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Practical and Conceptual Challenges to Climate Forecast Applications

  • Publisher: IRI
  • Published: November 2000
  • Categories:


Broad, K.

Seasonal forecasts of the dengue vector

  • Journal: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop
  • Publisher: National Technical Information Service, US Dept of Commerce
  • Published: October 2000
  • Categories:


Hopp, M.J.

Technology Transfer Perspectives on Seasonal Forecast Applications

  • Publisher: National Technical Information Service, US Dept of Commerce
  • Published: October 2000
  • Categories:


Agrawala, S.
Broad, K.

Social Science Research and Climate Applications in Agriculture

  • Publisher: International START Secretariat
  • Published: October 2000
  • Categories:


Agrawala, S.

Earth Science Instruction with Digital Data

  • Journal: Computers and the Geosciences
  • Vol. 26
  • Issue: 6
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Published: July 2000
  • Categories:


Hays, J.D.
Pfirman, S.
Blumenthal, B.
Kastens, K.A.
Menke, W.

The energetics of El Niño and La Niña

  • Journal: Journal of Climate
  • Vol. 13
  • Issue: 9
  • Publisher: American Meteorological Society
  • Published: May 2000
  • Categories:


Goddard, L.
Philander, S.G.H.

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