Ashley Curtis

Senior Staff Associate ||

Role at the IRI

Ashley Curtis is training focal point for IRI, and Bangladesh country manager for the Adapting Agriculture to Climate Today for Tomorrow (ACToday) project.   She oversees training activities at IRI and advancement of the IRI institutional training strategy, including development of IRI’s Climate Services Academies.  She also contributes to project management and research.


Ashley has worked at the intersection of science and society for over 15 years.  Prior to joining IRI in 2008, she received her master’s degree in environmental science and policy at Clark University.  She also worked at the Columbia University Tree Ring Laboratory and served as a US Peace Corps Volunteer in the Philippines.  Her bachelor’s degree is in biology from Bard College.


Faniriantsoa, R., A. Curtis, T. Dinku and A. Siebert. 2018. Exploring Cost-effective Approaches for Collection, Exchange, and Integration of National and Global Datasets. USAID-supported USAID-supported Assessing Sustainability and Effectiveness of Climate Information Services in Africa project. Washington, DC, USA

Siebert, A. T. Dinku and A. Curtis. 2018. Approaches to Combine Technologies for Weather Observation, Storage and Analysis. USAID-supported Assessing Sustainability and Effectiveness of Climate Information Services in Africa project. Washington, DC, USA

Dinku, T., M. Madajewicz, A. Curtis, S. Connor, R. O’Sullivan, C. Phiri, A. Steynor, M. Tadross, S. Traore, D. Hauswirth, K.Kloppers, C.Lennard, E. Allis, I. Lona, S. Tinni, and A.Alhassane. 2018, Development of Metrics to Assess National Meteorological Services in Africa, USAID-supported Assessing Sustainability and Effectiveness of Climate Information Services in Africa project. Washington, DC, USA

Dinku, T., M. Madajewicz, A. Curtis, S. Connor, R. O’Sullivan, C. Phiri, A. Steynor, M.Tadross, S. Traore, D. Hauswirth, K. Kloppers, C. Lennard, E. Allis, I.Lona, S. Tinni, and A. Alhassane. 2018, National Meteorological Service Baseline Assessment Tool: Assessing Capacity to Provide Effective and Sustainable Climate Information Services, USAID-supported Assessing Sustainability and Effectiveness of Climate Information Services in Africa project. Washington, DC, USA

Mantilla G., C. Thomson, J. Sharoff, A. G. Barnston and A. Curtis. 2014, 1:21, Capacity building through the sharing of climate information with diverse user communities. Earth Perspectives.

Mason, S., S. Chidzambwa, A. Curtis, B. Garanganga, M. Kadi, L. Ogallo, A. Lafferty. 2012. Verification of African Regional Climate Outlook Forum Forecasts. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Curtis, A., S. Mason, E. Coughlan, M. van Aalst. 2012 Climate Information for Disaster Management and Decision Making: THE IRI-IFRC Partnership. Climate Services Partnership Case Study.

Anchukaitis K., R. D. D’Arrigo, L. Andreu-Hayles, D.Frank, A. Verstege, A. Curtis, B. M Buckley, G. Jacoby, E. Cook. 2012. Tree-ring reconstructed summer temperatures from northwestern North America during the last nine centuries. Journal of Climate.

Curtis, A. 2011. Case study contributor. In: Hellmuth M.E., Mason S.J., Vaughan C., van Aalst M.K. and Choularton R. (eds) 2011. A Better Climate for Disaster Risk Management. International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Columbia University, New York, USA.