasts when number of forecasts is greater than 1.
- Fixed occasional problem reading lagged fields.
- Fixed occasional problem reading multi-field station files.
- Fixed problems saving weather roulette outputs.
- Fixed occasional problem with undefined variable when estimating missing values in the forecast file.
- Fixed occasional fatal errors when opening an input file after a previous failed attempt.
- Fixed occasional problems recognizing forecast file after cancelled opening of an alternative forecast file.
- Improved handling of analogue dates for daily data.
- Implemented additional translations.
- Simplified calling of skill maps routines.
- Simplified extraction of climatological data.
- Streamlined output of gridded data.
- Generalized output of canonical correlations to eliminate need for its own output function.
- Deleted some redundant, and added some missing, USE statements.
- Deleted some redundant INTRINSIC statements.
- Removed a redundant OPTIONAL argument declaration.
- Renamed some variables and procedures.
version 11.08 (2011-07-18)
- Added option to plot climatological category thresholds and averages, and with flexibility to set the contour limits.
- Enabled plotting of multiple forecast fields and lagged fields.
- Added option to set contour limits on forecast values and prediction intervals maps.
- Added option to set y-axis limits on performance measures, forecast series and forecast ensembles graphs.
- Added option to set x-axis limits on probability of exceedance graphs.
- Improved estimation of appropriate contour and tick mark intervals.
- Modified and combined procedures for calculating tick-mark intervals and contours to simplify customization.
- Simplified some mapping functions.
- Fixed problem reading lagged fields as stacked multiple fields.
- Implemented some additional translations.
- Deleted some redundant, and added some missing, USE statements.
- Updated some help pages.
version 11.06 (2011-06-23)
- Implemented option to save probabilities of exceedance.
- Adjusted formatting of probability of exceedance window.
- Improved plotting of daily data.
- Fixed occasional failure to open forecast series or performance measures windows when selecting locations on forecast and skill maps.
- Fixed occasional problems with interpolation and identification of nearest grids.
- Corrected error message when insufficient memory to calculate forecasts.
- Improved checking for length of training period.
- Implemented additional translations.
- Resolved occasional memory problems calculating category thresholds.
- Resolved problem reading version 9 index and station files with version 10 dates.
- Renamed some variables.
- Deleted some redundant, and added some missing, USE statements.
- Updated some help pages.
version 11.03 (2011-03-03)
- Implemented conversions to and from cm/day.
- Implemented option to avoid using too many combined numbers of EOF modes in CCA.
- Implemented LAPACK 3.3.0, including reduced memory requirements.
- Implemented additional Spanish translations.
- Disabled Y transformation option for GCM.
- Fixed problem when error messages occurred before labels were intialized.
- Fixed some occasional problems saving regression coefficients.
- Fixed occasional problems identifying and replacing missing values in the forecast file.
- Corrected some error messages when unable to open project files.
- Improved efficiency of calculation of CCA when optimizing the numbers of principal component and CCA modes.
- Other minor improvements in efficiency.
- Reduced some occasional problems with rounding errors when CCA model is overfit.
- Resolved some problems with retroactive forecasts for GCM when Y transformation flag is switched on.
- Fixed occasional problem with grey View menu items when opening successive project files.
- Fixed occasional problem reading multiple field files.
- Fixed problem in Linux version with unassociated pointers when reading unreferenced files.
- Fixed problem setting domain latitudes for south-to-north files.
- Fixed problem of drawing map for longitudes less than -180.
- Renamed a local field derived type to avoid possible conflict in the Linux version.
- Simplified call to hcov_maps to avoid problems in the Linux version.
- Improved specification of data precision.
version 11.02 (2011-01-19)
- Set maximum number of principal components to minimum of the number of variables and one minus the number of cases.
- Improved efficiency in calculation of forecasts using CCA.
- Implemented a check for rounding errors in identiying missing values.
- Created labels file for simpler translation of text.
- Implemented additional Spanish translations.
- Modified some accelerator keys for the Spanish menu items.
- Modularised the principal component calculation options menu.
version 11.01 (2011-01-06)
- New option to calculate probabilistic verification scores for retroactive forecasts
- Implemented automatic language detection, multi-language menu items (English and Spanish), and an option to set the language.
- Permitted multi-language month abbreviations in version 9 gridded input files.
- Implemented option to compare station or gridded data with interpolated or nearest GCM gridboxes, with various options for bias and skill corrections.
- Implemented option to choose correlation coefficient for calculating goodness index.
- Set default coorelation coefficient for goodness index to Kendall’s.
- Implemented option to calculate probabilistic verification scores for pooled retroactive forecasts.
- Added Brier score, ranked probability score, and corresponding skill scores to attributes diagrams.
- Added option to toggle printing of scores on ROC graphs and attributes diagrams.
- Added options to plot 2AFC skill maps for continuous and categorical forecasts.
- Permitted different mssing value flags for different fields.
- Permitted missing years or days in input files except for year/day 2.
- Made cpt:T tag line in version 10 input files redundant. This line is no longer needed, or is ignored if present.
- Included file modification date in file definition to prevent potential file reading difficulties.
- Generalized project files so that all analyses have the same project file structure.
- Changed project file extension to .CPT, but included option to search for and open version 9 and 10 project files and extensions.
- Recognised lower-case file project extensions when opening project files.
- Resolved problem with project file filters after unsuccessful opening of project file.
- Modified default estimate of “Start at” dates to avoid occasional invalid settings.
- Changed some accelerator keys to avoid conflicts.
- View MLR menu item greyed when unreferenced X input file is open.
- Minor changes to some menu items.
- Improved error messaging for input file format problems.
- Simplified error message handling.
- Recorded change in project file settings when length of cross-validation is automatically reset.
- Simplified some file output routines.
- Fixed some problems estimating missing values in forecast files.
- Fixed problem reading data in non-default forecast files.
- Fixed some occasional problems saving regression coefficients.
- Fixed occasional fatal error calculating forecasts using old project files.
- Corrected occasional problem shading incorrect longitudes on domain map.
- Generalized probabilistic score routines to allow probabilities to sum to 1 or to 100.
- Added approximate y-axis limits as optional arguments to permit better plotting of biased forecasts.
- Simplified data input routines.
- Supplied missing END qualifiers to READ statements.
- Created array of attributes diagrams to simplify programming.
- New get_structure algorithms to implement more rigorous testing, and to facilitate greater flexibility on input formats.
- Renamed function erfc to avoid conflict with Fortran extensions in some compilers.
- Deleted some redundant INTRINSIC statements.
Version 10.09 (August 26, 2010)
- Permitted different domains for different fields.
- Implemented option to click on forecast maps to open corresponding forecast series window.
- Implemented option to click on skill maps to open corresponding performance measures window.
- Enabled domain selection by rectangular selection of an area on the domain map using the mouse.
- Limited domain shading to map limits.
- Permitted maps wider than 360 degrees.
- Changed default key for domain selection from “OK” to “Redraw Map”.
- Changed “OK” button to “Next” on domain selection window for first few fields.
