PyCPT Exercise


Still Under Construction!

In this exercise, you will first you will run the demo example for West Africa with the xxx model, using CCA MOS.

You will then do the following:

  1. Clone the bitbucket repository and configure PyCPT_s2sv1.9.ipynb for your own choice of region/season.

  2. Repeat using a different SubX model or the ECMWF model.

  3. Try using PCR instead of CCA

  4. Try using a 1-month training season (instead of 3 months)

  5. (Try an MME)


  1. What needs to be modified in order to use a different SubX model? What aspects of the hindcast configuration need to be considered?

  2. How will using a 1-month instead of 3 months impact on the MOS configuration? Hint: consider the length of initial training period lit and its update interval liti