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Health and Climate – Opportunities

  • Journal: Procedia Environmental Sciences
  • Vol. 1
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Published: October 2010
  • Categories:


Rogers, D. P.
Shapiro, M. A.
Brunet, G.
Cohen, J. C.
Connor, S. J.
Diallo, A. A.
Elliott, W.
Haidong, K.
Hales, S.
Hemming, D.
Jeanne, I.
Lafaye, M.
Mumba, Z.
Raholijao, N.
Rakotomanana, F.
Teka, H.
Trtanj, J.
Whung, P. Y.

Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change: Outlook for Knowledge, Tools and Action. CCAFS Report 3. CGIAR-ESSP Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. Copenhagen, Denmark (Background paper prepared for The Hague Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change on behalf of the CGIAR)

  • Published: October 2010
  • Categories:


Vermeulen, S. J.
Aggarwal, P. K.
Ainslie, A.
Angelone, C.
Campbell, B. M.
Challinor, A. J.
Hansen, J.
Ingram, J. S. I.
Jarvis, A.
Kristjanson, P.
Lau, C.
Thornton, P. K,
Wollenberg, E.

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