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Steering research towards policy relevance

  • Journal: Pp 9-20. In: Tiessen, H., et al. (Ed.), Communicating Global Change Science to Society
  • Publisher: Island Press
  • Published: August 2007
  • Categories:


Stauffer, M.
Baethgen, W.E.
Berbara, R.L.
Caetano, E.
Castellanos, A.
Goebel, B.
McClain, M.
Menezes, R.
Sanchez-Azofeita, A.

Workshop on Tropical Cyclones and Climate

  • Journal: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
  • Vol. 88
  • Publisher: American Meteorological Society
  • Published: May 2007
  • Categories:


Camargo, S.J.
Sobel, A.H.

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