- Added a “Same as Previous” button on domain selection window for multiple fields.
- Changed ‘Number of EOF extensions’ to ‘Number of additional months/days’.
- Minor changes to some menu items.
- Changed CCA output file descriptions.
- Supplied missing sample RMSE in bootstrap window.
- Supplied missing options to save some graphics as BMP files.
- Prevented occasional problem when first year of data has too many missing values.
- Prevented occasional problem with climatological period when first year of data is omitted.
- Fixed occasional problem plotting forecast values maps.
- Fixed occasional problem printing rescaled values on labelbars.
- Fixed occasional problem setting season when months are undefined.
- Fixed occasional problem locating stations incorrectly.
- Fixed problem reading multi-month station files.
- Fixed occasional problem printing saving regression coefficients.
- Fixed problem showing skill bar charts for unreferenced data with multiple lags.
- Fixed occasional problem shading first line of grids.
- Fixed occasional failure to show selected domain.
- Fixed occasional error calculating forecasts with over-parameterized multiple regression models.
- Fixed problem drawing maps for data with inverted latitudes.
- Changed default Help page to Index.html, and removed redundant Help_Intro.html.
- Modified some Help pages.
- Reorganized file structure checking algorithm.
- Moved screen module to gui.f95.
- Simplified viewport initialization call.
- Renamed some variables.
- Deleted unused variable.
version 10.08
- Added location map to domain selection window.
- Added interface blocks for external routines.
version 10.07
- Corrected problem with forecasts when standardization option is reset after model calculated.
- Renamed tailoring options window title.
- Minor improvements to tailoring options window layout.
- Changed EOF temporal scores output files tag so that the files can be read by CPT as unreferenced files.
- Fixed occasional problem with incorrect dates in predictor time scores output files.
- Corrected remaining problems ocassionally printing incorrect date on forecast output files.
- Updated display of total number of gridpoints / stations / series for forecast file when X domain is changed.
- Erased filename when file selection is cancelled.
- Updated number of used variables in forecast file.
version 10.06
- Applied missing restandardization to forecasts and prediction intervals.
- Corrected occasional problem printing incorrect date on forecast output files.
- Avoided occasional array size inconsistency when printing weather roulette results.
- Fixed occasional problem sequencing daily data.
- Ensured forecast probabilities update when climatological probabilities are adjusted.
- Improved default first date from which to forecast, and number of forecasts.
- Implemented pull down menus for month prompts for daily data.
- Added latitude and longitude prompts for gridded data on bootstrap window.
- Default climatological period set before analysis is run when user attempts to set the climatological period.
- Introduced day and month prompts for climatological period for daily data.
- Resolved problem displaying results for final gridpoint.
- Fixed unequal spacing on map colourbars.
- Increased maximum length of cpt:T line to 2**24.
- Permitted missing ‘/’ at end of XML URLs.
- Corrected error message when boundariesw and lakes files are missing.
- Corrected some spelling mistakes in error messages.
- Renamed get_thresholds subroutine for consistency with menu.
version 10.05
- Corrected progress meter when retroactive option is used with analogue years.
- Corrected some problems with some of the example data files.
version 10.04
- Permitted option to include irregularly lagged EOF extensions.
- Added lakes to maps.
- Added option to mask shading over lakes.
- Added option to mask shading over land.
- Improved error messages for input file formatting problems.
- Fixed occasional problem reading files with a single case.
- Fixed occasional problems reading gridded forecast files.
- Fixed problem calculating forecasts when number of forecasts is more than length of training period.
- Fixed occasional problem resetting climatological period.
- Prevented access of verification results when cross-validation is run after retroactive analysis.
- Minor improvements to progress meter, including prevention of premature termination.
- Corrected occasional problem saving regression coefficients because of unset flag.
- Corrected occasional problem printing longitude markings on maps.
- Corrected occasional problems initializing fields.
- Fixed problems saving ensemble forecasts.
- Set default zero flag for multiple fields to be off.
- Modified the default length of initial training period, to avoid problems with small datasets.
- Minor improvements in spacing of labels on colour bar.
- Improved compatibility with Windows 7.
- Revised IF statement in write_grid to avoid logical error, but that would never occur in practice (resolved to avoid messages for some compilers).
- Updated help pages.
- Added Lulin Song as an author.
version 10.03
- Added option to set category thresholds by analogues years.
- Added option to calculate and save p-values for skill maps.
- Gridded results prompted by latitude and longitude rather than grid number.
- Fixed occasional truncation of grid and station coordinates.
- Corrected some problems formatting bootstrap results.
- Corrected problem showing some retroactive skill maps.
- Corrected problem saving upper and lower prediction interval maps.
- Improved contouring.
- Insured consistency of colour scale.
- Insured shading of last grid square if used.
- Permitted reversal of colour scale on forecast values maps.
version 10.02
- Added option to view all CCA modes upto maximum number selected.
- Replaced mean squared error with % variance on performance measures window, and reordered other scores.
- Permitted near-360 degree maps when longitudes are realigned.
- Improved tick mark interval on y-axis.
- Improved appearance of logarithmic scree plots.
- Resolved occasional problem typing initial length of training period for retroactive forecasts.
- Prevented occasional fatal errors when entering out-of-range settings.
- Corrected forecasts when tailoring options are reset.
- Prevented viewing of verification results when tailoring options are reset.
- Resolved problem viewing forecast ensembles.
- Resolved occasional problem viewing probabilities of exceedance.
- Resolved occasional problem calculating forecasts.
- Resolved occasional problem setting dates for version 9 input files.
- Resolved some occasional problems reading multified / EOF extension gridded files.
- Resolved some occasional problems reading short Z files.
- Resolved problem resetting number of variables when domain setting change is cancelled.
- Resolved possible problem drawing maps when last gridpoint is unused.
- Resolved occasional problem calculating asolute thresholds on standardized data.
- Resolved occasional problem reading structure of station and unreferenced files.
- Implemented temporary fix for expressing forecast in anomalies.
- Corrected occasional problem outputting data when some years are marked as missing.
- Set correct user directories for Spanish and Portuguese versions of Windows.
- Some improvements in ability to run on Windows Vista.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements ad INTRINSIC declarations.
version 10.01
- Permitted reading of multiple fields, and new CPT version 10 file formats.
- Combined Input and Results windows, and windows for different analysis settings.
- Added weather roulette options to retroactive verification.
- Added option to view an ensemble of forecasts based on the assumed error distribution.
- Added option to set climatological period after Y file is set and before running analysis.
- Added odds to forecast series window.
- Added option to show odds relative to climatology.
- Added option to specify precision of forecasts.
- Added option to omit cases when number of missing values is too high.
- Adjusted CCA time series graph to plot X and Y against Y year so that graphs are superimposed when lag/=0.
- Last year of data shown with file information.
- Default length of training period set according to amount of available data.
- Default number of forecasts set according to amount of available data.
- Revised skill map colour spectrum.
- Reduced graphic sizes slightly.
