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Meeting User Needs for Climate Forecasts in Malawi

  • Journal: Coping with Climate Variability: The Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasts in Southern Africa
  • Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited
  • Published: January 2003
  • Categories:


Ward, M. N.
Nkhokwe, J.

Determinants of forecast use among communal farmers in Zimbabwe

  • Journal: Coping with Climate Variability: The Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasts in Southern Africa
  • Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited
  • Published: January 2003
  • Categories:


Coping with Climate Variability: The Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasts in Southern Africa, O’Brian, K. and C. Vogel, Eds., Ashgate Publishing Limited, 110-128.

Seasonal Rainfall and Stream-flow in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basins of Bangladesh: Variability and Predictability

  • Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:


Chowdhury, M.R.
Ward, M.N.

Assessing seasonal forecast skill of near surface temperature and precipitation in the NCAR family of AGCMs

  • Publisher: National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:


DeWitt, D.

What led to the May 2003 Floods?

  • Journal: Journal of the Institution of Engineers
  • Vol. 36
  • Issue: 3
  • Publisher: Institute of Engineers (Sri Lanka)
  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:


Zubair, L.
Tennakone, U.
Yahiya, Z.
Chandimala, J.
Siraj, M.R.A.

Research Potential for Improvements in Climate Prediction

  • Journal: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
  • Vol. 84
  • Issue: 12
  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:


Zebiak, S.E.

Ensemble Square Root Filters

  • Journal: Monthly Weather Review
  • Vol. 131
  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:


Tippett M. K.
Anderson, J.L.
Bishop, C.H.
Hamill, T.M.
Whitaker, J.S.

Using climate information for forecasting flows in Churchill Falls basin, Quebec Canada. Part 2: Forecast of Spring Inflows

  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:


Sveinsson, O.G.B.

Using climate information for forecasting flows in Churchill Falls basin, Quebec Canada. Part 1: Analysis of Climatic States and Circulation to Quebec spring streamflows

  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:


Sveinsson, O.G.B.

Diagnosing differences in regional forecast skill between different version of CCM3

  • Publisher: National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:


IRI Annual Report 2002-2003

  • Journal: IRI Annual Report
  • Publisher: International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  • Published: 2003
  • Categories:



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