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A Verification Framework for Interannual-to-Decadal Predictions Experiments

  • Journal: Climate Dynamics
  • Publisher: Springer
  • Published: August 2012
  • Categories: Climate


L. Goddard
A. Kumar
A. Solomon
D. Smith
G. Boer
P. Gonzalez
V. Kharin
W. Merryfield
C. Deser
S. J. Mason
B. P. Kirtman
R. Msadek
R. Sutton
E. Hawkins
T. Fricker
G. Hegerl
C. A. T. Ferro
D. B. Stephenson
G. A. Meehl
T. Stockdale
R. Burgman
A. M. Greene
Y. Kushnir
M. Newman
J. Carton
I. Fukumori
T. Delworth

Options for support to agriculture and food security under climate change

  • Journal: Environmental Science and Policy
  • Vol. 15
  • Issue: 1
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Published: January 2012
  • Categories: Agriculture, Ecosystems


Vermeulen, S.J.
Aggarwal, P.K.
Ainslie, A.
Angelone, C.
Campbell, B.M.
Challinor, A.J.
Hansen, J.W.
Ingram, J.S.I.
Jarvis, A.
Kristjanson, P.
Lau, C.
Nelson, G.C.
Thornton, P.K.
Wollenberg, E.

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