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Contributions of Agricultural Systems Modeling to Weather Index Insurance

  • Journal: IRI Climate and Society Series
  • Vol. 2
  • Publisher: IRI
  • Published: 2010
  • Categories: Financial Instruments


Baethgen, W.E.; Hansen, J. W.; Ines, A.V.M.; Jones, J. W.; Meinke, H; Steduto, P.

Tropical Oceanic Causes of Interannual to Multidecadal Precipitation Variability in Southeast South America over the Past Century

  • Journal: Journal of Climate
  • Vol. 23
  • Publisher: American Meteorological Society
  • Published: 2010
  • Categories:


Seager, R.; Naik, N.; Baethgen, W. E.; Robertson, A.; Kushnir, Y.; Nakamura, J; Jurburg, S.

An Environmental Watch system for the Andean countries: El Observatorio Andino

  • Journal: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
  • Vol. 91
  • Issue: 12
  • Publisher: American Meteorological Society
  • Published: 2010
  • Categories:


Muñoz, Á.G.
López, P.
Velásquez, R.
Monterrey, L.
León, G.
Ruiz, F.
Recalde, C.
Cadena, J.
Mejía, R.
Paredes, M.
and Bazo,J.
Reyes, C.
Carrasco, G.
Castellón, Y.
Villarroel, C.
Quintana, J.
Urdaneta, A.

Individual, household and environmental risk factors for malaria infection in Amhara, Oromia and SNNP regions of Ethiopia

  • Journal: Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
  • Vol. 103
  • Issue: 12
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Published: December 2009
  • Categories:


Graves, P. M.
Richards, F. O.
Ngondi, J.
Emerson, P. M.
Shargie, E. B.
Endeshaw, T.
Ceccato, P.
Ejigsemahu, Y.
Mosher, A. W.
Hailemariam, A.
Zerihun, M.
Teferi, T.
Ayele, B.
Mesele, A.
Yohannes, G.
Tilahun, A.
Gebre, T.

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