Event: S2S Extremes Workshop

This week, the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), the Extreme Weather & Climate Initiative (Extreme Weather), and the WWRP/WCRP Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project will hold a 2-day workshop at the Columbia University Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory campus in Palisades, New York. Adam Sobel, one of the co-organizers of the event, said that the workshop will bring […]

Q&A: Subseasonal Prediction Project

Andrew Robertson is a senior research scientist at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society, where he also heads the climate group. Much of his research relates to improving climate forecasts with lead times between two weeks to two months, which scientists refer to as the subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) timescale. Decision makers in sectors such […]