Reducing Indonesia's Peatland Fires
Uncontrolled fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, have destroyed vast peatland forest areas, ruined livelihoods, and led to massive releases of smog and greenhouse gases. Our latest audio slideshow tells the story of how IRI and its partners are using science to develop an early-warning system to reduce the risk of these fires occurring. Please visit IRI's fire and land management page to learn more.
About the IRI
The IRI works on the development and implementation of strategies to manage climate related risks and opportunities. Building on a multidisciplinary core of expertise, IRI partners with research institutions and local stakeholders to best understand needs, risks and possibilities. The IRI supports sustainable development by bringing the best science to bear on managing climate risks in sectors such as agriculture, food security, water resources, and health. By providing practical advancements that enable better management of climate related risks and opportunities in the present, we are creating solutions that will increase adaptability to long term climate change.
The IRI was established as a cooperative agreement between NOAA's Climate Program Office and Columbia University. It is part of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, and is located at the Lamont Campus.
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Telephone: 845.680.4476 or 845.680.4468