- Corrected occasional problems drawing climatological curve on probability of exceedance graph when data are transformed.
- Permitted climatological period of an outer category to exceed 0.5.
- Climatological period printed under actions when calculating.
- Prompt removed when invalid climatological period updated automatically.
- Confidence intervals saved in single file.
- Saved MLR coefficients based on centred rather than standardized data; regression constant also saved.
- Improved output format for regression coefficients, forecast probabilities and confidence intervals.
- Output files saved in CPT 10 format.
- Accepted “STATIONS” as a valid keyword for version 9 station files.
- Improved progress meter.
- Disabled project save when no modification has been made.
- Renamed ‘Graphics’ menu item to ‘Modes’.
- Renamed ‘Thresholds’ menu item to ‘Tailoring’.
- Renamed ‘Data Output’ menu item to ‘Output Results’.
- Moved forecast data output to Output Results menu.
- Added options to save forecast and retroactive odds.
- Parameterized the calculation of the ClearWin+ Window size.
- Prevented fatal error when climatological period is invalid or too short.
- X EOF calculation option restored after MLR.
- Fixed problem with forecasts when resetting standardization option after model fit.
- Prevented MLR calculation when gridded or station X file is opened prior to viewing MLR.
- Improved data availability checks for retroactive calculations.
- Prevented fatal error when degrees of freedom for Student’s t-distribution are zero.
- Prevented programme termination if CPT.ini file in user’s directory is not found.
- Prevented occasional fatal error when a principal component explains minimal variance during optimization.
- Prevented some occasional fatal errors when using MLR with large numbers of predictors.
- Error and warning indicators printed in bold.Updated ifile derived type to include more extensive date information for improved lag checking.
- Created CPT_Data static library to contain parameter settings.
- Converted variable inclusion flags to indices for improved efficiency.
- Modularized error, warning, and advisory notifications, and improved error diagnostics.
- Improved efficiency of dataset structure identification for pre-v10 input files.
- Improved memory handling for pointers.
- Simplified checking for missing values.
- Minor improvements in efficiency of construction of date strings for progress prompts.
- Simplified calling of map-drawing routine.
- Created help initialization subroutine.
- Simplified handling of project files.Deleted some redundant default and back-up variables.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
version 9.11
- Prevented occasional estimation of negative values when zero-bound option is set.Resolved occasional problems clearing memory after unsuccessful forecast calculation.
- Updated CPT homepage URL.
version 9.10
- Added option to save prediction error variances.
- Added option to accept approximate data limits as domain settings.
- Fixed occasional problem saving incorrect latitudes and longitudes for some station data output files.
- Remembered last initial length of training period for retroactive forecasts.
- Set lower limit on initial length of training period for retroactive forecasts.
- Modified gridded file date checking to permit greater flexibility.
- Fixed occasional fatal error calculating variance ratio.
- Parameterized some error messages.
- Removed access to some redundant default variables.
- Changed some conflicted accelerator keys.
- Generalized construction of some graphics titles.
- Deleted a redundant IF statement.
version 9.09
- Fixed occasional problem resetting length of training period.
version 9.08
- Fixed fatal problem plotting forecast values.
- Fixed problems resetting graph titles.
- Fixed occasional problem resetting length of training period.
version 9.07
- Added options to save graphics as .BMP files.
- Changed some accelerator keys.
- Fixed occasional fatal problem calculating forecast probabilities.
version 9.06
- Implemented 2AFC scores and variance ratio verification measures.
version 9.05
- Simplified initialization of some graphics variables.
- Eliminated some graphics variable-naming conflicts.
- Supplied some missing IMPLICIT statements.
- Deleted some redundant variables.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
version 9.04
- Resolved occasional problem allocating memory for forecasts.
- Resolved some problems with the cursor after certain error messages.
- Simplified checking of need for forecast calculation.
- Modularized standardization options.
- Alleviated problem with hanging cursor on probability of exceedance windows.
- X and Y output files reset.
- Moved missing value replacement routines from data_input to statistics module.
- Missing value replacement performed after both datasets read.
- Simplified prompting for changed project file.
- Renamed some functions and subroutines for greater clarity and consistency.
- Simplified checks for stopped forecast calculations.
- Moved a calculation flag to analysis module.
- Removed some redundant variables.
- Removed some redundant and supplied some missing USE statements.
- Removed some redundant and supplied some missing INTRINSIC declarations.
version 9.03
- Resolved problem allocating memory resulting from ALLOCATE bug in new compiler.
- Added hour-glass cursor when reading project file.
- Major restructuring of analysis, cca, and mlr modules to facilitate implementation of DLL structure.
- Minor restructuring of statistics module to facilitate implementation of DLL structure.
- Simplified checking of program settings.
- Combined PCR and MLR modules.
- Simplified control of title and input windows.
- Simplified forcing of minimum training period length, and of odd cross-validation window length.
- Minor improvement to standardization procedure.
- Correction to occasional problem with station longitudes.
- Corrected identification of daily data starting on the last day of the month.
- Simplified code for determining order of magnitude.
- Created separate routines for standardization and unstandardization to avoid potential confusion.
- Editted some ungrammatical messages.
- Derived type INTENT(OUT) changed to INTENT(INOUT) when not all items are set.
- Minor revisions to memory management.
- Added some missing PUBLIC declarations.
- Added some missing INTRINSIC declarations.
- Removed some redundant variables.
- Removed some redundant USE statements.
- Removed some redundant and supplied some missing INTRINSIC declarations.
version 9.02
- EOF loadings shown in maps and output adjusted for latitude weights.
- Fixed problem introduced in version 9.01 with overwrite prompt.
- Simplified CCA and PCR code.
- Implemented LAPACK 3.1.1.
- Reduced memory requirements.
version 9.01
- Divided data_io module into input and output.
- LAPACK routines included as DLL.
- Simplified analysis and graphics module to facilitate implementation of DLL structure.
- Minor improvements in efficiency of plotting of probability of exceedance curves.
- Replaced overwrite function with print_qwarning.
- Moved make_coor function to graphics module.
- Renamed some functions and subroutines for greater consistency.
- Removed some redundant USE statements.
version 8.08
- Permitted reading of continuous daily data.
- Adjusted correlation algorithm to give more accurate results when variances are very different.
- Implemented missing year checks for unreferenced data.
- Fixed an occasional problem reading station data from forecast file.
- Made month format in gridded files case insensitive.
- Renamed some variables.
- Removed some redundant USE statements.
version 8.07
- Fixed occasional fatal error drawing colour bar.
- Updated help pages.
version 8.06
- Disabled gridded and station X input files for MLR.
- Removed low resolution map option.
version 8.05
- Implemented multiple linear regression (MLR).
- Parameterized analysis names.
- Corrected occasional error in indicating project file directory.
- Removed some redundant USE statements.
version 8.04
- Implemented option to plot cumulative % of variance on scree plots.
- Improved error message on failed opening of CPT.ini.
- Simplified checking of invalid lags.
- Introduced IRI logo on title page.
