ACToday aimed to transform the way that climate knowledge and information is brought to bear on the challenges of hunger, food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture. It fostered the use of climate services as a means to create a tangible impact on the food systems of six target countries. In doing so, it both contributed to improve the lives of people in these target countries and generated evidence of good practice in research translation that can help guide national and international partners to adopt appropriate solutions to the wide range of challenges posed by climate variability and change beyond the six target countries. Crucial partnerships were established to reach the goals of the project at the country and international level.
Each country team worked at the national level with partners in broad types of organizations and with wide ranges of expertise. The primary types of partner organizations were national government agencies, non-governmental organizations, research institutes, and universities. As evidence was generated from the work in these partnerships, the project aimed to influence the work of global development agencies. During the initial years of activities the main partners at this level had been the World Food Programme (WFP), the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Food Security, and Agriculture, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Country teams also engaged with the country and regional level offices of these organizations, and with staff based in their headquarters. In the later stages of the ACToday project, and as activities continued to expand, we engaged other international agencies and national organizations.
Partnerships with the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services
The cornerstone partnerships of the work at the country level, especially during the initial stages of collaboration, were those with the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs). The International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) has historically supported and engaged closely with the NMHSs in all of the countries where the IRI works. In the ACToday project, relationships were either forged or expanded in each country. The work with the NMHSs focused on expanding capacity of their staff in order to provide the best possible climate information relevant to SDG2. This directly supported the first pillar of Climate Services: generate the best possible climate products, information and tools. Below is a listing of the NMHSs in each country and the collaborative activities currently being undertaken:
Guatemala – Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología (INSIVUMEH)
- IRI provided training to INSIVUMEH on the Data Library, Maprooms, NextGen, ENACTS, and PyCPT
- Co-development of ENACTS dataset, Maprooms, NextGen seasonal and sub-seasonal forecasting, and climate products for agro-advisories
- Co-facilitate the Mesas Técnicas Agroclimáticas (MTA)
- INSIVUMEH co-develops the Guatemalan Climate Services Academy
- IRI provided support to the development of the National Framework for Climate Services
Colombia – Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)
- IRI provided training to IDEAM on the Data Library, Maprooms, NextGen, ENACTS, and PyCPT
- Co-development of ENACTS dataset, Maprooms, NextGen seasonal and sub-seasonal forecasting, and climate products for agro-advisories
- Co-facilitate the Mesas Técnicas Agroclimáticas
- IDEAM co-develops the Colombian Climate Services Academy
- IRI provided support to the development of the National Framework for Climate Services
Senegal – Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie (ANACIM)
- Co-development of improved Maprooms, improved ENACTS dataset, NextGen subseasonal and seasonal forecasts, and climate products for agro-advisories
- IRI provided training on ENACTS, Data Library, Maprooms, Climate Data Tool (CDT), and NextGen
- IRI supports the engagement of ANACIM with other national agricultural partners such as the extension agency
Ethiopia – National Meteorology Agency (NMA), now: Ethiopian Meteorology Institute (EMI)
- Co-development of improved Maprooms, improved climate datasets, NextGen subseasonal and seasonal forecasts, and climate products for agro-advisories
- IRI provided training on seasonal and subseasonal forecasts, Data Library, Maprooms, Climate Data Tool (CDT), and NextGen
- NMA provided support of the Climate Services Academy
- IRI provided support for the National Framework for Climate Services and the development of a Climate Services Directorate at NMA
Vietnam – Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change (IMHEN) & National Center for Hydrological and Meteorological Forecasting (NCHMF)
- IRI to provide training on CPT, PyCPT, forecast tailoring, seasonal drought forecasting, Data Library, ENACTS, and CDT
- Co-development of ENACTS data sets, Maprooms, and seasonal drought forecasting
- IRI provided support for the National Framework for Climate Services and the development of a working group between IMHEN, NCHMF, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)
Bangladesh – Bangladesh Meteorology Department (BMD)
- Co-founder of the Bangladesh Academy for Climate Services (BACS)
- IRI is providing training to BMD on the Data Library, Maprooms, NextGen, ENACTS dataset, and PyCPT
- Co-development with IRI of ENACTS, Maprooms, NextGen seasonal and imminently sub-seasonal forecasting
Partnerships with Other Government Agencies, Universities, and Non-Governmental Organizations
In addition to the NMHSs, the country teams are engaging on project activities with various stakeholders working in-country. The main partners are departments within ministries of agriculture and health, as well as finance ministries, planning departments, and statistical offices. These are the agencies responsible for setting national priorities around food and nutrition and creating policies to achieve those priorities. By working with finance and planning departments, we aim to influence national policies and budgets, enabling ACToday’s practices to be embedded in host country practices. We engage universities to tap into local research and influence the training of future experts in our partner countries. And we engage international partners (e.g., WFP, CGIAR) with the intention of scaling up successes through their broad networks of country offices.
