05/20/2008: Bogor, Indonesia

  • Trainers: P. Ceccato, J. Qian, S. Someshwar
  • Expertise: Earth Observation Applications

Fire Early Warning and Response in Central Kalimantan: Workshop on early warning tool and approaches to incentive systems; organized by IRI and IPB in partnership with CARE Indonesia as part of IRI’s contributions to the Central Kalimantan Peatlands Project, to help relevant stakeholders to use the fire early warning tool developed by IRI, approaches to seasonal climate forecasting over the Central Kalimantan region, and the potential for integration of climate information into decision making. IRI lectures: P. Ceccato: Hands-on introduction to Indonesia Rainfall Analysis Tool and Experimental Forecasts of Fire Activity in Central Kalimantan; -J. Qian: Approaches to seasonal forecasting of fire activity in Central Kalimantan; S. Someshwar: Integration into current forecasting/decision-making and development of incentive systems