- Parameterized copyright dates.
- Parameterized font type.
- Alternative font used if default fonts unavailable.
version 8.03
- Added option to save retroactive forecast probabilities and upper and lower retroactive prediction limits.
- Thresholds and standardization options can be set from input window.
- Added category shading to exceedance probability curves.
- Activated exceedance probability curves for all options.
- Input Y data saved standardized according to standardization option.
- Corrected forecasts for when transformation flag is on.
- Corrected identification of retroactive and forecast categories.
- Fixed fatal error when saving forecast probabilities if output file is not formatted.
- Changed some ‘reliability diagram’ labels to ‘attributes diagram’.
- Upper and lower prediction limits saved as %s if anomalies are defined as %s.
- Simplified standardization implementation.
- Prevented attempts to save data after failed file opening for some output file types.
- Minor improvements to progress meter.
- Simplified definitions of retroactive period.
- Added number to output file derived type to simplify file identification.
- Added some missing INTRINSIC statements.
version 8.02
- Corrected plotting of frequency histograms on attributes diagrams.
- Corrected retroactive forecast probabilitiy calculation when transformation option is on.
- Improved label positioning on retroactive ROC verification graph when skill is negative.
- Added ROC areas to ROC graph labels.
- No skill line on attributes diagram changed to dash-dotted.
- Minor improvements to black and white graphics.
- Prevented spurious prompt to save project file changes after file is closed by switching analyses via View menu item.
- Supplied some missing INTENT statements.
- Simplified some subroutine calls.
version 8.01
- Retroactive forecast probabilities calculated.
- Implemented attributes and ROC diagrams for retroactive forecasts for all points.
- Simplified unformatted output of ROC diagrams.
- Corrected resetting of ROC output file name.
- Corrected occasional failure to recalculate forecasts when first year from which to forecast is reset.
- Corrected minor inaccuracies in calculating retroactive forecasts when latitude weighting is applied.
- Corrected calculation of retroactive forecast categories.
- Retroactive forecast update interval remembered.
- Revised calculation of probability of exceedance curves.
- Implemented additional checks to avoid overflow errors.
- Modified output format of ROC results.
- Substantial reorganization of modules.
- Major restructuring of cca and pcr modules to improve efficiency given new retroactive probability forecasts.
- Improved memory handling.
- Deleted some redundant USE and INTRINSIC statements.
version 7.06
- Added colour indicator to Y-axis of CCA time scores graphs.
- Corrected colour indicators on validation graphs for black and white option.
- Fixed occasional problem saving unreferenced output files.
- Error message issued if a file with its name containing the % character is opened.
- Prevented occasional fatal error resulting from floating errors in calculating the variance of the last EOF.
- Corrected default CCA map and graph titles.
- Modified PUBLIC/PRIVATE attributes of some graphics parameters.
- Supplied some missing INTRINSIC statements.
version 7.05
- Fixed problem introduced in version 7.01 updating forecast probabilities when thresholds are changed.
- Corrected problem saving regression coefficients for unreferenced data.
- Only the optimal number of CCA modes saved in output file to avoid occasional fatal error when saving.
version 7.04
- Maximum number of EOFs saved in output files rather than optimum number.
- Principal component scores plotted with correct variance.
- Principal component scores calculated with PCR saved with variances equal to corresponding eigenvalues.
- Implemented option to save hit and false-alaram rates from ROC graph.
- Switched off hour-glass cursor after incorrect initial retroactive training period is specified.
- Fixed fatal problem calculating latitude weights when latitudes are inverted.
- Improved latitude weighting scheme for domain boundaries.
- Improved hadnling of zero-bound.
- Fixed occasional fatal problem when saving predictor time scores for forecasts.
- Fixed problem calculating forecasts using PCR with Y transformation option switched on.
- File initializations moved to iofiles module.
- Deleted some redundant USE statements.
version 7.03
- Fixed problem with latitude weighting when only two lines of latitude are used.
- Improved forecast probability estimates when transform Y data option is activated.
- Fixed occasional problem reading forecast file after unsuccessful forecast file change.
- Previous forecast file restored after unsiccessful opening of new file.version 7.02
- Fixed problem running PCR with transform Y data option activated.version 7.01
- Added option to set a zero-bound.
- Added option to transform forecasts to % of average.
- Reactivated option to transform Y data to normal.
- Added option to set model update interval during retroactive forecasting.
- Disabled probability of exceedance plots if normalization and/or zero-bound option is activated.
- Major improvements in efficiency when optimizing numbers of modes.
- Goodness index indicated even without optimization.
- Output files saved as tab-delimited.
- Can view all principal components, not just those used.
- All principal component scores plotted and saved with variances equal to corresponding eigenvalues.
- Cosine latitude weighting applied to gridded data when calculating principal components.
- Simplified calling of CCA and PCR routines.
- Reduced memory requirement for calculating goodness index.version 6.10
- Ensured that forecasts are recalculated if thresholds are updated but a new forecast window is not opened.
- Occasional improvements in efficiency of calculation of forecasts.
- Deleted some unused variables.
- Removed an unused grey menu item flag.version 6.09
- Parameterized length of station names and months for improved compatability with source code version.
- Parameterized output formats for improved flexibiliity.
- Parameterized length of month strings.
- Restructured routines for output of some output formats.
- Minor improvements in efficiency of output to some files.
- Fixed some occasional output problems.
- Improved data structure checking for gridded data files.
- Moved get_structure to an internal procedure of get_ifile.
- Changed some index names for greater consistency.version 6.08
- Fixed problem opening gridded files introduced in version 6.07.version 6.07
- Fixed problem saving cross-validated scatter diagram.
- Changed default first year to be same as first year of opened file.
- Corrected problem using “LON” keyword.
- Fixed spurious memory allocation error message issued when forecast file is changed.
- Adjusted default error bar for predictions to 68.3%.
- Changed default maximum number of Y EOF modes.
- Improved file format checks for gridded data.
- Implemented improved KIND selection for REAL constants.
- Supplied some missing intrinsic statements.version 6.06
- Fixed occasional problem with adjustments to thresholds when climatological period is reset.
- Resolved problems with saving graphics in Output subdirectory.
- Read input file error messages changed to indicate number of years in training period read successfully.
- Changed years in copyright statement on start-up window.
- Editorial corrections made to Help About window.
- Principal component scores plotted and saved with variances equal to corresponding eigenvalues (corrected from 6.05).
- Resolved problems plotting bar charts of EOF loadings for unreferenced data.
- Corrected warning when problem saving PC regression file using gridded data.
- Converted numbers of X and Y variables to targets to avoid compilation problems with some compilers.
- Replaced some MATMUL calls for compatibility with source code version, which was experiencing large rounding errors with some compilers.version 6.05
- Principal component scores plotted and saved with variances equal to corresponding eigenvalues.
- Added option to save predictor EOF time scores for forecast data.
- Fixed problems using anomalies and standardized anomalies.
- Moved standardization options to Threshold Settings.
- Added standardization option to graphics titles.
