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Archive Number 20020313.3732
Published Date 13-MAR-2002
Subject PRO/EDR> Melioidosis - Australia (Queensland)

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

[see also:
Melioidosis, human - Singapore 1998 (02)    19990330.0512
Melioidosis, human - Singapore 1998         19990330.0507
Melioidosis - UK ex Indian subcontinent     19980905.1780
Melioidosis, fatal - Western Australia (02) 19980109.0061
Melioidosis, fatal - Western Australia      19980109.0060]

Date: 13 Mar 2002  12:04 PM
From: ProMED-mail <>
Source:  The Age [edited]

Outbreak of tropical soil disease
An outbreak of the tropical disease melioidosis in north Queensland has 
killed 2 people, the Tropical Public Health Unit said today. Public health 
medical officer Susan Hills said a man from the Gulf region and another 
from Townsville died in February from the disease, found in soil.

There have been 12 cases of melioidosis so far this year in the Queensland 
tropics, with half occurring in the Gulf and the rest in the Torres Strait, 
Cape York and Townsville. "We've had heavy rains recently in the Townsville 
area and earlier in the year in the Gulf area of north west Queensland," Dr 
Hills told ABC radio. "And subsequent to the rains we have seen an increase 
in cases of (the disease) during the wet season, with 12 cases reported 
this year."

Dr Hills said the germ lived in soil but was brought to the surface during 
heavy rains and could be found in mud and pools of water. "People exposed 
through contact with skin abrasions or wounds to the germ in the soil or 
water could then get sick," she said. Healthy people were at low risk of 
contracting melioidosis, although people with diabetes, kidney or lung 
disease, or immune system problems were susceptible. Both men who died had 
underlying conditions.

There were only 8 cases of the disease in Queensland last year, although 38 
cases were recorded during 2000, Dr Hills said.

Melioidosis is a tropical disease found in the northern areas of 
Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Also known as 
Whitmore disease, melioidosis involves a lung infection which can spread 
through the blood to the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and joints.

[Byline: Jordan Baker]


[The etiologic agent of melioidosis is _Burkholderia pseudomallei_.  This
bacterium is considered a Category B agent of potential use in bio-warfare
according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). -
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