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Validation of high-resolution satellite rainfall products over complex terrain in Africa

  • Journal: International Journal of Remote Sensing
  • Vol. 29
  • Issue: 14
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • Published: July 2008
  • Categories:


Dinku, T.
Chidzambwa, S.
Ceccato, P.
Connor, S. J.
Ropelewski, C. F.

Predictable Components and Singular Vectors

  • Journal: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
  • Vol. 65
  • Issue: 5
  • Publisher: American Meteorological Society
  • Published: May 2008
  • Categories:


DelSole, T.
Tippett, M. K.

A GIS Enabled Data Library

  • Journal: Geophyscial Research Abstracts
  • Vol. 10
  • Publisher: European Geosciences Union
  • Published: April 2008
  • Categories:


del Corral, J.
Blumenthal, M. B.
Bell, M.

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