- Increased maximum size of graphics titles, and decreased font size.
- Fixed problem with absolute thresholds radio button.
- Fixed occasional problem with first year of training period introduced at version 6.04.
- Minor modifications to estimation of percentiles when thresholds are beyond range of data.
- Fixed occasional problem identifying whether to optimise number of modes when running CCA.
- Improved structure and efficiency of data checks.
- Improved structure and efficiency of domain checks.
- Deleted some redundant USE variables.version 6.04
- Corrected X input file label on Y input section.
- Forced immediate update to prediction interval length when reset.
- Changed number of grids / stations / series to zero when no input file is open.
- Simplified functions for setting output files and file formats.
- Simplified subroutine call for reading station data.
- Removed redundant Help menu items from Output File Definitions window.
- Changed some function and derived type names.version 6.03
- Implemented option to plot exceedance probability graphs.
- Implemented option to print and save forecast values as anomalies or standardized anomalies.
- Major redesign of graphics code.
- Modifications made to normalization procedure.
- Improved traps to prevent occasional fatal errors when windows are closed prematurely.
- Added climatological period to forecast series window.
- Corrected climatological period indication on forecast probabilities window.
- Updated help pages.
- Temporarily disabled Y data transformation option.
- Changed function names in forecast module for clearer structure.version 6.02
- Number of latitudes and longitudes / stations / series detected automatically.
- Line-wrapping no longer permitted in input files.
- Maximum input file line length of 1048576 characters.
- Increased maximum width of output files in Windows version of CPT.
- Updated help pages.version 6.01
- Separate initialization files and directories for multi-users.version 5.07
- Implemented options for defining forecast error-variance.
- Prediction confidence level saved in Project file.
- Allowed for asymmetric climatological probabilities.
- Allowed for some output files of wider than 1636 longitudes/stations/series.
- Minor changes in format of some output files.
- Correced problem calculating Gerrity coefficients when a category has no cases.
- Modified procedure for estimation of quantiles beyond data bounds.
- Resolved some problems setting the bootstrap confidence level.
- Resolved some problems setting the default bootstrap confidence level and prediction confidence level.
- Added project name to Results Window.
- Removed project name from forecast output file prompt.
- Simplified checks for changed project file settings.
- Simplified various program option prompts.
- Fixed problem resetting default forecast confidence level.
- Supplied a missing accelerator key on title screen.
- Simplified continency table memory allocation.
- Resolved some occasional problems opening forecast files, after an attempt to open an invalid forecast file.
- Implemented some missing error traps for memory allocation problems.
- Implemented some improvements in efficiency of array handling.
- Minor improvements in memory management for bootstrapping.
- Simplified progress meter for improved compatability with source code version of CPT.
- Improved memory management when results window is closed when program is calculating.
- Created categories module.
- Modularized input screens.
- Modularized forcing of odd length and default length of cross-validation windows.
- Modularized calculation of scores.
- Simplified data precision definitions.
- Removed some redundant USE statements.
- Removed some redundant INTRINSIC statements.version 5.06
- Correct keywords saved in unreferenced input files.version 5.05
- Fixed occasional problems identifying stations within specified domain when domain crosses the dateline.
- Minor improvements in efficiency in reading station data.
- ‘LON’ keyword permitted for “LONGITUDE’ or “LONG’.
- File structure identified automatically.
- Fixed fatal error calculating goodness index when any of the cross-validated correlations are +/-1.0.
- Numbers of EOF/CCA modes replaced with minimum numbers.
- Calculations always halted if there are problems with numbers of EOF/CCA modes prior to reading data.
- Corrected problem setting default numbers of Y EOF modes.
- Minor corrections made to calculations of forecast probabilities and prediction intervals.
- Changed accelerator keys for retroactive scatter plots.
- Resolved fatal error calculating retroactive performance measures.
- Deleted some unused variables.
- Updated help pages describing calculation of the goodness index.version 5.04
- Implemented Gerrity score.
- Prevented occasional skipping of series whwen scrolling in bootstrap window.version 5.03
- Removed variance-adjusted contingency tables, and variance-adjusted hit and hit skill scores.
- Corrected poblems with categorical scores for transformed data.
- Implemented LEPS score.
- Included space for Gerrity score to be implemented at a later version.
- Changed format of grid reference / station / variable names on results windows to prevent update when new window is opened.
- Changed column totals for contingency table to indicate percentages of times each of the three categories are forecasted.
- Changed format of performance measures window to freeze output when another performance measures window is opened.
- Changed format of contingency tables window to freeze output when another contingency tables window is opened.
- Replaced forecast thresholds with climatological probabilities on forecast series window.
- Added confidence level for prediction intervals to forecast values maps.
- Added climatological period to forecast values and probabilities windows.
- Resolved conflict between open forecast values and forecast probabilities windows.
- Prevented overwriting of backup absolute thresholds.
- Corrected scaling of indicated bootstrap confidence level.
- Minor changes in some scree plots.
- Corrected upper limit to climatological probability of above-/below-normal.
- Corrected problem with reversed thresholds when climatological probability of above-/below-normal is extremely low.
- Corrected category shading when thresholds are beyond the y-axis range.
- Improved criteria for y-axis rescaling.
- Some smoothing of advance of progress bar.
- Restructuring of validation procedures to improve efficiency and reduce executable size.
- Major restructuring of modules and internally stored results.
- Minor improvements in efficiency of cross-validation procedure.
- Some functions renamed.version 5.02
- Implemented option to transform data to a normal distribution.
- Implemented option to set prior probabilities of above/below, or to use absolute thresholds.
- Climatological period, bootstrap settings, and transformation option saved in Project files.
- Small changes in format of Forecast Series window to prevent update of thresholds in old windows.
- Some early CPT version Project files no longer supported.
- Some restructuring of modules for setting climatological period.
- Deleted some redundant USE variables.
- Updated help pages.version 5.01
- Implemented prediction intervals.
- Added option to draw maps/bar charts of forecasted values with prediction limits.
- Removed the forecast category on Forecast Series windows, and removed option to save the categories.
- Grid spacing based on maximum rather than minimum map dimension.
- Variable names included on forecast map windows for unreferenced data.
- Changed accelerator key for scatter plots to avoid conflict with that for performance measures.
- Fixed an occasional problem with y-axis range on logarithmic scree plots.
- Changed y-axis lable on unreferenced skill graphs to name of score.
- Improved positioning of y-axis labels.
- Improved default definitions of tick mark intervals.
- Minor improvements in efficiency of constructing y-axes.
- Resolved occasional problems with bar graphs extending beyond the x-axis.
- Red, green, and blue graph lines darkened.
- Implemented some preliminary steps to permit future user-setting of contour and y-axis ranges.
- Supplied some missing INTRINSIC statements.
- Updated help pages.version 4.05
- Removed the “no replacement” missing value option, which had been causing some confusion.
- Correction made to calculation of forecast probabilities.
- Fixed problem generating forecasts when number of forecasts has been increased.
- Fixed problem saving some results when using unreferenced data.
