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Archive Number 20020821.5105
Published Date 21-AUG-2002
Subject PRO/AH/EDR> Ross river virus - Australia (Tasmania) (03)

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Mon 19 Aug 2002
From: ProMED-mail <>
Source:, Tue 20 Aug 2002 [edited]

Tasmania: Dramatic Rise in Cases of Ross River Virus Infection
Tasmania is in the grip of a dramatic rise in debilitating Ross River 
virus infection, with a record number of cases this year. There have 
been 118 people infected this year [2002] compared with only 13 last 
year [2001], 8 in 2000, 67 in 1999, 9 in 1998, and the previous record 
of 74 cases in 1996.

The sweep of the disease, particularly on the East Coast and in the 
South-East, has prompted calls for a program to control mosquitoes 
which spread it. The big rise in cases has been blamed on high rainfall 
in Tasmania last spring and summer.

Public Health acting director Avner Misrachi said most Tasmanian 
cases this year were in the Clarence municipality. "When we look at 
this over the years, the majority of cases of Ross River virus occur in 
the South-East, on the East Coast and on Flinders Island," Dr Misrachi 

Symptoms usually lasted for 2 to 4 weeks and in the large majority of 
cases were gone in 3 months. However, in a small minority of cases in 
which patients experienced severe arthritic aches and pains around the 
joints, it could take 18 months for a full recovery. Dr Misrachi said the 
illness resolves itself completely."It doesn't have permanent 
consequences," he said.

The Sorell Council wants a statewide program developed to control 
mosquitoes. For residents of Sorell municipality 19 cases were 
reported, with another 18 among people who had travelled to the 
municipality within 2 weeks of the onset of symptoms. The council 
plans to approach Dr Misrachi, the Parks and Wildlife Service, 
Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, the Local 
Government Association of Tasmania, and all Tasmanian councils 
seeking support to develop a plan to reduce the risk of contracting the 

A research project this year by a medical entomology team from New 
South Wales' Westmead Hospital on mosquitoes caught by Sorell 
Council officers has found a major breeding area for mosquitoes 
capable of transmitting the virus at Saltmarsh on the Primrose Sands 
side of Carlton River. Trapping at 8 sites in the municipality found 
several mosquito species considered important carriers of the disease, 
but the southern saltmarsh mosquito (_Ochlerotatus camptorhynchus_) 
was [the] most abundant. The Westmead team said Ross River virus 
was shown to be active "and was observed at rates comparable to 
levels seen during epidemics, suggesting significant public health risks 
to the community". 

Sorell senior environmental officer Greg Robertson said the council 
now had enough information to start targeted control of mosquitoes, 
subject to support from the State Government and the community. 
Robertson said control method options could include using larvicides 
or insect growth regulators which targeted mosquito larvae. Another 
option was habitat modification, making shallow channels to improve  
drainage,which had been successful in Queensland and Western 

[Byline: Charles Waterhouse]


[see also:
Ross River Virus - Australia (Tasmania)        20020410.3927
Ross River virus - Australia (Tasmania) (02) 20020427.4042
Ross River virus - Australia      20010116.0127
Ross River virus - Australia (North. Territory) (03) 20010225.0367
Ross River virus - Australia (Northern Territory)      20010108.0062
Ross River virus - Australia (South)      20010320.0560
Ross River/Barmah virus - Australia (SW): alert      20000123.0115
Ross River virus - Australia (South Australia): ALERT      
Ross River virus - Australia (Tasmania)      19990311.0371
Ross River virus - Australia (Tasmania) (02) 19991222.2198
Ross River virus - Australia (New South Wales)      19980109.0067
Ross River virus - Australia (New South Wales) (02) 19980112.0087
Ross River virus infection - Australia      19981231.2472
Ross River, Barmah Forest viruses - Australia      19970604.1162
Ross River fever - Australia (03) 19970605.1172
Ross River fever - Australia (Sydney)      19970602.1126
Ross River virus, military exercises: Australia      19970728.1587
Ross River virus outbreak - Australia      19960223.0343
Ross River virus outbreak - Australia (2) 19960305.0417]
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