Below is a list of partner engagement ongoing in each country.
- Ministry of Agriculture and Farming (MAGA)
- Co-development and facilitation of the MTAs
- Co-development of the National Framework for Climate Services
- Co- development of the Guatemalan Academy of Climate Services
- CCAFS via the The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT office in Colombia
- Co-development and facilitation of the MTAs
- Participation in capacity building events
- Association for the Cooperation of Rural Development in Occident (CDRO)
- Co-development and facilitation of the MTAs
- The National Coffee Association of Guatemala (ANACAFÉ)
- Co-development and facilitation of the MTAs
- Co-development of climate products for coffee
- Participate in in the Climate Services Academy
- Federation of Coffee Farmers Cooperatives of Guatemala (FEDECOCAGUA)
- Co-development and facilitation of the MTAs
- FAO Guatemala Country Office
- IRI to add NextGen forecasts to the FAO ASIS tool
- The Microinsurance Catastrophe Risk Organization (MiCRO)
- Co-development of the index insurance pilot
- WFP Guatemala Country Office
- Co-development of the index insurance pilot
- Co-development of Forecast-based Financing tool
- Support in the development of a pilot for the Early Warning System (EWS) for undernutrition for children under 5, co-designed by SESAN
- Supply server to INSIVUMEH for the Data Library
- IRI to add NextGen forecasts into the WFP Hunger Map
- Secretariat of Food and Nutritional Security (SESAN)
- IRI to improve the monitoring system of SESAN with climate information
- Co-design of the EWS for undernutrition for children under 5.
- Guatemalan System for Climate Change Sciences (SGCCC)
- Support for the National Framework for Climate Services development
- Co-development of the Climate Services Academy
- Comité Regional de Recursos Hidricos (CRRH)
- Support for the scale up of NextGen in Central America and part of the Caribbean.
- Taiwan Delegation
- Supply server to INSIVUMEH for the Data Library
- National Rice Farmer Association (FEDEARROZ)
- Co-development and facilitation of the MTAs
- Co-development and implementation of index insurance
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- IRI to develop a decision support tool to be used by FEDEARROZ
- FAO Colombia Country Office
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- IRI to add NextGen forecasts to the FAO ASIS tool
- Ministry of Agriculture (MADR)
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- Co-define strategies for embedding climate services into policy
- Fund for the Financing of the Agricultural Sector (FINAGRO)
- Co-development and implementation of index insurance
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- National Planning Department (DNP)
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- Co-define strategies for embedding climate services into policy
- Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA)
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- CCAFS via the The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT office in Colombia
- Supply server to IDEAM for the Data Library
- Develop and co-facilitate MTAs
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- Co-develop a decision support tool
- Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC)
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- National Institute of Health (INS)
- Explore early action systems with IRI
- Ministry of Health (MINSALUD)
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- Explore early action systems with IRI
- Universidad Nacional (UNAL)
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- WFP Colombia Country Office
- Co-facilitate MTAs
- Participate in the Climate Services Academy
- IRI to add NextGen forecasts into the WFP Hunger Map
- IRI to support the design and development of EWS and Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in the department of Nariño, as part of the Binational Project in Colombia and Ecuador led by WFP Colombia.
