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IRICIS - Climate Impacts JUNE 1998 (DRAFT)


  • Despite a weakening of El Niño conditions the landings of pelagic species (primarily anchovy) remained at extremely low levels in both Peru and Northern Chile. As of July 12, 1998 the cumulative catch was 1,520,185 metric tons, only 28% of the 1997 catch for the same period.


  • The Corn Belt in Mexico continued to be influenced by dry conditions with rainfall amounts 75% to 90% of average.
  • Cotton harvest in Argentina slowed by heavy rains
  • Continued dry conditions in central Russia and portion of the Ukraine to central hindered crop development


  • Maximum temperatures from 30°C to 40°C in the southern Urals and in Kazakstan associated with extremely dry soils and extreme forest/brush fire threat
  • Yangtze River floods in heavy showers
  • Tropical cyclone effects northwestern India
  • Extreme dryness from Mexico through the Southern United States associated with forest and brush fires.

Material for this portion of the IRI Climate Information Digest has been extracted from the IRI Climate Data Library -, the Climate Prediction Center, NCEP NOAA - and the USDA/NOAA Joint Agricultural Weather Facility and the South American Fishmeal Association.