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Water, Health and Early Warnings

  • Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
  • Published: January 2008
  • Categories:


Abawi, Y.
Llanso, P.
Harrison, M.
Mason, S.J.

Climate and Environmental Services for Development

  • Journal: Proceedings of the International Symposium on PWS: A Key to Service Delivery (Geneva, 3-5 December 2007)
  • Publisher: World Meteorological Organization
  • Published: December 2007
  • Categories:


Rogers, D. P.
Boulahya, M. S.
Thomson, M. C.
Connor, S. J.
Dinku, T.
Shalaby, H. R.
Ahmadu, B.
Niang, A.

Malaria Stratification, Climate, and Epidemic Early Warning in Eritrea

  • Journal: The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
  • Vol. 77
  • Issue: 6_Suppl.
  • Publisher: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
  • Published: December 2007
  • Categories:


Ceccato, P.
Ghebremeskel, T.
Jaiteh, M.
Graves, P.M.
Levy, M.
Ghebreselassie, S.
Ogbamariam, A.
Barnston, A.G.
Bell, M.
del Corral, J.
Connor, S.J.
Fesseha, I.
Brantly, E.P.
Thomson, M.C.

Preparedness to Prevent Desert Locust Plagues in the Central Region, an Historical Review

  • Journal: Desert Locust Technical Series, Plant Production and Protection Division, Locust and Other Migratory Pests Group, Food and Agriculture Organization
  • Publisher: Plant Production and Protection Division, Locust and Other Migratory Pests Group, Food and Agriculture Organization
  • Published: December 2007
  • Categories:


Magor, J.I.
Ceccato, P.
Dobson, H.M
Pender, J.
Ritchie, L.

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