Climate Services for Locally-Led Adaptation

During a session of the Gobeshona Global Conference on January 21, 2021, Ángel G. Muñoz and Carmen González Romero led a discussion on climate services ecosystems, a concept which they and others at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society introduced recently in a paper in the World Meteorological Bulletin.

IRI’s Ángel G. Muñoz and Carmen Gonzalez Romero hosted a discussion about their work with Latin American partners in climate services at the Gobeshona Global Conference on January 21, 2021.

Muñoz and González described how the approach is working in the Adapting Agriculture to Climate Today, for Tomorrow (ACToday) Columbia World Project in Latin America, building on strong collaborations with partners across the region. These partners include the Regional Committee for Hydrological Resources of Central America (CRRH), the Ministry of Agriculture of Guatemala (MAGA) the National Meteorological Services of Colombia (IDEAM), the National Meteorological Services of Guatemala (INSIVUMEH), the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean of the World Food Programme, the National Federation of Rice Farmers in Colombia (FEDEARROZ), the Colombian Cooperative for Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA) and the Bioversity-International Center for Tropical Agriculture Alliance. ACToday has especially strengthened capacities of local partners in Colombia and Guatemala, including ministries, meteorological agencies, farming associations, international organizations, and research centers, among others.