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Archive Number 20020603.4389
Published Date 03-JUN-2002
Subject PRO/AH/EDR> West Nile virus surveillance - Canada (Ontario)

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: 3 Jun 2002
From: ProMED-mail <>
Source: National Post, Fri 31 May 2002 [edited]

West Nile Virus Infected Crow Found in Mississauga, Ontario
Preliminary tests indicate West Nile virus was present in a dead crow 
found in Mississauga on 19 May 2002. Last year was the first that the 
virus was found in Canada. In 2001, 128 birds in southern Ontario 
were found and confirmed to have been carrying the virus. The first of 
those dead birds turned up on 8 Aug 2001, more than 2-1/2 months 
later than this year's first reported case.

A number of [states] in the United States have also confirmed cases of 
West Nile virus in recent weeks, earlier than usual for all but the most 
temperate regions. Experts are not yet sure what is behind the apparent 
change, but it is cause for concern. "It may indicate that we're seeing a 
higher level of virus activity, in the spring. How that translates into the 
rest of the season remains to be seen," said Dr. Howard Shapiro, 
Associate Medical Officer of Health for the Region of Peel, which 
includes Mississauga where the dead crow was found.  

Dr. Harvey Artsob, Chief of Zoonotic Diseases for Health Canada, said: 
"Of more concern to us, up in Ontario, is that they have found a 
number of confirmed cases in areas close to us. Places such as 
Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey." He said 
there had been cases found this early in the past in and around New 
York City, the area where the West Nile virus made headlines when 7 
people who were infected died in 1999.

Dr. Anthony Marfin, with the Division of Vector-borne Infectious 
Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort 
Collins, Colorado, said areas that have seen increased surveillance for 
West Nile virus tend to have more cases turn up earlier in the second 
year that a particular region is affected. He speculates the lack of a 
harsh winter in the north may mean more potential [mosquito] carriers.

In the wake of the news of the dead crow found in Mississauga, the 
Region of Peel issued its standard warning and set of instructions for 
the public, such as avoiding areas with high mosquito populations, 
using mosquito repellent, making sure there is no standing water on 
their property allowing mosquitoes to breed.

[Byline: Dan Rowe]


[see also:
West Nile virus, predicted spread in 2002 - USA      20020109.3206
West Nile virus update 2002 - USA (01) 20020506.4109
West Nile virus update 2002 - USA (04) 20020526.4329
West Nile virus, birds - Canada (Ontario)      20010830.2054
West Nile virus, birds - Canada (Ontario) (10) 20011110.2781
West Nile virus surveillance 2001 - Canada      20010518.0972
West Nile virus surveillance - USA      20010129.0207
West Nile virus surveillance 2001 - USA (34) 20011130.2914
West Nile virus surveillance 2001: New World update      
West Nile virus surveillance - USA 2000 final report      20010423.0792]
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