- National Federation of Legume Crops and Cereals (FENALCE)
- Co-facilitate the MTAs
- Groupe de Travail Pluridisciplinaire (Multidisciplinary Working Group) (GTP)
- Participate in training on using climate services for decision making
- Maximize and facilitate the dissemination of high-quality, timely climate information throughout the country
- Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI)
- Develop report on integrating climate information into agricultural investment approval processes with ACILP
- African Center for International Law and Practice (ACILP)
- Develop report on integrating climate information into agricultural investment approval processes with CCSI
- World Food Programme Senegal Country Office
- Scaling index insurance in Senegal through its R4 Rural Resilience initiative, building on tools, maprooms and processes developed through ACToday.
- IRI to add climate information to the Vulnerability Assessment Mapping tool
- Compagnie Nationale d’Assurance Agricole du Sénégal (Senegal National Agricultural Insurance Company) (CNAAS)
- Participate in capacity building activities through the R4 Senegal Design Team and implement Next Generation Index Design processes using tools and maprooms co-funded by ACToday
- Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research) (ISRA)
- Co-develop and implement the use of decision support tools for extension agents
- Agence Nationale de Conseil Agricole et Rural (National Agency for Agricultural and Rural Council, responsible for agricultural extension) (ANCAR)
- Participate in Climate Services Academy
- Co-develop strategy for training extension agents on incorporating climate services
- Utilize the decision support system
- CCAFS via ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) and IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute)
- Participate in a policy dialogue on investment for sustained agricultural climate services
- Collaborate on bringing agricultural climate information to the farming population
- The World Bank
- Co-develop Next Generation Drought Index framework and Tools for Index Design in Senegal
- Co-implement Index Insurance capacity building activities in Senegal
- The Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR), Columbia University
- Collaborate on research on how international trade affects domestic food security and nutrition
- Ethiopian Institute for Agricultural Research (EIAR)
- IRI trains EIAR staff on the Data Library and Maprooms
- Co-develop agricultural decision support system, agro-weather advisory system for farmers, and improvements to the LEAP software
- Co-implement FAO’s tool for agricultural drought monitoring and research on soil moisture/planting dates
- Lead the improvement of the LEAP (Livelihoods, Early Assessment, and Protection) tool in coordination with WFP and NDRMC
- Co-lead the implementation of PICSA (Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture) approach
- Co-lead the development and implementation of the Climate Services Academy
- Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
- Co-develop agricultural decision support system
- Co-lead the implementation of PICSA (Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture) approach
- Co-lead the development and implementation of the Climate Services Academy
- National Disaster Management Commission (NDRMC)
- Co-develop improvements to the LEAP software
- Co-implement FAO’s tool for agricultural drought monitoring
- Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC)
- IRI to support EFCCC with integrating climate into the National Adaptation Plan roadmap
- Universities of Haramaya, Hawassa, and Mekelle
- Co-develop and implement the Climate Services Academy
- CCAFS via East Africa Office and via the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
- Co-develop climate services for agriculture and agriculture decision makers
- Co-develop DSS tools
- Collaborate on research on climate information for coffee
- Host ACToday Interns
- Support the hire and management of of local project liaisons
- FAO Ethiopia Country Office
- Support implementation of the agricultural drought monitoring tool
- Support curriculum development for Climate Services Academies
- WFP Ethiopia Country Office
- Collaborate to improve the LEAP software
- IRI to train WFP staff on climate services
- IRI to build tools for WFP to scale index insurance programs and to implement Forecast based Financing
- The Walker Institute, University of Reading
- Co-implement the PICSA process
- The Relief Society of Tigray (REST)
- Utilize tools developed with ACToday
- Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA)
- Utilize tools developed with ACToday
- International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
- Co-founders and implementers of the Bangladesh Academy for Climate Services
- Collaborate on outreach to the UNFCCC to promote greater focus on climate services
- IRI supports and co-facilitates yearly events at the Gobeshona conference, supporting outreach, networking and capacity building on climate services
- CCAFS via the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- Collaborate on research on the agronomic definition of monsoon onset
- IRI to support the co-development of decision-relevant information for aquaculture
- Co-founders of the Bangladesh Academy for Climate Services
- United Kingdom Meteorological Office (Met Office)
- Coordination of ARRCC and ACToday activities due to complementary project goals, also coordination on best practices and tools for forecasting and generation of climate services with BMD.