- Changed “X variables” prompts to “Explanatory (X) variables” prompts.
- Changed “Y variables” prompts to “Response (Y) variables” prompts.
- Updated help pages.version 4.04
- Minor improvements in efficiency in performing SVD, with accompanying reduction in size of executable.
- Small reductions in memory requirements.version 4.03
- Implemented black and white graphics option.
- Resolved some problems running analysis after cancelled new input file.
- Supplied missing station/grid type when using project file.
- Changed default JPEG filenames for forecast maps to include year.
- Realigned bootstrap setting prompts.
- Implemented LAPACK patches.
- Minor improvements in efficiency in performing SVD.
- Corrected some INTENT declarations, and reinstituted INTENT(INOUT) after compiler bug fix.Version 4.02
- Changed format of forecast probabilities output file, and corrected incorrect output when data are gridded.
- Corrected format of some error messages.
- Removed variance-adjusted best-guess forecasts.
- Increased console window size for screen resolutions of 1792 or greater.
- Corrected occasional problems plotting forecast “maps” for unreferenced data.
- Resolved occasional program hang when all data on bar graphs are negative.
- Set correct upper limit to climatological period.
- Deleted some redundant, and supplied some missing, USE variables.
- Removed some redundant calculations and variables in forecast module.
- Implemented analysis type variables for improved modulation.
- Minor changes to dataset structure definitions.
- Prompts for missing value settings moved to analysis module.
- Deleted forecast probabilities derived type to improve compatibility with EPT.
- Minor improvements in efficiency in setting forecast calculation flag when resetting climatological period.
- Minor improvements in efficiency in performing SVD.Version 4.01
- Implemented option to draw high-resolution boarders and coastlines.
- Implemented option to set graphic titles.
- Implemented data types to allow user-defined axis range at a later version.
- Corrected occasional problems with year limits on forecast graphs.
- Updated some window titles.
- Changed some menu item shortcuts to avoid conflicts.
- Fixed fatal error because of unset climatology when running PCR.
- Fixed occasional problems with data output after an earlier output cancellation.
- Increased console window size for screen resolutions of 1600 or greater.
- Bootstrap confidence intervals activated.
- Graphics frozen on old results windows.
- Eliminated occasional vertical lines on scatter plots.
- Scree plot customise options moved to right mouse click, permitting immediate update.
- Improved precision of values on vertical lablebars.
- Updated help pages for new features, plus general editting.
- New derived type implemented for graphics images, borders, and margins.Version 3.30
- Added option to reset climatological period.
- Threshold values included on forecast series window.
- Improved y-axis scaling.
- Added option to plot scree plots on log-linear axes.
- Added broken-stick to scree plots.
- Fixed problem updating unreferenced variable name on some windows.
- Fixed problem viewing forecast maps when number of forecasts is more than one and lag is more than zero.
- Fixed problems saving data in station format.
- Bootstrap option reactivated (although confidence intervals are not shown yet).
- Updated help pages to include descriptions of new options.
- Changed default JPEG quality to maximum value.
- Some missing axis labels supplied.
- Removed vertical 5-marker lines when number of x-axis points is only 5.
- Removed some redundant USE statements.
- Further generalization of graphics routines.
- Modularisation of output error routines.
- Moved function to obtain data precision to numbers module.Version 3.29
- Corrected occasional fatal error producing contingency tables.
- Minor improvements in efficiency in routines for checking settings.
- Replaced legacy DBLE calls with REAL, KIND=dp.
- Removed redundant INTERFACE blocks.Version 3.28
- Optional vertical year lines activated on forecast graphs.
- Further modularisation to improve compatability with EPT.
- Minor improvements in efficiency of graphics routines.
- Mior improvements in efficiency of initialization of some windows.
- Supplied some missing intrinsic function statements.
- Minor revisiosn made to error, warning, and advisory notes.
- Removed some redundant IMPLICIT statements.
- Renamed some tables routines.Version 3.27
- Fixed fatal problem with threshold calculation from Version 3.26.Version 3.26
- Implemented some minor improvements in efficiency of graph drawing.
- Further modularisation to improve compatability with EPT.Version 3.25
- Fixed occasional problem setting number of forecasts at first attempt.
- Supplied some missing, and removed some unused, USE declarations.
- Removed some redundant INTRINSIC statements.Version 3.24
- Resolved problem accepting default forecast file.
- Resolved problem with file attributes after unsuccessful opening of forecast file.
- Graphics options grouped in Customise menu.
- Improved some error messages for when input files cannot be opened.
- Year(s) keyword accepted in place of Name in unreferenced data files.
- Series name for unreferenced files indicated on relevant validation, contingency table, and
- forecast windows.
- Minor improvements in efficiency of domains comparison function.
- Redesigned tables module for greater compatibility with similar modules.
- Supplied some missing, and removed some unused, INTRINSIC declarations.Version 3.23
- Correct date and month output when both datasets are gridded.
- Additional checks implemented for gridded data.
- X input file provided as default forecast file.
- Fixed occasional memory problems resulting from unsuccessul opening of forecast file.
- Implemented attempt to restore previous forecast file after unsuccessul opening of new
forecast file. - Forecast results retained after forecast window closed.
- Year of target data indicated for forecasts with non-zero lag.
- Fixed occasional problems printing longitudes.
- Fixed occasional problems with longitudes exceeding 360 in output files.
- Fixed problem initializing default first year of interest.
- Warning message issued if lag is greater than 1.Version 3.22
- Cross supplied at last point on graphs.
- Input day and month for gridded data printed in output files.
- Adjustments made to some USE statements.Version 3.21
- Fixed problem drawing maps with a range of less than 1 degree.
- Fixed problem drawing maps when only one longitude is selected.
- Fixed occasional problems when optimizing number of canonical modes.
- Removed some redundant and supplied some missing USE arguments.Version 3.20
- Implemented fix for viewing forecast maps at low screen resolution.
- Fixed problem reading unreferenced forecast file.Version 3.19
- Forecast menu item disabled if newly opened project does not have forecast file set.
- Supplied missing CCA column heading for number of modes optimization.Version 3.18
- New menu item added to provide confidence limits and significance tests using resampling
procedures. - New menu item added to adjust resampling settings.
- New property sheet added to define default resampling settings.
- CPT.ini file extended to include resampling settings.
- Fixed problem saving forecast maps as JPEG files.
- Reconfigured interface blocks for compatibility with source code Version of CPT.
- Analysis initialisation routines changed to functions.
- Some modules renamed.Version 3.17
- Minor changes to some window titles.
- Fixed some problems accessing the help pages.
- Removed some redundant USE, PUBLIC, and INTRINSIC statements.
- Help pages updated for changes to file formats implemented at Version 3.15.Version 3.16
- Implemented second check on number of EOF modes to compare with number of available variables.
- Second check fixes occasional program crash.Version 3.15
- Fixed problem opening input files with no file extension.
- Station file format changed to require STATION, LATITUDE, and LONGITUDE keywords.
