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Mesoscale convective systems during SCSMEX: simulations with a regional climate model and a cloud-resolving model.

  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:


Tao, W.-K.
Wang, Y.
Qian, J.-H.
Shie, C.-L.
Lau, K. M.
Kakar, R.

Climate Variability, Climate Change and Malaria

  • Publisher: Resources for the Future
  • Published: October 2002
  • Categories:


Basher, R.E.
Cane, M.A.

Advanced spectral methods for climatic time series

  • Journal: Review of Geophysics
  • Vol. 40
  • Issue: 1
  • Published: September 2002
  • Categories:


Ghil, M.
Allen, R.M.
Dettinger, M.D.
Ide, K.
Kondrashov, D.
Mann, M.E.
Robertson, A.W.
Saunders, A.
Tian, Y.
Varadi, F.
Yiou, P.

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