- CCAFS via Worldfish
- Participate in the Bangladesh Academy for Climate Services
- Collaboration on research activities supporting climate services for aquaculture
- Oxfam Bangladesh
- IRI to provide training on index insurance
- International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
- Collaborate on research for flood index insurance
- Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC), Water Development Board, Ministry of Water Resources
- Collaborate on research for flood index insurance
- Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
- Collaborate on research for flood index insurance
- Start Network/FOREWARN
- IRI to provide capacity building on climate services, flood research, and index insurance
- Participate in the Bangladesh Academy for Climate Services
- Science and Impact Advisory Board on Flood Research for Insurance: FFWC, IWMI, Institute of Water Modeling (IWM), IWFM at BUET, Oxfam Bangladesh, WFP Bangladesh Country Office, Red Cross Climate Center, FOREWARN, Save Earth Climate Services, Green Delta Insurance Company Limited
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)
- IRI to support MONRE in the National Framework for Climate Services process
- Hydrometeorology Information Data Center (HMIDC)
- Participate in ENACTS data training
- Sub-Institute of Hydrometeorology and Climate Change (SIHYMECC)
- Participate in forecasting trainings
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)
- IRI to train MARD staff on interpreting seasonal drought forecasts
- Co-develop agro-advisories based on seasonal drought forecasts
- Participate in index insurance training
- NIAPP (National Institute of Agricultural Planning and Projection)
- Participate in index insurance training
- DCP (Department of Crop Production)
- Participate in index insurance training
- IPSARD (Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development)
- Collaborate on developing the National Framework for Climate Services (pending further discussions)
- Ministry of Planning & Investment (MPI): General Statistics Office
- Collaborate on developing the National Framework for Climate Services (pending further discussions)
- CCAFS via The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT Regional Office for Asia
- Provide access to the Coffee Industry Board and they want to see our insurance training.
- Participate in index insurance training
- National Institute of Nutrition
- Collaborate on nutrition scoping research
- Vietnam Farmers Union
- Collaborate on developing the National Framework for Climate Services (pending further discussions)
- Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Science
- Collaborate on research activities
- Vietnam Academy for Agricultural Sciences (VAAS)
- Collaborate on developing the National Framework for Climate Services (pending further discussions)
ACToday country teams worked with a variety of partners to incorporate diverse expertise and insights into research, as well as to support planning and decision making at a national level. Such partners include national government agencies, non-governmental organizations, research institutes, and universities. ACToday worked primarily with the NMHSs to support and enhance the climate services they can provide to the entire country. The NMHSs also have a direct influence on the advancement of policy that incorporates climate factors in the agricultural sector.
ACToday country teams partnered with the governmental authorities on all sectors affected by climate challenges, including disaster risk management, health and nutrition, and farming and agriculture. Besides working in conjunction with these varied national ministries and departments, ACToday works with national and international research organizations that can provide the highest level of expertise in these particular areas. These organizations can also use the best practices established in ACToday countries to establish a standard for climate services beyond Senegal, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Colombia, Bangladesh, and Guatemala. The active collaboration with these varied partners allowed the ACToday team to learn as well and bring back new knowledge to IRI. It is especially important that IRI had partners permanently based in each country in order to steadily progress the ACToday agenda. This type of work would not be possible if it was done solely by the ACToday team members, who worked remotely on this project from New York a majority of the time. Working with these partners ensures that the work done through ACToday becomes embedded in the country’s policy and so continues to progress after the project’s end.