- Unreferenced file format changed to require NAME keyword, and to require variable names.
- Excel files saved as Text (Tab delimited) can be read as station and unreferenced datasets.Version 3.14
- Fixed occasional problem saving skill scores for gridded Y datasets.Version 3.13
- Corrected labeling of X homogeneous map series output file prompt.
- Supplied missing portion of save prompt for PCR project files.
- Fixed problem trapping memory allocation errors when making forecast.Version 3.12
- Corrected variance-adjusted forecast values.
- Disabled cross-validation window length of 0.
- Set default first year of interest in forecast file to maximum of first
year available, and first year of interest of X. - Prompts modified for saving changed project file settings.
- Error message implemented for varying months in gridded datasets.
- Number of years read successfully is now indicated when there is an error reading input data.
- Training period is indicated in results window when constructing the model.
- Window titles changed to indicate Input nd Results Windows.
- Minor editorial modifications to help pages.Version 3.11
- Fixed occasional program crash when viewing validation results.Version 3.10
- Fixed problem displaying EOF loadings of unreferenced data.
- Largest absolute EOF loadings forced to be positive.
- Initial focus provided to default file structure to prevent incorrect selection after enter.
- Simplified assignment of file unit numbers.Version 3.09
- Results window closed after errors.
- Minor improvements to smoothness of advance of progress meter.
- Windows closed properly after errors.
- Modified nearest neighbour missing value estimation routine so as not to use estimated values when identifying nearest neighbour.
- Fixed occasional program crash when optimizing CCA setting
- Simplified handling of insufficient memory when making forecasts.
- Simplified use of property sheet handles.
- Missing INTENT declarations supplied.Version 3.08
- New goodness index implemented (see help pages for details.
- Added option to save input data (in case estimated missing values are required).
- Results window opened immediately to show progress in reading data, and to allow earlier termination.
- Fixed problem calculating number of gridpoints in south-north gridded data.
- Fixed problems in forecasting with south-north gridded data.
- Fixed some problems saving gridded results.
- Fixed problem setting missing value estimation method for Y data.
- Minor modification made to tercile definition function to handle very small smaple sizes.
- Slight improvements in efficiency of drawing forecast graph.
- Minor modifications to handling termination of analyses given insufficient memory.
- Minor changes in format of some console messages.
- Corrected incorrect labelling of X eigenvalues output file prompt.
- Fixed problem calculating EOFs of cross-products matrix.
- Fixed program crash with PCR when variance of cross-validation sub-sample is zero.
- Simplified calling of data output routines.
- Memory allocation modularised, and safer deallocation implemented.
- Data output routines incorporated into data_io module.
- Some variables in arrays module moved to analysis module.
- Removal of some redundant IMPLICIT statements.
- Scree plot routines modularized.
- Help files updated:CPT_use5.htm – description of new oodness index.Version 3.07
- Minor revisions made to tercile definition function.
- Simplified handling of some memory allocation problem warnings.Version 3.06
- Fixed problem drawing skill maps for gridded Y data.
- Fixed overlay of CCA scores.
- Added option to view and save retroactive residuals and scatter plots.
- Added additional accelerator keys to results window menu items.
- Scatter Plots menu item moved from Graphics to Validation~Cross-validated.
- Graphics menu item renamed depending on analysis method.
- Other Tools sub-menu items renamed.
- Fixed occasional problems inheriting domains.
- Fixed occasional problems setting domain limits with station data.
- Fixed occasional problems reading south-north oriented gridded data sets.
- Fixed problem drawing maps of gridded data that is not global and region is split.
- Eliminated preference for an increasing or decreasing latitude ordering.
- New checks and error messages implemented for domain settings.
- Approximate geographical limits of data indicated on domain selection window.
- No replacement of missing values option included.
- New meaning for 0% maximum missing values: stations/grids with any missing values are excluded.
- Forced selection of one missing value replacement option.
- Vertical lines on graphs set as default.
- Hour-glass cursor indicated while JPEG files are saving.
- New warning issued if more than one month/season per year is suspected in input files.
- New warning issued if project file settings are changed and an attempt is made to close the file.
- Results window generation modularized.
- Further modularization of map drawing routines.
- Help pages converted to full html, and are opened in the default browser.
- Help pages updated for new features.
- CPT enabled when Help Pages are open.Version 3.05
- Prevented program from crashing when there is a problem reading in forecast data.
- Fixed problems arising on second viewing of forecast results.
- Fixed an occasional program crash and other problems when stations are outside of domain.
- Fixed failure to allow line-breaks in station input files.
- Slight changes to some error messages on reading input files.
- Forced selection of one input data structure.
- Accelerator keys added for data structure selection.
- Some improvements in efficiency of calculation of skill scores for skill maps.
- Corrected mapping of ROC areas for the above-normal category.
- Fixed occasional problems of maps being drawn horizontally striped.
- Fixed problem of missing map shading where input longitudes wrap around.
- Fixed tercile indicators on graphs when data is rescaled.
- Fixed inaccuracies in ROC area calculations and graphs.
- Improved formatting of scaling label on axes.
- Improved visibility of crosses on station maps.
- Added option to include crosses on graphs.
- Added option to include vertical lines on graphs.
- Added regression line to scatter plot.
- Opening of project files modularized.
- Opening of input files modularized.
- Graphics drawing modularized.
- Calculation of validation statistics modularized.
- Contingency table calculations modularized.
- Most support routines included in modules.
- Minor enhancements in efficiency of reading station data.
- Simplified memory allocation for reading data.
- Some redundant variables removed.
- Changed assumed-sized arrays to assumed-shaped arrays, and provided explicit interfaces for most routines.Version 3.04
- Added option to replace missing values with median.
- Added option to replace missing values by regression using nearest neighbour.
- Updated help pages to describe new missing value options.
- Fixed occasional failure to replace missing values in forecast data.
- Fixed input screen formatting problem for some screen resolutions when switching analysis methods after a calculation.
- Disabled input screen reactivation after opening output file windows.
- Supplied some missing use statements in interface blocks.
- Some renaming of variables.Version 3.03
- EOF and CCA loadings of unreferenced data now plotted as correlations on bar charts.
- Fixed problem closing CPT when project file is unsuccessfully opened from Introductory window.
- Fixed problem displaying CCA and PCR project files when project file is unsuccessfully opened from Introductory window.
- Fixed incorrect indication of full training period when using retroactive option with PCR.
- Fixed some problems with multiple file extensions for output files.
- Output file extensions for unformatted files change to .dat.
- Output file description added to derived type, which changes some window text in places.
- General improvements in output formats.
- Implemented option to save real-time forecasts.
- Help pages updated to explain how to save real-time forecasts.
- Streamlined output file routines, and reorganised iofiles and data_io modules.
- Graphics output file name can now be set, and warning is issued if file exists.
- Previous directory is remembered when using browse buttons.
- Help pages updated to explain output file extensions, and for JPEG output.
- Save Y eigenvalues scree plot removed for PCR.
- Implemented rescaling of data for plots when values are either large or small.
