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The Annual Cycle of East African Precipitation

  • Journal: Journal of Climate
  • Vol. 28
  • Issue: 6
  • Publisher: American Meteorological Society
  • Published: March 2015
  • Categories: Uncategorized


W. Yang
R. Seager
M. A. Cane
B. Lyon

Investigating ENSO and Society Relationships

  • Journal: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews
  • Vol. 6
  • Issue: 1
  • Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
  • Published: January 2015
  • Categories:


Zebiak, S.E.
Orlove, B.
Muñoz, Á.G.
Vaughan, C.
Hansen, J.
Troy, T.
Thomson, M.C.
Lustig, A.
Garvin, S.

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