The following is a list of the models we currently use in our SST Plume. The links for each model should bring you to a website that describes the model. Please feel free to contact us via email at if you have any questions.
Last Updated: Jan 10, 2025
Dynamical Models
Model | Model Type | Description |
AUS-ACCESS | Dynamical | CSIRO Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator |
BCC_CSM11m | Dynamical | Beijing Climate Center SM1.1 Dynamic Model |
BCC_DIAP | Dynamical | Beijing Climate Center Dynamical Inter-Annual Prediction System |
CMC CANSIP | Dynamical | Government of Canada CanSIPS |
COLA CCSM4 | Dynamical | University of Miami |
CSI-IRI-MM | Dynamical | University of Pretoria, Willem Landman |
DWD | Dynamical | German Weather Service – Deutscher Wetterdienst |
ECMWF | Dynamical | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts SEAS5 |
GFDL Spear | Dynamical | NOAA GFDL |
IOCAS ICM | Dynamical | Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
JMA | Dynamical | Tokyo Climate Center |
KMA SNU | Dynamical | Korean Met Agency SNU |
LDEO | Dynamical | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University |
MetFRANCE | Dynamical | Meteo France Seasonal Forecast |
NCEP CFSv2 | Dynamical | NOAA Climate Prediction Center NCEP CFSv2 |
SAUDI KAU | Dynamical | Saudi King Abdulaziz University Climate Center |
SINTEX-F | Dynamical | Japanese Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
UKMO | Dynamical | UK Met Office GloSea 6 |
Statistical Models
Model | Model Type | Description |
BCC RZDM | Statistical | Beijing Climate Center RZDM |
CPC CA | Statistical | NOAA CPC Canonical Correlation Analysis |
CSU CLIPR | Statistical | Colorado State University |
IAP-NN | Statistical | Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
JAMSTEC CNN | Statistical | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) |
NTU CODA | Statistical | Taiwan Computational Oceanography and Dynamics of A-rSea Interaction Lab |
XRO | Statistical/Dynamical | University of Hawaii, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Nature Article |
TONGJI MEAN | Deep Learning/Machine Learning | This is a mean of 3 of Tongji University’s Deep Learning models: ENSO-ASC, ENSO-GTC, ENSO-MC |
UCLA TCD | Statistical | UCLA Theoretical Climate Dynamics |
UW PSL-CSLIM | Statistical | University of Wisconsin |
UW PSL-LIM | Statistical | University of Wisconsin |