Markov Models Tool Tutorial
GUI Menus
The tool has a main window and six submenus.
1. Main Frame
MainFrame consists of six submenus and one main selection panel. User
can click Browse button to bring up a file browsing dialog
box to choose input file or output file directory.
No. of Stations, No. of Sequences and Length of Sequences
values have to match the input data. User can freely specify No.
of Hidden States. The bigger this number, the slower the program
Click Advanced Options will bring up advanced options
Click Launch will save all the selections on main window
and advanced window to a parameter file, then execute mvnhmm
c++ program to generate output file under Output Directory.
This will also turn on Graphics menu.
Print to Screen will print output to your console.
2. File Menu
Click on Read Selections from will pop up a file browser
and you can load previous preference from a saved file.
Click on Save Selections as will pop up a file browser,
you can save current preference to a file.
Click on Exit will save current selections to a file
($HOME/.hmt) then exit the program.
3. Edit Menu
Click on Sample Station Information will show sample
station information (station number, station longitude and latitude).
Click on Edit Station Information will pop up a window
to let user open a station formation file, change the values as neccessary,
then save to 'stationsInfo.txt' file under user's output directory.
4. Model Menu
Click on HMM will show the main or advanced options
for HMM Model. It is clicked by default.
Click on NHMM will show the main or advanced options
for NHMM Model.
Click on MIXTURE will show the main or advanced options
for MIXTURE Model.
Click on NMIXTURE will show the main or advanced options
for NMIXTURE Model.
5. Action Menu
Click on learn will show the main or advanced options
for learn action type. It is clicked by default.
Click on viterbi will show the main or advanced options
for viterbi action type.
Click on simulation will show the main or advanced options
for simulation action type.
viterbi and simulation use the output
file from learn. You must run learn
first before run those two options.
6. Graphics Menu
Click on Rainfall Probability will bring up rainfall
probability window.
Click on Rainfall Amount will bring up rainfall amount
Click on viterbi output will bring up viterbi graph
7. Save Menu
Click on Rainfall Probability Output will bring up
file chooser dialog to let user type or choose output file name and save
data in tabular format.
Click on Rainfall Amount Output will do the same as
Click on CL Trees Output will save edges
information from 'chow-liu' output to a tabular formatted file.
8. Help Menu
Click on About will display an information box about
this tool.
Click on Tutorial will launch a browser to show this
tutorial. |