
All Publications

Malaria early warning in Kenya and seasonal climate forecasts

  • Journal: The Lancet
  • Vol. letter
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Thomson, M.C.
Indeje, M.
Connor, S.J.
Dilley, F.B.
Ward, M.N.

Nonhydrostatic atmospheric normal modes on beta-planes

  • Journal: Pure and Applied Geophysics
  • Vol. 160
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Qian, J.-H.
Kasahara, A.

The Gill model and the weak temperature gradient approximation

  • Journal: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
  • Vol. 60
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Bretherton, C.S.
Sobel, A.H.

Ephemeral lakes and desert dust sources

  • Journal: Geophysical Research Letters
  • Vol. 30
  • Issue: 2
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Mahowald, N.
Bryant, R.
del Corral, J.
Steinberger, L.

Retrospective ENSO forecasts: Sensitivity to atmospheric model and ocean resolution.

  • Journal: Monthly Weather Review
  • Vol. 131
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories: ENSO


Schneider, E.K.
DeWitt, D.
Rosati, A.
Kirtman, B.
Ji, L.
Tribbia, J.J.

Large-scale waves interacting with deep convection in idealized mesoscale model simulations

  • Journal: Tellus
  • Vol. 55A
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Sobel, A.H.
Bretherton, C.S.

A local forecast of land surface wetness conditions derived from seasonal climate predictions.

  • Journal: Journal of Hydrometeorolgy
  • Vol. 4
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Shaman, J.
Stieglitz, M.
Zebiak, S.E.
Cane, M.A.

El Nino and drought in southern Africa.

  • Journal: The Lancet (Letter)
  • Vol. 361
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Thomson, M.C.
Abavonmi, K.
Barnston, A.G.
Levy, M.A.
Dilley, F.B.

Reinitialized versus continuous simulations for regional climate downscaling.

  • Journal: Monthly Weather Review
  • Vol. 131
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Qian, J.-H.
Seth, A.
Zebiak, S.E.

Circulation Regimes and Low-Frequency Oscillations in the South Pacific Sector.

  • Journal: Monthly Weather Review
  • Vol. 131
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Robertson, A.W.
Mechoso, C.R.

Towards forecasting epidemics in Africa – the use of seasonal forecasting.

  • Journal: CLIVAR Exchanges
  • Vol. 27
  • Published: July 2003
  • Categories:


Morse, A.P.
Hoshen, M.B.
Doblas-Reyes, F.J.
Thomson, M.C.

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