06/06/2017: Blue Mountains, Jamaica

  • People Trained: 195
  • Trainers: T. Allen, M. Madajewicz
  • Expertise: Climate

The IRAP Caribbean team conducted 6 training events for ~9 communities. There were a total of 195 participants. Five groups provided key contribution to both context and logistics: IRAP, IICA, CIB, UWI, and MSJ.  The objectives of these workshops were: (1) develop an understanding of the available climate information tools and (2) co-develop an understanding of the connection between the tools and coffee management in order to equip participants to use the tools. Our approach was to facilitate a “process of the discovery” predominantly through dialogs that sequentially progressed from (1) discussing how farmers manage coffee to (2) what are weather and climate forecasts to (3) how weather and climate forecasts can inform coffee management.