- Made minor adjustments to algorithm for identifying selected skill measure.
- Simplified save forecast image menu prompt.
- Improved save skill map data dialogue window.
- Adjusted default record length of skill scores output file.
- Safer memory deallocation implemented.
- Realigned longitudes array implemented to simplify all longitude references for gridded data.
- Some redundant checks removed.
- Some internal renaming of arrays.
- Some changes to window handles and removal of redundant control variables.
- Some corrections made to subroutine argument intents.
- Changed DOUBLE PRECISION to REAL with declared KIND(1.0d0).
- Some redundant INTRINSIC declarations deleted.
- Supplied missing USE statements in a few INTERFACE blocks.Version 3.02
- Options for missing values included.
- Help pages updated for missing value option.
- Option to set default domain included.
- Precision of values on labelbar made variable.
- Some causes of uneven spacing of horizontal colour-bar labels and of longitude labels fixed.
- Occcasional problem of overlapping latitude labels fixed.
- EOF/CCA mode numbers added to loadings and temporal scores graphs.
- Canonical correlation added to CCA modes graphics window.
- Colour scales on hit score maps changed.
- Internal changes made to some contour-setting for graphics.
- Prompt for domain automatically issued after specifying number of gridpoints or stations.
- Output file prompts split into property sheets.
- Problem with progress bar when no output files are specified fixed.
- Format of output of cross-validated and retroactive predictions modified.
- New CPT.ini file required.
- Check included and advisory issued for old CPT.ini files.
- Project File formats updated to include missing value information.
- Check included and advisory issued for old Project Files.
- Problem opening project file with unset input files fixed.
- Radio button prompt introduced for data file structure.
- Fixed problem identifying first year of data in forecast file for station data.
- Fixed some problems caused by external files being left open after being read unsuccessfully.
- Input file selection routines modularized.
- Old input files retained if new input file selection is cancelled.
- Default first year of interest retained when input file is selected.
- Console window caption removed.
- Confirmation prompts added to forecast file window.
- Close menu item removed from forecast file window.
- Help menu item added to output files window.
- Domain and grid derived-types introduced to simplify programming.
- Data structure flag added to input file derived type.
- Redundant first year of data in file default setting prompts removed.
- Redundant window handle settings removed.
- Slight adjustments made to contingency table formats.
- Minimum disk space requirement details in Help Pages updated.
- Other minor revisions to Help Pages.Version 3.01
- Forecast maps and bar charts implemented.
- Skill maps and bar charts can be saved.
- Addition of option for station dataset as input data structure.
- Skill maps drawn for station datasets.
- “Number of gridpoints” and “Number of series” prompts changed dynamically to reflect data structure.
- “Series” prompts changed to reflect data structure.
- Automatic prompt for number of series when ungridded format is selected replaces Input Screen prompt.
- Minor performance enhancements in construction and update of Input Screen.
- Other minor performance enhancements.
- Some occasional memory allocation problems when opening project files fixed.
- Some additional checks for correct input file formats implemented.
- Items on Input Screen reorganized.
- Some problems with cursor when warning and error messages issued resolved.
- Fixed problem with cursor when no output files are specified.
- Fixed problem with indicating latitudes between 0 and 10S.
- Fixed problem with formatting of some windows at low screen resolutions.
- Help pages updated for new features.
- Note on missing values added to the Input Datasets Help Page.
- Other minor editorial changes made to Help Pages.Version 2.32
- Warning message issued if problem with reading country boundaries rather than program crashing.
- Error message issued if problem opening or reading CPT.ini.Version 2.31
- Grid references shown for gridded Y data on verification, contingency table, and scatter plot screens.
- Column headers added to formatted eigenvalues output files.
- Formatted output of EOF loadings changed for gridded data, with latitudes and longitudes included in output.
- Output routines generalized.
- Some editorial changes made to Help Files.Version 2.30
- Fixed problem with map shading when data domain is sub-global.
- Skill maps enlarged.
- Fixed problem with Y data settings in Project Files.
- Ocassional problems in setting northern domain limit for sub-global grids fixed.
- Some problems with hour-glass cursor after calculations are aborted fixed.
- Small changes to the way aborted calculations are handled.
- Help page on Project Files added.
- Some dead help page links fixed.Version 2.29
- Option to open project file from title screen added.
- Hour glass cursor added for when program is busy.
- Skill maps and histograms implemented.
- Verification menu items renamed to Validation, and sub-menus modified to inclde the new maps.
- Window title for domain selection clarified.
- Other changes to some window titles.
- Latitude-longitude lines reset to dotted format.
- Corrections made to western longitude labels.
- Corrections made to map shading when map domain exceeds data domain.
- Colour scale centred correctly when number of contours is less than maximum.
- Scaling on colour-bar corrected and indicated.
- Other small adjustments made to colour-bar.
- Small crosses added to scree plots to indicate data points.
- Input file names cancelled if unsuccessfully read.
- Action menu item disabled when input file is closed.
- Updates made to Help-About.
- Comments on JPEG quality included in the Help pages.
- Acknowledgements added to the Help pages.
- Changes made to Help pages because of new features.
- Changes made to the mapping subroutine to allow for greater flexibility in calling.Version 2.28
- Coordinate labels added to maps.
- Colour bar added to maps.
- Map titles repositioned on wide maps.
- All EOF and CCA loadings on maps are now shown as correlations with the corresponding time scores.
- Line labels added to ROC diagrams.
- Added ability to save graphics as JPEG files using right mouse button.
- CPT.INI modified to store default output directory for JPEG files.
- Gridded input files can be ordered north-south or south-north.
- Corresponding changes made to help pages.
- Help page structure map updated.
- Advisory message added for successful saving of project file.Version 2.27
- Correction made for setting default number of Y series.
- Comment on bimodal forecast probabilities added to help pages.
- Seamless adjustments to some Fortran IMPLICIT statements and INTERFACE blocks.Version 2.26
- Improved data input error checking.
- Improved memory management.
- Forced reset of forecast file when X input file is respecified.
- Errors in categorical verification measures, including ROC graphs, fixed.
- Fixed errors and occasional memory violations when typing in series number.Version 2.25Fixed problems with latitudes for gridded files when data runs to next line.Version 2.24
- Problems opening gridded y files when using an old project file fixed.
- Occasional premature completion of CCA progress meter fixed.
- Occasional stalling of progress meter fixed.
- Occasional errors with missing grids and series fixed.
- Correction made to CPT.INI to fix problems accessing PROJECTS subdirectory.
- Error trap included for non-consecutive years in gridded input files.Version 2.23
- Decreased memory requirements for producing forecasts
- Additional error traps implemented for large memory problems to prevent crashes
- Minor corrections to the calculated prediction error variance
- Corrections to occasional errors with y-axis ranges
- Minor performance enhancements
- Some problems in automatically accessing the project files directory fixed
- Version 2.21
- Inclusion of customise option for setting some defaults
- Additional help pages included
- Some enhancements to graphics
- Various minor bug fixes and performance enhancements