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Decadal prediction: Can it be skillful?

  • Journal: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
  • Vol. 90
  • Issue: 10
  • Publisher: American Meteorological Society
  • Published: October 2009
  • Categories:


Meehl, G.A.,
Goddard, L.
Murphy, J.
Stouffer, R.J.
Boer, G.
Danabasoglu, G.
Dixon, K.
Giorgetta, M.A.
Greene, A.M.
Hawkins, E.
Hegerl, G.
Karoly, D.
Keenlyside, N.
Kimoto, M.
Kirtman, B.
Navarra, A.
Pulwarty, R.
Smith, D.
Stammer, D.
Stockdale, T.

Optimal Estimation of the Climatological Mean

  • Journal: Journal of Climate
  • Vol. 22
  • Issue: 18
  • Publisher: American Meteorological Society
  • Published: September 2009
  • Categories:


Narapusetty, B.
DelSole, T.
Tippett, M.K.

IRI Technical Report 09-04. Designing Index-Based Weather Insurance for Farmers in Adi Ha, Ethiopia. Report to OXFAM America

  • Journal: IRI Technical Report
  • Publisher: International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  • Published: August 2009
  • Categories: Financial Instruments


Dinku, T.
Giannini, A.
Hansen, J.
Holthaus, E.
Ines, A.
Kaheil, Y.
Karnauskas, K.
Lyon, B.
Madajewicz, M.
Mclaurin, M.
Mullally, C.
Norton, M.
Osgood, D.
Peterson, N.
Robertson, A.
Shirley, K.
Small, C.
Vicarelli, M.

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