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ENSO Update

18 June 2009


The equatorial Pacific has warmed to the borderline of weak El Niño conditions. During the Jun-Aug season there is an approximately 56% probability of at least weak El Niño conditions, and a 43% probability of retaining ENSO-neutral conditions. Probabilities for El Niño rise to near or slightly greater than 60% for the remainder of 2009, with probabilities for ENSO-neutral conditions approximately 35 to 40%.

General Discussion

Between early April and mid-June 2009, the NINO3.4 SST anomaly index has risen from values indicative of weak La Niña conditions through ENSO-neutral values, and is currently at the threshold of weak El Niño territory. Atmospheric conditions are still mainly ENSO-neutral in character, due in part to persistence of some La Niña oceanic and atmospheric features in the western Pacific. However, westerly low-level wind anomalies in this same region, and an above-average sub-surface oceanic heat content across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific, portend likely further development of the oceanic aspects of El Niño. Expected increasing SST anomalies in the central and eastern tropical Pacific will provide increased opportunity for coupling to the atmosphere in the coming several months.
Out of a large set of dynamical and statistical forecast models, about two-thirds indicate El Niño development during the Jun-Jul-Aug or Jul-Aug-Sep seasons. Overall, based on model forecasts and current observations of the ocean surface and subsurface, for the coming Jul-Sep season the probability for El Niño conditions is estimated at 62%, for ENSO-neutral conditions 37%, and for returning to La Niña conditions no more than 1%. Currently, the estimated strength of the likely El Niño event appears weak to moderate.

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