Hidden Markov Models Tool Tutorial

I. Overview

  1. Introduction
  2. Typical usage of HMMTool

II. GUI Menus

  1. Main Frame
  2. File Menu
  3. Edit Menu
  4. Model Menu
  5. Action Menu
  6. Graphics Menu
  7. Save Menu
  8. Help Menu

III. Quick Start

  1. Start HMMTool
  2. Prepare Data
  3. Specify main options
  4. Specify advanced options
  5. Launch MVN-HMM Tool
  6. Plot Rainfall Probability
  7. Plot Rainfall Amount
  8. Print and Save

IV. Examples

  1. Example 1: hmm, learn, independent, delta-exponential
  2. Example 2: nhmm, learn, independent, delta-exponential
  3. Example 3: hmm, learn, independent, bernoulli
  4. Example 4: hmm, viterbi, independent, delta-exponential
  5. Example 5 : hmm, learn, independent, delta-gamma
  6. Example 6: nhmm, simulation, independent, delta-gamma

V. Touble Shooting