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Archive Number 20020908.5259
Published Date 08-SEP-2002
Subject PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF updates (35): 8 Sep 2002

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

In these updates:
[1] Bangladesh
[2] Costa Rica
[3] Mexico

Date: Mon 2 Sep 2002 12:41:46 +0100
From: "Banks, A-Lan" <>
Source: The Daily Star (Bangladesh) 2 Sep 2002 [edited]

Two people have died of dengue -- one in the city and the other in Sherpur 
-- while 81 others have been admitted to hospital in the city and elsewhere 
in the country in the last 2 days.

One of the victims, 12 years old, died of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in 
a private clinic in the city at 8:30pm Saturday, doctors at the clinic 
said. The victim in Sherpur district, 15 years old, died of DHF due to 
profuse bleeding at 12 noon Saturday.

Of the 81 newly hospitalised dengue patients, 18 were admitted to Dhaka 
Medical College Hospital, 6 to Mitford Hospital, and 13 to Holy Family Red 
Crescent Hospital. Another 14 dengue patients were hospitalised in BIRDEM 
and Government Employee's Hospital in the city, as well as in hospitals in 
Barisal and Chittagong; 30 people with DHF, some of them in critical 
condition, were admitted to different private clinics in the city.

So far, the number of deaths from dengue this year is 41, while 3747 dengue 
patients have been hospitalised, according to official report.

A-Lan Banks

Date: Tue 3 Sep 2002 00:25:10 -0700
From: "Pablo Nart" <>
Source: AP via Yahoo noticias, 27 Aug 2002 [in Spanish, summarized by Mod.JW]

Costa Rica: reappearance of dengue type 1
The Department of Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health 
reports that so far this year [2002] there have been about 4435 cases of 
dengue, including 11 cases of DHF.

According to studies by the Costa Rican Institute of Research & Training in 
Nutrition & Health (INCIENSA), Costa Ricans are now exposed to 2 serotypes 
of dengue. Type 1 has been absent from the country since the year 2000, but 
has reappeared.

Minister of Health Maria del Rocio Saenz explained that when a person has 
been infected by one serotype of dengue, they remain immune for life; but 
if such a person catches a different strain, then the chances of suffering 
from DHF are increased.

Pablo Nart

[The reports that follow were contributed during the week by Pablo Nart 
<> from Spanish language sources, and have been translated 
and summarized by Mod.JW]

Chiapas state
Source: Europa Press 3 Sep 2002

The Health Secretary reported that from January 2002 to date, 179 cases of 
dengue have been reported in the state, including 41 of DHF, with no 
deaths. He announced that mobile brifades will be on the lookout for cases 
of dengue and West Nile virus (WNV) infection, and will combat both _Aedes 
aegypti_ and _Culex_ mosquitoes, the latter being the vector of WNV.

Yucatan state
Source: La Reforma (Mexico) 2 Sep 2002

During 2002, to date, 358 people have contracted dengue in Merida, 
including 78 with DHF, with no deaths; 100 of these in the last 5 days. 
Cases have been seen in 37 of the state´s 106 townships. Last year [2001] 
400 cases were reported, including 2 deaths in children.

Jalisco state
Source: as above

13 more people (5 male and 8 female) have contracted dengue in Zapopan 
township, bringing the total for Jalisco state for 2002 to 82, including 5 
cases of DHF. These were 13/60 specimens tested, with 325 more specimens 
awaiting testing.

Veracruz state
Source: Yahoo noticias 2 Sep 2002

The state secretary of health announced that as of 31 Aug 2002 660 cases of 
dengue and 47 of DHF have been reported, of which 11 were [laboratory] 
confirmed, 4 of those being fatal.

Pablo Nart

[see also:
Dengue/DHF updates (34): 1 Sep 2002          20020901.5209
Dengue/DHF updates (01): 14 Jan 2002         20020115.3265
Dengue/DHF - Mexico                          20010904.2113
Dengue/DHF - Mexico (Yucatan)                20010903.2105
Dengue/DHF - Bangladesh                      20010510.0905
Dengue/DHF - Central America (03): alert     20000914.1577
Dengue/DHF - Bangladesh (05)                 20000904.1511
Dengue/DHF - Central America (02)            20000824.1410
Dengue/DHF - Central America                 20000811.1336
Dengue - Bangladesh: background              20000204.0167
Dengue - Bangladesh (Dhaka): RFI             20000129.0143
Dengue/DHF - Mexico & USA                    19991024.1919
Dengue/DHF - Mexico (Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas) 19991022.1896
Dengue - USA (Texas), Mexico (Coahuila) (05) 19990928.1736
Dengue/DHF - Costa Rica (05)                 19990915.1650
Dengue - USA (Texas), Mexico (Coahuila)      19990818.1427
Dengue/DHF - Costa Rica; alert               19990708.1135]


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